@lakertaylor13 Wait, are you planning on meetings a new, unknown girl and making her your girlfriend, or you have one and you’re meeting her for the first time. I’m old, so none of how any of that works makes any sense to me.
It honestly sounds like you may be planning to kidnap a girl and keep her chained up in your basement. “You’re my new girlfriend!”
@therealjrn the problem is… If I use my Betty crocker cookbook, I know it’s going to be good. So many recipes online are terrible. My favorite is when I’m trying to read comments to see if I’d like it and the comments all say variations of, “I didn’t use (ingredient) and it tasted like shit.”
Flyers game with college alumni on the 16th, a weekend in the Poconos skiing with my buddy and his sons on the 19th, and then off to France for some real skiing on the 25th. That’s the extent of my social calendar for the month.
My entirety of January is community theatre rehearsals for Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors. But like, let’s not lie, community theatre is my social life.
Get through the year end work.
Leave me alone with all this holiday cheer. I am sick and tired of it and a lack of meh face pop sockets.
What is this Social you speak of? Is that like being nice (social) to co-workers?
Social goals? That’s funny. People suck.
Pack up our house before then end of the month. Oh, and make sure we have somewhere to move into…
I am happy to say my plan in January is to meet my new girlfriend. I can’t wait I am so happy, it is ridiculous.
@lakertaylor13 Wait, are you planning on meetings a new, unknown girl and making her your girlfriend, or you have one and you’re meeting her for the first time. I’m old, so none of how any of that works makes any sense to me.
It honestly sounds like you may be planning to kidnap a girl and keep her chained up in your basement. “You’re my new girlfriend!”
/image girl chained up in basement
@lakertaylor13 @MagnaVis Perhaps he ordered her direct from the factory.
@lakertaylor13 @macromeh Oh, very good point! I hadn’t considered the fabricated girlfriend. See aforementioned age comment.
Mmmm hermits
/giphy hermit cookie
I’ve been doing my hermitting since Christmas. Thursday I head back to the outside world.
But I still don’t do “perky.”
/image I don’t do perky
I’m around other humans at work and that’s enough.
I’m about as social as they get. You don’t spend 2 years as president of a social organization and not be social.
@olperfesser What kind of social organization is it?
Social goals? heh. no.
I’m trying to be better at keeping touch with friends both nearby and further away, actually using social media as (I interpret) it should be used.
Sometime later this month I hope to post a recipe on the Internet - cooking more and sharing it is another New Year’s “resolution” of mine.
@Kawa That’s a good goal. I have hella lot of cookbooks, but truthfully it is faster just to search the internet for recipes.
@therealjrn the problem is… If I use my Betty crocker cookbook, I know it’s going to be good. So many recipes online are terrible. My favorite is when I’m trying to read comments to see if I’d like it and the comments all say variations of, “I didn’t use (ingredient) and it tasted like shit.”
Flyers game with college alumni on the 16th, a weekend in the Poconos skiing with my buddy and his sons on the 19th, and then off to France for some real skiing on the 25th. That’s the extent of my social calendar for the month.
I’m signing up for a spinning class.
No, not exercise.
I’m going to learn how to turn my dog’s fur into yarn.
@dptalia wouldn’t the fur have to be really long for that? I’m envisioning 3-6in long wavy fur that reaches halfway to the floor
@candreasen he’s a Great Pyrenees. A 3-5 inch under coat is normal.
@dptalia Oh, that would do it I guess haha
I’m not real familiar with dogs besides one or two family pets that happened to be short haired
@candreasen I can fill a shoebox in one brushing.
My entirety of January is community theatre rehearsals for Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors. But like, let’s not lie, community theatre is my social life.
/giphy german hermit