So, fuck, how do you read all of this shit?

joelmw went on a bit of a rant said

(Warning: I use "fuck" a lot in the following. If that bothers you, you shouldn't fucking read this post.)

My answer is definitively that I don't. I often don''t even read the whole thread of a post I'm interested and/or tagged in. Hell, I sometimes don't read all of the sub-level comments on a comment I'm commenting on in a post I'm more-or-less very interested in. The fuku posts scare and frustrate the holy living fuck out of me.

That neat little deal where meh marks the unread comments in a post (and @jsh139's awesome extension that scrolls forward to them; btw, we need something like that for iOS) helps for the smaller threads that I'm interested in, but it's frustratingly incomplete for the threads that I'm only sort of interested in and, yeah, it scares me on the monster threads that I'm actually interested in, because, damn, I go in there and it's all wiped clean and who the fuck knows what I read. Motherfuckers.

What makes it worse is that my filters at work block out a decent percentage of the images, so I sometimes want to go back later and see what I missed, but who has time for all of that, and who can keep up with what's where when? I don't know who. I sure as fuck don't

And, yes, I realize that there are various coping strategies (and I use some of them). And I think that ultimately meh is encouraging me to let it go. Just let it go, joelmwah, let it go. And I sometimes kinda sorta almost mostly do. But then the OCD fucking creeps up and I'm all stressed again.

As goat, I feel a little self-conscious about it. But, fuck it, I'm usually goofing off to be here as it is. And, goddamnit, I have a life. Still, the guilt, the frustration, the overwhelming sense of failure. I mean, fuck, this is like church all over again, not feeling like I'm a good enough meh-mber. Sigh.

So, my fellow mehicans, how do you deal with all of this shit? What particular coping strategies work for you?

Yeah, and then some asshole comes along on a rant. But I know how you cope with that: you ignore the longwinded motherfucker.