Swapping your VMP account?
1Hey guys. Been a VMP member since right before the VMP service ended. I thought I would use it more than I do. I only order one product every couple of months… So it’s not really worth it for me to keep. But i know it’s heavily sought after… Anyone want to take over my VMP account before I cancel it?
I don’t want to “Sell” it persay, but rather trade it to someone who is going to use it more than I have.
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/giphy a trap!?
Try @unixrab, he might want it.
@djslack stop
DAMMIT Damian… you’ve seen the light and now you want to damn some other lemming to the same fate that you’ve just escaped!?! you should just hand out used heroin needles and poison ivy while eating Mentos™ and Diet Coke® !!! WISE UP!
@unixrab got any of those heroin needles that are from the “new” pile, old man?
@v The new ones are in the poison ivy … look closely… you may need to move some leaves
How is that done?
@ragingredd have you heard of that show “wife swapping”? well i think its exactly like that. well, that is, until it’s not. (see what I did?)
Well, back in 2014 I bought a queen size memory foam mattress from Meh. I figured it was probably a good idea to give them $5 a month instead of paying $50 to ship a heavy ass box from Texas to the Midwest. Now that VMP has ended, I feel like I can’t cancel it so I’ll probably have it to the day they force me to stop giving them money.
@NMA we bought three of those for the kids, and they are still surprisingly working well! … The mattresses, not the kids. That’s a different post in a different forum.
@NMA but… The memory foam mattresses shipped for $5 like everything else.
Still a good idea if you buy often.
@v Suggestion for the kids: according to Mark Twain jut put them in a pickle barrel and feed them through the knot hole. If they are 16+ then seal up the knot hole. I made the grave error of letting mine out at the age of majority. Don’t repeat my mistake. Keep them sealed in there until they are self supporting.
@NMA a mind is a terrible thing to waste
@Kidsandliz Truth!
im very interested
When you say “trade it” what are you looking for in return?
I do me me me
Lost mine when lost discover card and didn’t update payment with new card info
/giphy pick me
@Catdad You’re willing to trade your ‘K’ account for a VMP account? Is nothing sacred?!
@Catdad Since you didn’t quit on your own, contact CS if it can be reinstated.
@narfcake I did… They said there was nothing they could do…
/giphy lies
Even offered a bribe. Havnt purchased anything since
@narfcake @catdad
I have one but do not know how to go about transferring it! Who ever walks me through it can have it
@ragingredd Easy peasy:
Give new owner your password
New owner logs into their new account, becomes ragingredd, changes contact, shipping and billing information to their name, address and credit card
You create a new username, then pray the new owner is honest, and doesn’t screw with you by ordering 200 boxes of candy corn on your credit card.
Hope the good folks at meh don’t take offense to account swapping
@ruouttaurmind Well they technically have not outlawed it…besides if they did take offense they could send you 200 boxes of candy corn. Postage due. In a box labeled big screen TV or something.
Better idea @ragingredd put an expired credit card or fake one in your account before you give it away
Then the person, after making the swap, could, perhaps change their user name from there? Maybe? Then you could get back your user name in your new account.
@ragingredd you all have no shame - let. it. die.
@unixrab You’re just still pissed that Meh wouldn’t give you free VMP that one Christmas that literally every other person got or could get.
@Kidsandliz I would suggest changing your username, creating a new account with the username you had before… Then giving your account away
@dashcloud negative Ghostrider… that was AWESOME — a proud moment that these VMP-drug pushers knew i couldn’t be corrupted.
@unixrab indicated:
If you say so.
@f00l “so”
There. I said it.