Sohma tries periscope
1Why not? I don't think I can link from my phone while doing it so here's the twitter.
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Why not? I don't think I can link from my phone while doing it so here's the twitter.
Ok. So apparently I need to plan something more fun than watching me eat. But any ideas? Should we do periscope QA with users?
@sohmageek if we were to do QA what would you guys want users to answer? AMA live style or what?
Watching people eat IS interesting. However, by the time i saw this thread, my laptop was off, and considering that the only way to watch it on my phone is through the app, i chose to pass.
@sohmageek I can't log in to my personal periscope since the meh one is logged in to my phone. :(
@hollboll lol. If meh follows me its cool ;)
@sohmageek Hey, it's a thing.