Someone sent Mediocre a Fukubukuro!


Thanks @dashcloud!

Someone cough @MEHcus cough thought the package was a return and it spent some time in a pile of boxes until we found it last week.


Note from @dashcloud mentioning a bunch of Mediocre staffers, with one person SUSPICIOUSLY ABSENT.

CueCat and "I am a CRAZY CAT LADY" sticker - claimed by @hollboll.
Printed copy of POC || GTFO which was featured on Meh in an ad from the Kickstarter - unclaimed because I don't think any of us are smart enough to get it.
Two holographic Japanese Pokémon cards (worth $0.10 each on Ebay, I checked) - claimed by @hart.
National Geographic VHS tapes - surprisingly unclaimed.
"Travel Hacks" blank CD - we're on to you, no way are we putting this in our computers so you can totally hack us and find out when the next Fuku is.
Sim City card game & Mortal Kombat cards - awesome, we're going to try to play Sim City at lunch soon.

While we're happy we got one, it's totally not fair because some of the staff didn't even get sent any specific stuff…

But seriously, thanks a bunch @dashcloud! It was a really cool surprise to find all of this great stuff.