@er1c This is true and very spooky. When he is not spending time watching us from above, our spooky cat resides in a haunted house where he has yet to discover the main door (which he would be able to fit through much easier).
@Kyeh lol just d’artagnan so far. The others are around/come up. Hopefully @lisaviolet is getting some snuggles. The black silhouette peering up like a monster in the closet or watching you sleep amuses me.
I finally picked her up and put her in her spot on the couch and she went to sleep. But they also stressed herout so much the next day she smacked me so lol. They eventually go to sleep and she gets whatever she wants
@unksol Awwww - he’s a beautiful creature!
It IS funny how baleful Coco looks staring up at you. This little one is definitely going to be competition.
@Kyeh coco usually sleeps by my feet on the couch. So he’s not taking her spot exactly. I think she was doing some threat analysis and she didn’t want to hop up .
Sometimes she will come up and snuggle in for a bit. Some full body contact yesh you are the best kitty. Yeah you are .
But I think she was checking all her approaches which is why I had to pick her up. Everything was fine.
Hopefully she dislikes them less when they grow out of the kitten crazies in a few months. They can amp her up all day just flying around the house.
Cats are always dressed for Halloween.
Not spooky, but maybe the funniest dog costume I’ve ever seen:
@Kyeh Now that is funny!
I’ve always loved this version of bat cat:
@Kyeh The one I posted is that of someone in my “neighborhood” on nextdoor of his cat. Your kitten here though looks more bat like though.
@Kidsandliz Oh, fun. I don’t even dare to try a costume on my cat…
@Kyeh I could probably dress ThingThing, maybe two of the others, but defiantly not my ex-feral.

@RogerWilco That’s brilliant!
Layla is our oldest (12 years) and loves dressing up… here is her as a bear and a hotdog

I routinely wake up in the middle of the night and see this, and if you make eye contact with him, he jumps on you and demands a hug.

@ordinaryotter can vouch for the spookiness of this experience.
@er1c This is true and very spooky. When he is not spending time watching us from above, our spooky cat resides in a haunted house where he has yet to discover the main door (which he would be able to fit through much easier).
@er1c @ordinaryotter
He does look … ominous.
And very large!
@er1c @Kyeh @ordinaryotter lol seems like he might have a a significant kinetic payload.
“Huh, what was that? Wait no no no don’t look” whamp
Jayce is not thrilled with wearing a costume.

The dark one is displeased with this development.
@unksol Oh, I’ll bet - the kittens are taking over the choice spots on the couch next to you, huh?
@Kyeh lol just d’artagnan so far. The others are around/come up. Hopefully @lisaviolet is getting some snuggles. The black silhouette peering up like a monster in the closet or watching you sleep amuses me.
I finally picked her up and put her in her spot on the couch and she went to sleep. But they also stressed herout so much the next day she smacked me so lol. They eventually go to sleep and she gets whatever she wants
@Kyeh no one else is up for snuggling we are still at every one plays and whatcha and alex still get on you. But he wants up and does his thing
@unksol Awwww - he’s a beautiful creature!
It IS funny how baleful Coco looks staring up at you. This little one is definitely going to be competition.
@Kyeh coco usually sleeps by my feet on the couch. So he’s not taking her spot exactly. I think she was doing some threat analysis and she didn’t want to hop up .
Sometimes she will come up and snuggle in for a bit. Some full body contact yesh you are the best kitty. Yeah you are .
But I think she was checking all her approaches which is why I had to pick her up. Everything was fine.
Hopefully she dislikes them less when they grow out of the kitten crazies in a few months. They can amp her up all day just flying around the house.
@unksol Yeah, I’m sure it’s a shock for her, poor thing! That’s nice though that they’re both up there peaceably.
Moms dog
That’s adorable!
Here’s today, she didn’t want pictures