@Pamtha What a great theme. I picked up the series on Blu-Ray a while back and I’m finally able to watch a show I never got to grow up with. It’s amazing so far–but I have to ask: Why in the world does the Holodeck break down so freaking often? That thing is a deathtrap everytime it’s featured, which is like twice a season.
@Kawa Great. Now this “daily video” will be up all year. Will @matthew take this opportunity to put a bunch in the can for later? Will he feel pressured to follow up it immediately with another “hit”? Or will he do sequel after sequel of TNG songs until every last person on Earth is sick of it?
I am in love with this. Currently rewatching the entire series in order, and the theme song is my favourite part.
@Pamtha What a great theme. I picked up the series on Blu-Ray a while back and I’m finally able to watch a show I never got to grow up with. It’s amazing so far–but I have to ask: Why in the world does the Holodeck break down so freaking often? That thing is a deathtrap everytime it’s featured, which is like twice a season.
@arielleslie I s’pose if I could hear the lyrics and had a different visual I might be able to determine if it was worth 5 minutes of my life.
@arielleslie I like Voltaire. Most of his music is not my style, but it’s catchy.
@Milyvan1 The image is just the album cover. If you search for USS Make Shit Up, there are fan videos with episode clips and stuff.
@arielleslie Sounds interesting: TY!
Good job! Actually made me lol.
@RiotDemon This is… Not ok.
@arielleslie this makes me smile.
@RiotDemon makes #1 Look like Lincoln…
@earlyre that was my thought.
@RiotDemon Why did’ja make it so?
@Milyvan1 I didn’t. Saw it somewhere yesterday.
I love this!!
Loved it! Best ST:TNG song since the famous Christmas hit “Make it so”:
Apparently Wil Wheaton approves.
@Kawa he even reads comments:
@Kawa Great. Now this “daily video” will be up all year.
Will @matthew take this opportunity to put a bunch in the can for later? Will he feel pressured to follow up it immediately with another “hit”? Or will he do sequel after sequel of TNG songs until every last person on Earth is sick of it? ![:thinking:]()
@Kawa @matthew @walarney I bet we get more weirdos stopping by. More friend to play with!
/giphy so many weirdos