@unksol He was probably taking it to the machine to wrap it prior to loading. The other six identical pallets visible in the frame don’t appear to be wrapped either. In any case, dude should have known he was going too fast and turning too sharp for the speed, especially with a load like that.
@blaineg I have watched this several times over several days and today just realized that he goes off the tail of the truck. I wondered WTH was going on but the color of the lift-gate was lost in the background on my monitor due to the angle of view…
@Kidsandliz@narfcake And I’ll make a bold guess that Bubba was the one who installed the dance pole for her. I’m also guessing the purple pillow that enters the scene from above was how he mounted the pole to the ceiling.
@narfcake that’s so painful to watch! People just need to take it easy. There’s certifications for these things, aren’t there? Back when I worked in a lumber mill for a few summers, they let me drive the small forklift (it was adorable, btw, especially when parked next to the Mama), but not the big ones. Still, nobody really trained me on it…
@narfcake@UncleVinny yes you should have a forklift operators license if you are driving one.
Believe it or not, many years ago, your mistress had her forklift operators license
@narfcake@therealjrn I think the fail was cast in stone as soon as she transferred her weight to the door handle. This appears to be one of the new smart ovens. The oven flipping over was merely the oven protecting its hinge from being ripped off. As an additional service, the oven ejected the user so that she would remain outside of the radius of the oven’s descent and covered her with the back panel so that she couldn’t do anything else self-injurious. Well done, oven!
@narfcake I’m not athletic enough to make a fool of myself in that specific way. I have plenty of others though. “Hold my beer” sounds more in the appropriate range.
Someone hates their life right now!
The real world is physics.
Yes. Yes we will.
Especially the Newton stuff.
@craigthom #1 ftw
Gravity is not just a good idea, it’s the law.
So he expected a plastic wrapped pallet like it should have been. And it wasn’t.
@unksol He was probably taking it to the machine to wrap it prior to loading. The other six identical pallets visible in the frame don’t appear to be wrapped either. In any case, dude should have known he was going too fast and turning too sharp for the speed, especially with a load like that.
@Aspirant_Fool @unksol
/youtube inertia got in the way, oh the momentum
1N3R714 G07 1N 7H3 W4Y, 0H 7H3 M0M3N7UM
/image inertia momentum

of course? duh?
Same guy, or his brother?
@blaineg Ouch, I think more than his dignity was hurt by that.
@blaineg oof. That hurts to watch.
@blaineg I shouldn’t be laughing because of real possibility of serious injury but that was funny as fuck to watch. Why didn’t he let go??
@blaineg @PooltoyWolf happens faster IRL. giphy makes it look slow
Wow, he really stuck the landing there.
I can save it!
@blaineg Also very possible lol
@blaineg I have watched this several times over several days and today just realized that he goes off the tail of the truck. I wondered WTH was going on but the color of the lift-gate was lost in the background on my monitor due to the angle of view…
/giphy forklift

@mehcuda67 Not what I was going for, but it’s a keeper.
/giphy forklift

@mehcuda67 And that’s why concrete filled guard posts are a good idea to install next to the main rack supports.
/giphy forklift

@mehcuda67 @narfcake omg that is awesome
Above are likely examples where Darwinism didn’t work in time…

/giphy Darwin failed
/giphy Darwin forklift

@narfcake Bath!
@Kidsandliz @narfcake And I’ll make a bold guess that Bubba was the one who installed the dance pole for her. I’m also guessing the purple pillow that enters the scene from above was how he mounted the pole to the ceiling.
@mehcuda67 Yep.
Good thing there was a solid wood coffee table to break the fall …
looks like it may be the European branch of the meh warehouse… “urk” export…
@narfcake that’s so painful to watch! People just need to take it easy. There’s certifications for these things, aren’t there? Back when I worked in a lumber mill for a few summers, they let me drive the small forklift (it was adorable, btw, especially when parked next to the Mama), but not the big ones. Still, nobody really trained me on it…
@narfcake @UncleVinny yes you should have a forklift operators license if you are driving one.
Believe it or not, many years ago, your mistress had her forklift operators license
@Kidsandliz @narfcake She really hates that poor table.
@Kidsandliz @mehcuda67 @narfcake Structural pillow.

/giphy structural pillow
/giphy planking fail

I highly suspect this (and worse) is what some of my renters do every night in their kitchens.
This is also a demonstration of how not to install the anti-tip bracket for your range.
@tinamarie1974 I worked for PetSmart where we had a forklift so I also had my operators license!
@therealjrn I don’t think an anti-tip bracket was installed at all.
@narfcake I meant to say “how to not install the anti-tip bracket” not “how not to install the anti-tip bracket”
Thank you for your pedantic service, Narf.
@narfcake @therealjrn I think the fail was cast in stone as soon as she transferred her weight to the door handle. This appears to be one of the new smart ovens. The oven flipping over was merely the oven protecting its hinge from being ripped off. As an additional service, the oven ejected the user so that she would remain outside of the radius of the oven’s descent and covered her with the back panel so that she couldn’t do anything else self-injurious. Well done, oven!
@blaineg @narfcake I am so impressed with that little kid! What happens to our brains when we get older?
@mehcuda67 @narfcake @therealjrn
Stupidity should hurt, and then keep on hurting. Well done, oven!
@blaineg @mehcuda67 @narfcake most of us hit our heads going over that gate I assume
@blaineg @mehcuda67 @narfcake @therealjrn I always wondered why on Earth I would ever possibly need that anti-tip bracket
@unksol Well now you know. It’s so you can safely plank across the kitchen.
/giphy planking fail

@narfcake oh, ouch! That gif causes me physical discomfort!
@djslack Yeah, though it probably started with “hold my beer” …
@djslack @narfcake Manicure fail.

/giphy manicure fail
@narfcake I’m not athletic enough to make a fool of myself in that specific way. I have plenty of others though. “Hold my beer” sounds more in the appropriate range.

/giphy hold my beer fail
@narfcake @unksol That looks more like testosterone than physics.
@blaineg Blame the scapegoat.

/giphy fail
@nolrak this is your fault.
/giphy forklift beer catch

When you pay attention in both Physics and PE.
@mehcuda67 because… BEER!
/giphy bravo

@mehcuda67 That looks like experience.
@mehcuda67 Kind of thinking that was an empty keg considering it didn’t yank him out of his seat. But either way it’s impressive.
@cinoclav @mehcuda67 I was wondering why that didn’t rip his arm out of the socket
PoP sOcKeTs
@mediocrebot Oh, mediocrebot!
Either you use teh physics or teh physics uses you, as these examples show.
@DennisG2014 yep… some people’s role in life is to be a bad example…
@chienfou @DennisG2014
@blaineg @chienfou @DennisG2014 well sheet. I guess at least now I know. sigh
@blaineg @DennisG2014 @unksol yep… that’s your special purpose…
@blaineg @chienfou @DennisG2014 somebody has to take one for the team
@blaineg @DennisG2014 @unksol
@blaineg @chienfou @DennisG2014 where are you sticking that thumb
@unksol sort of a “thumbs up/up yours” mash-up…
I just love the brother’s reaction at the end of that clip.