@lisaviolet I blame you for my Milk-Dud bellyache! Every year hubby puts a big box of them in my stocking. Without realizing it, I ate the entire box while watching TV last night after the last guest (finally) left.
His family is arriving around 12:30, my mom about 12:15 (she's always early), and my brother sometime before New Year's Day. Open presents (we only exchange with his family, mine stopped years ago), then appetizers, dinner & dessert. I'm figuring by 6pm I'll be on the sofa, while hubby cleans up (I did all the clean up last year), getting pleasantly buzzed on a bottle of Coppola Pino Noir.
Home alone… playing carillon christmas music on my computer… Most years I play 3 christmas eve services of christmas music on the carillon but this year not up there (945 miles from here) for christmas… it's not christmas without playing the carillon and going to that church's (and I am not even a member there nor is it my denomination) really, really fantastic musical based christmas eve service - chamber music, harp, handbells, choirs, christmas pageant where I think two of the three kings are part of the opera, have fantastic voices and they walk from the back of the church to the front one at a time singing We Three Kings...
A little late but...woke up and helped prepare the traditional family recipe sticky buns/cinnamon rolls and helped make a glaze for the ham. People started showing up and we gathered in the living room and 'opened' stockings from youngest to oldest, then into the kitchen for the now done cinnamon rolls.
Then back to the living room for A Christmas Story and presents opening (again from youngest to oldest) while I stared in awe at the level of bratiness my 6 year old cousin manages to display and bit my tongue as that behavior is rewarded with an iPad Mini (I don't even have an iPad!). Presents finished we eat a huge brunch and watch some more Christmas story as people start to file out.
Went to my mom's place, played with dogs, watched The Interview and Guardians of the Galaxy, had awesome SoCal Mexican food that I've been missing, checked meh.
@JonT Sounds like a great time. Those sticky buns sound sinful. And Guardians of the Galaxy is such a fun movie! Are you visiting SoCal? Or your mom makes awesome SoCal Mexican food? I'm jelly.
Family and stress.
@hallmike and food comas.
@grum And popcorn bellyaches....
@lisaviolet I blame you for my Milk-Dud bellyache! Every year hubby puts a big box of them in my stocking. Without realizing it, I ate the entire box while watching TV last night after the last guest (finally) left.
@bluedog You have my heartfelt sympathy. Seriously.
Nothing. We're doing it all tonight. It's chaos here but I've slipped away for a few minutes. Hope everyone has a Jolly Jolly.
His family is arriving around 12:30, my mom about 12:15 (she's always early), and my brother sometime before New Year's Day. Open presents (we only exchange with his family, mine stopped years ago), then appetizers, dinner & dessert. I'm figuring by 6pm I'll be on the sofa, while hubby cleans up (I did all the clean up last year), getting pleasantly buzzed on a bottle of Coppola Pino Noir.
Gonna eat, relax, and read the hobbit, maybe part of the fellowship of the ring. No family other than wife and dogs.
@Headly - Ditto the eat and relax part.
@Headly And apparently watch "A Christmas Story" 5 or 6 times...
Presents in the morning, breakfast, a little cleanup in the early afternoon, then family and relatives arrive for dinner late afternoon.
Home alone… playing carillon christmas music on my computer… Most years I play 3 christmas eve services of christmas music on the carillon but this year not up there (945 miles from here) for christmas… it's not christmas without playing the carillon and going to that church's (and I am not even a member there nor is it my denomination) really, really fantastic musical based christmas eve service - chamber music, harp, handbells, choirs, christmas pageant where I think two of the three kings are part of the opera, have fantastic voices and they walk from the back of the church to the front one at a time singing We Three Kings...
We do the big family gathering on Christmas eve, so Christmas day will just be me and hubby relaxing at home. :)
Waffle House!
@ewm3lisa It beats Denny's
At sister in law's house with family. Phone broke, so I'm going through mild withdrawal. I don't like it.
A little late but...woke up and helped prepare the traditional family recipe sticky buns/cinnamon rolls and helped make a glaze for the ham. People started showing up and we gathered in the living room and 'opened' stockings from youngest to oldest, then into the kitchen for the now done cinnamon rolls.
Then back to the living room for A Christmas Story and presents opening (again from youngest to oldest) while I stared in awe at the level of bratiness my 6 year old cousin manages to display and bit my tongue as that behavior is rewarded with an iPad Mini (I don't even have an iPad!). Presents finished we eat a huge brunch and watch some more Christmas story as people start to file out.
Went to my mom's place, played with dogs, watched The Interview and Guardians of the Galaxy, had awesome SoCal Mexican food that I've been missing, checked meh.
Not a bad Christmas.
@JonT So The Interview had been "leaked" onto the Internet? Or is North Korea sending agents towards your house right now?
@Pamtha There's actual leaks onto the internet, and copies you can buy/rent from many services: http://arstechnica.com/the-multiverse/2014/12/the-interview-to-be-streamed-online-through-youtube-xbox-video-google-play/
@JonT Sounds like a great time. Those sticky buns sound sinful. And Guardians of the Galaxy is such a fun movie! Are you visiting SoCal? Or your mom makes awesome SoCal Mexican food? I'm jelly.
@Pamtha @dashcloud we purchased what, as far as I could tell, was a legit version on YouTube Movies.
@lisaviolet I'm visiting SoCal for the holidays, the taco shops and style of mexican food is definitely one of the things I miss the most.
@JonT Great weather we're having. Nice cool mornings, warmer afternoons...enjoy!
Everyone is sick so... Blah