Someone sent Mediocre a Fukubukuro!
26Thanks @dashcloud!
Someone cough @MEHcus cough thought the package was a return and it spent some time in a pile of boxes until we found it last week.
Note from @dashcloud mentioning a bunch of Mediocre staffers, with one person SUSPICIOUSLY ABSENT.
CueCat and "I am a CRAZY CAT LADY" sticker - claimed by @hollboll.
Printed copy of POC || GTFO which was featured on Meh in an ad from the Kickstarter - unclaimed because I don't think any of us are smart enough to get it.
Two holographic Japanese Pokémon cards (worth $0.10 each on Ebay, I checked) - claimed by @hart.
National Geographic VHS tapes - surprisingly unclaimed.
"Travel Hacks" blank CD - we're on to you, no way are we putting this in our computers so you can totally hack us and find out when the next Fuku is.
Sim City card game & Mortal Kombat cards - awesome, we're going to try to play Sim City at lunch soon.
While we're happy we got one, it's totally not fair because some of the staff didn't even get sent any specific stuff…
But seriously, thanks a bunch @dashcloud! It was a really cool surprise to find all of this great stuff.
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How nice!
I had pondered it and made a list and checked it twice. Shipping company had issues sending a bunch of mice.
@jont I'm sorry none of the items were addressed to you. For that, I'll have to blame the goat twice: once, because you're not very active on Twitter (thanks @joelmw!) and two, because I didn't get much useful info on the forums (thanks again @joelmw!).
But, I am happy to make it up to you if you send me a shipping label or empty box.
Also, if you've got any DVD players around, the Travel Hacks disc really is just DVD video, but I probably wouldn't trust me either.
There's also a copy of the July 2006 Project Gutenberg DVD , with over 17k books from their collection.
Glad you enjoyed it!
@dashcloud Nice work. And sorry, @JonT. You know how I is.
@dashcloud that's okay, I didn't actually feel all that miffed! It was a really nice surprise for all of us.
Neat! Clearly the cloudiest dashes (@dashcloud) are more generous than the normal ones like myself.
Ya see, I actually had something for @matthew for all his hard work and entertainment value, but I thought he would find it odd that someone sent him something. After seeing this, I will send stuff to the staff every now and then for all of their hard work. Be on the lookout......
@somf69 Remember to send it SmartPost!
@somf69 Note that @matthew is most likely still not located in TX.
... Not to mention the bodacious fuku re-gift to some unsuspecting suck, uh... buyer on Fukubukuro5..
@JonT Did you want me to order this for you?
(for the record, I'm kidding, and besides they are completely overwhelmed and not taking any orders anymore, and maybe not ever again...)
@curtise Looks like it's for sale, current bid is 70K
@curtise - That site is genuinely hysterical! ( I think I could use this, if only they would start selling it again...... )
@curtise This site is still open and has more options:
What is going on in the office!?! The chair on the top right has a white stain on the seat. You guys been eating vanilla ice cream on the job again? Just like in Glenn's mouth? That's it right?
I like purple.
@BabyBear I read that as white satin which was really strange. I thought you misspelled it but after scrolling up checking the chair and scrolling back I realized my brain is against me today.
@JonT @dashcloud I always thought Cue Cat was a cool idea (and a little like an early version of Shazam and ShopSavvy). I guess I was one of two or three people who liked it. We got our first one free with the Sunday paper. It was PS/2 port.
Later I picked up a USB version that I used with collectorz software for my movies and books. Eventually they developed a good iPhone app that's far more convenient. And now I'd rather just have all of my media strictly digital anyway and the glamour of scanning my hardcopy media is passe and just seems like work. It's funny somehow. Not sure how, but some how.
Poor little Cue Cat is a transitional species, I fear. Pretty sure I still have both of mine stored away somewhere. Seems like they could still be quite useful in the right context.
@joelmw I always wanted a cue cat, but never managed to get one, and now they are so outmoded that I have zero need for one.
@curtise I hate when that happens. But I kinda like it too, because it means that maybe I don't have to feel bad for all of the fun that I missed, because it really wasn't fun anyway. There's something in there about getting old, I think: yaknow that rationalization about those things you can no longer do and maybe didn't ever do, but you tell yourself that it wouldn't be that fun anyway? Or maybe you're not that old. I am.
@curtise There is still a momentary thrill of having my own scanner. Like I could open up a store or something. Again, ignoring the fact that I could do it better with my phone.
@joelmw Yeah, I was saying the same thing to someone awhile back... The Cuecat was really ahead of its time. Now we scan barcodes with our phones more frequently. All it took was for the computers to become much more portable.
@kazriko It also took tiny, high resolution cameras, and the level of connectedness that we have to do anything with the information once it was scanned. Which isn't to downplay what you said, but rather to play up how all this tech converging makes something that was a horrible, awkward marketing experiment into something that people are willing and eager to do today.
@brhfl The tiny cameras just make it more convenient to do so, but it could have been done without that. The level of connectedness is important, though back when the cuecat was around, we did have cellular modems, they were just much more expensive to use. (I had one attached to my PalmIIIc PDA.)
ZOMG :CueCat!!
I have one. Hacked to disable device I.D.
Big ++ to everyone in this thread who recognized CueCat.
This is somehow very unfair to the east coast
@giroro As an East Coaster, I blame @joelmw for your bad attempt at a joke here.