Summer beach destination
7Maybe this year instead of Florida or Hawaii you’ll want to go to Nantucket!
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Maybe this year instead of Florida or Hawaii you’ll want to go to Nantucket!
Sorry, “the measure must still be approved by the state attorney general’s office before it becomes law” so nobody’s topless yet.
/giphy Sigh
I say go for it, why not
@tinamarie1974 I bet there’ll be some particularly painful sunburns though.
“Tits up” as Susie Myerson would say…
@Kyeh @chienfou yeah, I would have that issue. I’m a can of sunscreen a day girl at the beach and STILL manage to get red!
And I LOVE Suzie!!!
@chienfou @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 you mean you don’t get a guy to sunscreen you? I guess that makes for a more interesting application.
@chienfou @tinamarie1974 The original British phrase means dead, expired, broken beyond repair, pining for the fjords, an ex-parrot.
@blaineg @chienfou @tinamarie1974 Nah, it’s just restin’
@blaineg @macromeh @tinamarie1974
yeah, often wondered it that was sort of a ‘break a leg’ thing that works either way.
@chienfou @macromeh @tinamarie1974 I’ve never heard that show’s version of it.
Then again, I hang out with a lot of Brits.
@blaineg @macromeh @tinamarie1974
here’s a smattering of Suzie-isms
Since I KNOW this is NSFW and I am currently in the ER I can’t vouch for if the phrase is used in the clips, but I KNOW there are a bunch of gems in there.
I say, if you want equality, make the men put their shirts back on. Especially since, with all the cannabis floating around these days, moobs are becoming the rule instead of the exception!
Hey if females choose to go Topless it is their choice!
Well certainly sunbathing rather than swimming there makes sense as the water is freezing cold like maybe 70 degrees if that - speaking from experience here. I am not a fan of swimming in cold water.
@Kidsandliz I’m kind of surprised since you’ve done all that camping in weather cold enough to freeze your clothes so you stuff them under the pillow, etc!
But yeah, I prefer warm water beaches too.
@Kyeh When camping in cold weather you dress for the cold. When swimming in cold water you’d have to wear a wetsuit which still, initially, gives you a shock of cold water.
Some people are fanatics about dunking themeselves in frigid water, though.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
Just spent a week on the gulf. Current water temps were about 70 degrees. Managed to go in with no trouble, and even did some body surfing and kayaking with the grandkids. Did wear a rash guard, but mostly to keep from burning to a crisp. We go to the panhandle every Thanksgiving week and end up swimming more years than not.
Of course, YMMV.
@Kyeh My sister decided to swim in a pond at 8000 feet that still had some ice in it. NO WAY!!! She dunked her head underwater and said it gave her an ice cream headache. Nope nope nope nope nope.
@chienfou @Kyeh Well Nantucket isn’t as bad as when you are in Maine. Go in that water like I did as a kid - waded in the ocean - and my legs turned red. No way I’d swim in that. I hate swimming in cold water.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
I lived in International Falls for a while. Summer (as they called the thaw season) meant swimming in Rainy Lake. Water temp was about 55 with a 2-3 foot thermocline of about 70 degree water tops. It behooves one to learn to float without disturbing that natural balance.
/giphy big grin
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @Kyeh That’s what some of the bays on Lake Michigan are like.
If nothing else, it’s great in an opening for a Limerick.
@mehcuda67 We’re waiting…
@Kyeh @mehcuda67
Challenge accepted:
Some topless beach babes in Nantucket
Had breasts you could tote in a bucket.
And while they were tanned
They would drag in the sand
Causing Carl 669 to say f*** it!
@chienfou @Kyeh @mehcuda67
In Nantucket there was a young lass
Who showed lots and lots of class;
But at the beach she bared her chest,
And lay among all the hairless dudes at rest,
That she found at the beach in Nantucket,
But as she riskily tempted her luck it,
Ran out and she was charged with sass.
[She bemoaned, “I would have been OK all along
if had I just worn a thong
and bared my ass”.]
@chienfou @mehcuda67
Okay, that’s pretty good! Here’s what Stephen Colbert recited last night:
@chienfou @mehcuda67
@phendrick Uhhhh … that’s not a limerick.
@Kyeh @mehcuda67 @phendrick
@chienfou @Kyeh @mehcuda67 I’m pretty average with constructing haikus, limericks, or sonnets, so I decided to just average all three.
@chienfou @mehcuda67 @phendrick A kind of poetic Frankenstein’s monster.
@chienfou @mehcuda67 @Kyeh, are you saying @phendrick 's poetic license needs to be suspended?
@chienfou @ircon96 @mehcuda67 @phendrick That’s a good way to put it.
@ircon96 @Kyeh @mehcuda67 @phendrick
Mainly he just needs to remember to stay in one lane!
@chienfou @ircon96 @Kyeh @mehcuda67 I’m still just operating under a learner’s permit. And they don’t even give you written copies of the manual any longer.
@chienfou @ircon96 @Kyeh @phendrick
Poems are mixed up
Spring thieves stole my manual
License suspended
@chienfou @ircon96 @mehcuda67 @phendrick
A gentleman posting as phendrick
Attempted to write us a limerick.
Five lines on Nantucket?
I guess he said “fuck it!”
And instead gave us something eccentric.
@chienfou @Kyeh @mehcuda67 @phendrick As usual, you guys crack me up! Thanks for the much-needed chuckles!
@chienfou @ircon96 @Kyeh @mehcuda67 That just reminded me of the old
"Confucius say
Make that “quack up” for the clean version.
[Wasn’t humor simpler, when we were in grade school?]
@chienfou @Kyeh @mehcuda67 @phendrick Ahh, such ancient wisdom. So true about grade school, but hey, there’s nothing wrong with the occasional nod to juvenile humor, i prefer to call it “being forever young”
@chienfou @ircon96 @mehcuda67 @phendrick There’s no shortage of youthful mentalities here on Meh!
@chienfou @mehcuda67 @phendrick @Kyeh Amen! Talk about capturing the essence of Mehtizens in one simple sentence!
Vive la différence!