I feel your pain. My Fitbit Inspire 3 has been a total PITA about time zone changes lately. It’s currently still 2 hours ahead even though we came back from the Caribbean 4 days ago. I’ve tried everything to reset it with no luck.
@raptorgorawr You had me worried, but I got you. The IRKs were over on SideDeal so your order would be in the SideDeal order history, not here. haunted-queenly-tiramisu
It hasn’t shipped yet (I don’t think any have shipped yet due to some trouble with bags) but you are all set.
New year, new debt to add
. First irk of c25… Has to be magical right?
Thanks meh!
Thank you @extramedium

@mbersiam You got the year right, that’s the hard part.
@sammydog01 OH My Goodness… I can’t believe I woke up to this and it has just made my rough morning so much lighter with this laugh at my blunder
Here’s proof it’s today and not 11 months in the future!

@mbersiam It’s OK, I was happier in December than now and would like a do-over.
Thanks, Meh and @ExtraMedium!

My new year’s resolution is to get a decent irk. Oh wait I have no control over that.
Thanks @extramedium
Been down and out and grumpy w a cold.
Almost better now. But still grumpy
For some reason my watch was showing the 16th this am
Just force re-started it and it finally got to the 17th. But it now wants to sit in the charger a while.
Oh well
/giphy “watch bad”

I feel your pain. My Fitbit Inspire 3 has been a total PITA about time zone changes lately. It’s currently still 2 hours ahead even though we came back from the Caribbean 4 days ago. I’ve tried everything to reset it with no luck.
Meh. Happy New Year
I think we need a new rule for 2025. I was gonna email customer support and suggest this but I never got around to it.
I think if a mehathon falls on your birthday you should get a FREE IRK.
If we were an f2f community that might work.
But a blanket offer like that will bring out the scammers and the doctored birth certificates and drivers licenses.
This being the internet in 2025 and all.
Well my irk better be worth it bc today really is my birthday
@Star2236 Happy birthday!
@Star2236 Happy Happy Birthday!
@f00l @Star2236 missed mine by just 2 days, lol… it’s the 15th!
Thanks for the irk!
Those are supposed to be drops
And oh, crap - I got the year wrong!

@Kyeh Are you sure you weren’t in a time machine for a moment?
Welcome 2025!
Thanks again, meh!
Sorry the picture is crappy - it was taken in a public bathroom so I could get it in on time. Thanks meh!
Is it even a marathon if I’m not almost late turning this in? Thank you so much for everything including the fish.
@Nakome Lipstick
@Kyeh @Nakome she visiting her kid I had to remind her she forgot to send in the pic
@gr8mick1 @Nakome No pens available there?
Aw shoot, missed it!
@brainmist same
@metaphore still technically the 17th… Oh well
sad trombone
@brainmist @metaphore
Hope this works. @metaphore post your pic NOW
@brainmist @f00l

I didn’t forget you guys. IRKs away! Let me know if you didn’t get a SideDeal order notice.
Sorry, @brainmist and @metaphore. There will be more '-athons. You’ll have to wait to have your regrets next time.
@ExtraMedium Yay! Thanks for my

Not sure how this image came from that phrase … but maybe it’s a sign of what my Irk will be like?
@ExtraMedium no worries, I figured as much. Just came believe I missed it!
@ExtraMedium I am not seeing an order email, can you check and see if an order went through for me? Pretty please.
@raptorgorawr You had me worried, but I got you. The IRKs were over on SideDeal so your order would be in the SideDeal order history, not here. haunted-queenly-tiramisu
It hasn’t shipped yet (I don’t think any have shipped yet due to some trouble with bags) but you are all set.