So, I need to buy a car.

mossygreen went on a bit of a rant said

Well, I don’t need to, but mine has been sitting behind the Honda dealership covered in snow for almost 3 weeks because the brake and fuel lines are rusted and I can’t really decide whether to fix them or get another car. They’re probably going to want me to make a decision soon, or forfeit the Bugsy Malone soundtrack cd and my father’s ashes that are still inside (and a bunch of other crap).

My current car is a 2003 Honda Civic. The front door lock doesn’t work, that’s really the only thing wrong with it other than the brake and fuel lines but it is at an age where other stuff will probably start to go wrong soon.

I HATE the visibility in the new Hondas, and really most new cars. Yeah, the newest models have cameras so you can see what’s going on around the car, but you need them because otherwise you can’t see anything. I like the Fit, but am not sure how I feel about buying a new car, and am worried that I’m selling myself short with an economy model that I’ll be driving for a decade if the past is any indication.

So, car-owning people: what kind of car do you drive/like/love/hate? Offer me your sage wisdom! Tell me what to do! Please!