@werehatrack Did you actually go on one of the cruise ships where it was a “theme” and there were some actors there? If so, where was the cruise and who was there? I can imagine that would be fun.
@pmarin@werehatrack I went on a ST cruise out of Miami years ago. It was actually the best cruise I ever went on. The whole ship was Star Trek themed. We had turbolifts (elevators), all the restaurants were renamed, even special food and drinks. But the best part… all the entertainment was the star trek cast. Jonathan Frakes judged a Riker Maneuver contest… the Star Trek Rat Pack sang… a few folks would randomly sit with you in the buffet area. Sooo much fun!
@pmarin I was on the ST cruise three times. 2020, when we returned just as the plague was starting to make people nervous (but before the lockdown), and then again in 2023 and 2024. Each time, there were about thirty current and former cast members from the shows on board, and many of them circulated among the folks on the cruise. And yes, I had some costuming along. The 2023 cruise left from Los Angeles right after the blizzard that hit San Bernardino. I drove in through that area, and found the snow-covered stuff very entertaining. The locals, of course, most emphatically did not! (I understood their distress, having been in Miami in the zone of max destruction for Hurricane Andrew in '92.)
Actually that IS kind-of funny. First I will say I will listen to this, even if sung by the out-of-tune Burger King dude, over “Faith of the Heart” which ruined ST Enterprise for me. Can’t stomach the opening of that show each time; feels like when my car AM radio (do they still have those?) found a religious station on seek. Nothing wrong if that’s your thing but don’t ruin my ST experience with it.
Back to TNG, if you read about early history of TNG was very rocky first season, crew didn’t know how to relate to each other which is visible, and studio was doubtful if it would succeed.
@pmarin 100% agree about the ST:E themetrocity. That was so far out of band relative to what one would expect as the opening background for any ST property that it truly ruined the show for me. (And Backula’s perfomance as Archer also left a lot to be desired.)
@Kyeh if I remember the backstory it was written by a couple of Scottish art students… I’m not sure how it got turned into a single from there but it did…
If I go on the Trek cruise again, that video needs to be on my phone.
@werehatrack Did you actually go on one of the cruise ships where it was a “theme” and there were some actors there? If so, where was the cruise and who was there? I can imagine that would be fun.
@pmarin @werehatrack I went on a ST cruise out of Miami years ago. It was actually the best cruise I ever went on. The whole ship was Star Trek themed. We had turbolifts (elevators), all the restaurants were renamed, even special food and drinks. But the best part… all the entertainment was the star trek cast. Jonathan Frakes judged a Riker Maneuver contest… the Star Trek Rat Pack sang… a few folks would randomly sit with you in the buffet area. Sooo much fun!
@pmarin I was on the ST cruise three times. 2020, when we returned just as the plague was starting to make people nervous (but before the lockdown), and then again in 2023 and 2024. Each time, there were about thirty current and former cast members from the shows on board, and many of them circulated among the folks on the cruise. And yes, I had some costuming along. The 2023 cruise left from Los Angeles right after the blizzard that hit San Bernardino. I drove in through that area, and found the snow-covered stuff very entertaining. The locals, of course, most emphatically did not! (I understood their distress, having been in Miami in the zone of max destruction for Hurricane Andrew in '92.)
Actually that IS kind-of funny. First I will say I will listen to this, even if sung by the out-of-tune Burger King dude, over “Faith of the Heart” which ruined ST Enterprise for me. Can’t stomach the opening of that show each time; feels like when my car AM radio (do they still have those?) found a religious station on seek. Nothing wrong if that’s your thing but don’t ruin my ST experience with it.
Back to TNG, if you read about early history of TNG was very rocky first season, crew didn’t know how to relate to each other which is visible, and studio was doubtful if it would succeed.
@pmarin 100% agree about the ST:E themetrocity. That was so far out of band relative to what one would expect as the opening background for any ST property that it truly ruined the show for me. (And Backula’s perfomance as Archer also left a lot to be desired.)
80’s music flashback time. This horrible monstrosity of a song was actually #1 in the UK for two weeks.
/youtube Star Trekkin’ across the universe
That is SOOO terrible!
@Kyeh if I remember the backstory it was written by a couple of Scottish art students… I’m not sure how it got turned into a single from there but it did…
@OnionSoup Yeesh!
@Kyeh @OnionSoup hey, I liked it!
@OnionSoup I think I may still have the 45 of it here somewhere…