Technical awesomeness
18First of all, I am loving the randomly-generated writeup. Every time you refresh it changes the text.
Secondly, whoever got to have fun with the HTML5 effects today, well done. I'm sure a bunch of people will hate you for it, but I thought it was a nice touch AND should beat any autoclicking bots.
Anything else I'm missing about today's epic geekery?
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How many variations are there? Just saw a blur in and out, and earlier saw the waving and warping.
@duodec I can't tell how many different warps there are, but there are 14 different random variations to the writeup according to the source code.
@Collin1000 Sweet, thanks.
I'd love to try to see them all, but the last refresh locked Chrome up for a few minutes and I missed most of it. I'll have to wait until tomorrow when I can close out some stuff and not have so much running.
@PurplePawprints It eventually froze my entire computer. I had to do the power button hard shutdown. Grrr...
@cinoclav I was worried that would happen, too. And, there was no way to make it stop. Nothing I clicked, no keys pressed, would stop it. I actually might not try it again tomorrow, after all.
@PurplePawprints At least it happened after I got my order in. Now I'm trying to see if I can crash my work computer too! I'm definitely do for an upgrade at home, I just dread the idea of setting up a new pc and transferring all my stuff.
@cinoclav My laptop is less than a year old, so I had to do that whole changeover thing last year. It sucked, so I completely understand why you're putting it off.
@cinoclav That happened to me, too! AFTER I completed purchase. It was weird.
@Charcoalwolfman Well, congrats to us all for getting them before the crashes!
@cinoclav If you're using Windows, Microsoft has a great tool for migrating stuff: Windows Easy Transfer. Used it a lot for a Win 7 migration.
@dashcloud I've used it before too. It's not the data I'm worried about, most of that is backed up to external drives. It's all the software...
@cinoclav Easy Transfer will generate a list of your software, and SIW can get your keys for you (among many other items).
@dashcloud Like I said, I've used it. I know it's limitations. I have a lot of software from sites like giveawayoftheday that I can't reinstall as it had to be registered the day it was offered. Installing a new copy of Windows on a new drive and making my current drive a slave will save some of them but not all.
I'm loving it and I'm strangely addicted. Am I being hypnotized? "Yes I Master Irk...I promise to stop visiting Woot." Now make it stop! Please!!!
Drunk simulator. You made a fucking drunk simulator... I'm glad I don't get motion sickness, otherwise I'd have to use a Fukobukuro bag as a vomit bag.
This one was interesting...

It is winking at me. I am getting nervous.
I posted my screenshots in the main forum but here they are again:

It's hard to tell but this one is a different effect. It makes 3 different effects that I can find so far.

It doesn't sway but each column moves up and down and left and right.
Seriously, this was fun and went perfectly.

Well done, @Shawn and team. Well done.
By far the most disorientating of them all:

Runner up:

OMG, I found another one. It's very rare.

Even the Youtube section is backwards when you hover your mouse over it.
Take a look at this:
Someone has a lot of time on their hands @shawn
The write up, in case you didn't get to read it.
Shopkeepers offering a grab-bag of goodies to celebrate the new year dates back to the late Meiji period, which sounds like a super long time ago. And you know us: we don't thrill easy.Just remember: like the fukubukuro, the fukobukuro may be a "lucky bag", but not all luck is good.
And even if your bag does contain something technically valuable, it'll probably be a huge pain in the ass. We cannot, however, vouch for his credentials as a doctor. Dogs love like they've never been hurt. Whatever happens next is not our fault.
If you're not cheap, crafty, busy, savvy, and lazy, are you sure you're in the right place?
But today is one of the specialest occasions in Meh's short, apathetic life. It's a battlefield. It's a dystopia. It's hostile territory. OK, we've done our share to educate consumers today. When's lunch? For an other another, most of the stuff won't be all that good, putting it more in line with the burgeoning counter-tradition of the unlucky bag.
Just remember who was here first, freshmeat, or we'll cut you. Al Capone was right. Are you aware that the United States is a distant second, at best, in global #fukobukuro production? Frenzied fans invariably crash the servers- er, counters for their bags, or at least they did before shops started taking reservations to deal with the crowds.
Then it'll be the people of the future's problem. Because otherwise we might die!
How will you know what happened? He left the team in 2003 to devote more time to his collection of replica muskets. And it will stay in your mind for years. Tragically wasting your life is what your job is for.
Or you're trying to be a good hip citizen and ride your bike to the office, but your greasy chain pops off. That'll teach you suckers to trust us with your mailing address!
@RedHot *one potential version of the write-up... some sentences are randomized. This particular version is missing the sentence about marathoning Babylon 5.
@katylava Haha it was the first legible write up I've seen this morning so I grabbed it :-)
@katylava Yes I am loving the random writeup. There are at least 14 different randomizations according to the source. Epic.
Shopkeepers offering a grab-bag of goodies to celebrate the new year dates back to the late Meiji period, which sounds like a super long time ago. And you know us: we don't thrill easy. Just remember: like the fukubukuro, the fukobukuro may be a "lucky bag", but not all luck is good.
And even if your bag does contain something technically valuable, it'll probably be a huge pain in the ass. What fools we were. What's the difference between "a hobby" and "a problem"? Whatever happens next is not our fault.
First, let's check for low-hanging fruit.
But today is one of the specialest occasions in Meh's short, apathetic life. One chip and your fingertips are stained orange for days. Oyster crackers! Who panic-buys oyster crackers? For an other another, most of the stuff won't be all that good, putting it more in line with the burgeoning counter-tradition of the unlucky bag.
You'd just as soon microwave all your meals at 7-11 anyway. If you have to stab something, or someone, even once, your life has probably gone very, very wrong. Are you aware that the United States is a distant second, at best, in global #fukobukuro production? Because it's tragic to waste the few measly decades you have on this Earth afraid to love anything unless the cool kids say it's OK.
It's the best-kept secret in Hollywood. Because otherwise we might die!
How will you know what happened? A Florida man is severely injured when he gets an alligator high on bath salts in the lavatory of a Ruby Tuesday. Spank it! Hear it cry! And to prove it, here's a lame deal that won't make us any money.
Maybe we just can't let ourselves be happy. That'll teach you suckers to trust us with your mailing address!
I got a new one. Upside down and reverse.

