Sunday Night? Hide the Games, We Can't Risk Another GAME NIGHT 9:30 EST
3It’s too late, Game Night has already broken loose.
How to Play Using Your Computer:
-Open a new browser window or open your phone browser. (Keep this thread open in a different one.)
-Go to in the new window or on your phone.
-Type in the 4-letter code from the stream when it is on screen.
-Choose a name (preferably your own.)
-Let the games… begin.
How to Play Using Just A Phone (Depending on Your Browser):
-Keep this thread open in one tab so you can hear the stream despite playing on a different tab.
-Go to in a new tab.
-Type in the 4-letter code from the stream when it is on screen.
-Choose a name (preferably your own.)
- 8 comments, 11 replies
- Comment
I’ll be there again!
I’ll try to be there.
Pruning and adding new prompts to Meh Quiplash…
It is time to once again ruin a perfectly nice Sunday evening.
I don’t know why you like ruining your Sunday nights by losing?
You should probably put in some effort occasionally.
@riotdemon you there?
@sammydog01 thanks for the notification. I was late! I must of totally missed you.
@RiotDemon I had to go to bed. I wish I could have stayed.
@sammydog01 you missed about a million crashes. We chatted a lot during the down time.
We’ll be back in 5 minutes or so… hopefully with my computer recovered…
A rousing game of Tee KO
Why didn’t anyone tell me about this?!?!?
@ELUNO it’s been happening for weeks. Where’ve you been?
@RiotDemon Away because no one told me about this!
@ELUNO you better be here for the next one since you finally paid attention.
@RiotDemon Is it always on Sundays at 9:30PM?
@ELUNO So far. (EST).
@sammydog01 I’m an Easternite so that is ok!