So you are in the park..
11Enjoying your walk down the trail surrounded by greenery, water bottle in hand with a gentle breeze tussling your hair. You hear an odd flapping and dropping down from the cover of the trees you see this coming toward you:
What is it? What do you call it? What sound does it make? Where do you hide from it?
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That’s a Gronkhawk. It grunts, flailing wildly as it falls to a heap, as it is unable to remain aloft for more than a few seconds due to its unwieldy wing structure. No need to hide, just walk fast and get the fuck outta there…it’s scary looking!
@llangley lol - no need to get the fuck outta there - worst that’ll happen if you get too close to the Gronkhawk is you’ll get sprayed with beer.
Gronkhawks are quite affable, but their most often heard call is, “chug-a-brew-with-me-bro, chug-a-brew-with-me-bro!”
American Barn Swol-low
Hide from it at a long-sleeve shirt convention.
I run.
his name is Todd, and he just wants to know what your deadlift max is. he’s just doing some endurance training for his marathon.
Indont know, but I think I want to feel his biceps for some reason
/giphy same
@medz reminds me of the time I met Hulk Hogan. The pythons are HUGE!!!
@medz @tinamarie1974 was Hulk nice? Was it in his heyday or more recently?
@medz @moonhat it was about 10 years ago and he was amazing. I was at the airport for a very early flight to ATL. He was in the terminal for the same flight and there was no one really around so I went over to say hi and get a pic. He liked that I was a bit of a smartass so he asked me to sit w him and his manager while we waited for the plan.
Absolutely loved him. Just real down to earth and nice.
@medz @tinamarie1974 how fun is that, Tina! I love it!
@moonhat @tinamarie1974
Dream job: rubbing oil on their muscles before wrestling matches, am I right?
@medz @moonhat well, hockey players for me but YES!!!
@medz @tinamarie1974 why not, but rugby players please
@medz @moonhat so I use to live two doors away from a park in STL where a rugby team practiced every Tuesday. I really miss rugby Tuesdays
@medz @tinamarie1974 I bet!!
I cut in front of him in line at Subway and dare him to do something about it.
@shahnm ¿¡¿Por que?!?
@DennisG2014 @shahnm
Lo siento. Estaba dejando a los niños en la piscina.
@medz @shahnm Espero que te hayas lavado las manos.
@DennisG2014 Porque los imbéciles tienen que imbécil.
“Imbécil” was not the word I put into Google Translate. Or maybe it was. It’s all Greek to me…
@shahnm Fun fact:
A friend of mine from Greece said that they say, “it’s all Chinese to me”.
And yes, I phrased it such that the fact is that my friend said that, I have no idea if what he said is actually true. lol
I wonder who spiked my water bottle.