I just got one that got crazy blurry, then back to normal. Felt like I was going cross-eyed.
@ACraigL Ooh, haven't gotten that one yet. Back to the main page!
Thanks for locking-up my Firefox, Meh.
@MehbeMehbeNot The 20th Century thanks you for using its browser. ;-) I joke. Sort of. I use FF for somethings. And at least it's better than IE.
@joelmw Aw come on, it's not that it? This is really the only time I've had an issue; and I don't know that I'd even blame FF. What's your go-to flavor?
@MehbeMehbeNot Chrome.
@joelmw I was expecting at least Opera!
@MehbeMehbeNot :-D I used to use Opera, back in the day (hell, I think I even gave 'em some money), when they were the only ones with the multi-tab interface. Alas, like FF, they seem to have fallen behind and feel just a little clunky to me now. Sigh, I admit, I used to think they'd be the next big thing. I guess they sorta were for a while--and I definitely think they helped push the others forward.
FWIW, in addition to FF, I do use IE a little (only as needed, for Activex mostly). And of course I use Safari on my iOS devices (though I do have a few other browsers, including Chrome, installed).
@MehbeMehbeNot Actually, on the IE, I mostly use a Chrome plugin (that's still using IE within a little window basically): that's how much I hate IE.
@joelmw Hey now, Firefox was not around in the 20th century!
@jqubed Ha. Good point. Seems like decades ago. I might still argue that it's 20th century technology, but I wasn't being that smart when I snarked.
@joelmw Poor IE just getting used. I'm sure they'll still take it and run with it :P
@MehbeMehbeNot She likes it when I tie her up like that.
Shopkeepers offering a grab-bag of goodies to celebrate the new year dates back to the late Meiji period, which sounds like a super long time ago. We're working on adding that functionality to our site. Just remember: like the fukubukuro, the fukobukuro may be a "lucky bag", but not all luck is good.
And even if your bag does contain something technically valuable, it'll probably be a huge pain in the ass. As they freely admit, they don't really get it. Maybe we just can't let ourselves be happy. Whatever happens next is not our fault.
Gaze into our liquid crystal ball...
But today is one of the specialest occasions in Meh's short, apathetic life. If we insist on shoving our sales links all up in your Twitter grill, the least we could do is midwife some awesomeness into the world. One chip and your fingertips are stained orange for days. For an other another, most of the stuff won't be all that good, putting it more in line with the burgeoning counter-tradition of the unlucky bag.
We love it when people buy stuff from us. It's a battlefield. It's a dystopia. It's hostile territory. Are you aware that the United States is a distant second, at best, in global #fukobukuro production? Go on. Do it. See?
You'd just as soon microwave all your meals at 7-11 anyway. Because otherwise we might die!
How will you know what happened? It's the best-kept secret in Hollywood. Spank it! Hear it cry! Settle in with an oil drum full of chili for that 62-hour Babylon 5 marathon.
It's probably the coolest thing about this little virtual lost-and-found bin of ours. That'll teach you suckers to trust us with your mailing address!
@Katylava I found it :-)
Warning: it's not that simple
The randomized writeup is interesting but the page froze up my iPad in the middle of submitting my order between 12:00 and 12:01 AM right after clicking the I am not a bot button in the order box, and my order never went through. Kind of disappointing as I could not get it unfrozen, had to switch to another computer (a Surface laptop and by the time I got it booted up and over to Meh to try and check if the order went through, and then resubmit another order when I found out I didn't actually have an order submitted.... well by then of course it was sold out.
@donnameh Just tried the home page again on my HP desktop running Windows 7 via my Firefox browser and it completely froze up on the home page again. Tears hair out in little clumps and scatters it across the desk... It's your fault I'm starting to go bald Meh, maybe Meh should nominate itself for the next month's scapegoat. /end pissysarcastictone whew OK, glad I got that off my chest.
@donnameh Same thing happened to me but on my phone. By the time I switched to a PC it was, needless to say, sold out. Happened at about 12:01
omg no no no no no no no nononononononono NO
I want to say all of the variations kicked ass. Best on the web today I thought. I'm glad I wasn't hungover though.
Here's the link to pastebin containing today's source code - you can look through it for all the possible sentence variations.
Because, posterity.
Spank it! Hear it cry!