@tmwest87 I have always liked heavy bedcovers [they remind me of the quilts my gram made for us kids], but I’m often too warm under them [except in the dead of winter], so the one I bought last time [for $34] has been pretty good for me- until this week, because even with the A/C on, it has been just a little too warm for it.
Very comfortable- if you like that sort of blanket.
@JT954 No. However, they are super inexpensive to manufacture and hold up to washing and drying without mold and bacteria. That is until the seams split and you have to clean up the mess.
@saunyandjack It’s the exact opposite of what’d be on this site, but I’ve had the same heavy denim comforter from LLBean for 20 years now. It breathes, it’s heavy -but not like these-, and it’s been through hell and back and is only faded.
@dasred I bought one last time and it’s good. I use it for when having to sleep in the couch after coming home from work. I have a slightly bigger and heavier one for the main bed that I like more though.
Ugh. I already kick off my top sheet during the night - I’d probably launch this thing out the window. Don’t understand how/why anyone would want a lead weight on them while they’re sleeping - guess I’m not the target market for this product.
@cbl_wv #1- lead [even the dust from inside lead aprons] is poisonous- so NO one wants to sleep under a lead weight.
#2- Having said that, I love it when they put the lead apron on me before dental [and other X-Rays] because of the weight.
I grew up sleeping in very cold rooms under the very heavy quilts my Gram made for us and find that this weighted blanket is very similar without causing excessive or unnecessary heat retention, because not only do I have [nominal given my SWMBO] control of the thermostat now, but I’m a pretty large male and overheat easily.
#3- As noted above, it also helps with my Restless Leg Syndrome.
@jasonrandall27 Even better - snoozing in my hammock that is strung up in my woods. No driving necessary and only a short stroll to the kegerator to refill my beer.
I thank I understand the concept, to be reminded of grandma’s patchwork quilt. Do you have a recording Perry Mason or, for the young ones, of Lawrence Welk?
@nolrak This is more like having my 60# Boxer-Greyhound mix sleeping “on” you- because the weight is spread out, there’s no concentration of the weight pressing down on your chest and impairing breathing.
@callow I blame @Cinoclav for the typo. You’re correct, my measurements are for a full, not twin size.
The blanket is bigger (wider) than a twin, and smaller than a queen. It is just shy a full size mattress, meaning it mostly covers just the top of thr mattress, with no overhang at all.
@callow@mike808 Damn, guess a goat can’t get a break around here. Btw, personal experience says this blanket is perfect for one person but won’t work for two at the same time. Unless they’re Oompa Loompas.
@givemehdeal I’m using it even during the summer. It makes no sense…and yet it’s perfectly fine. One of the mysteries of life! We’ll see what happens if it gets truly hot in a few weeks…
Does the little beads come through the fabric and end up all over the place? Sleeping ON the little beads would not help with anxiety or insomnia. Anybody use this brand? I think they sold this a while back. Can someone who bought one give us a review on it?
oh boy! I have a similar one. it’s cotton and not my archnemesis “microfiber” which is marketing bullshit speak for “polyester”. I’ll take one for the guest room.
I bought one last time for when my grandson spends the night. He can’t sleep without it and lugging his back and forth every time he spent the night was a pain.
This one looks just like the one he already had at about half the price. It seems well made with strong seams.
Dry clean only didn’t deter me because I would never put that much weight in my washing machine. Just use a washable duvet to cover.
There’s a formula for working out the correct weight. The recommended weight is 10% of the user’s weight, plus a pound or two.
So a 15 lb blanket would be good for a ~120-130 lb person.
My son has a 10 lb blanket, which is a bit heavy for him, but it works. I have a 15 lb blanket and weigh about 106 lbs. something a bit lighter might be better for me.
Bought this cover to go with the blanket I bought the first time they were offered. It’s soft and seems nicely made. It has ties in the corners which enable you to tie it on to the loops sewn on the weighted blanket. Though it’s about half the price of the blanket itself, it’s far and away one of the least expensive covers available that perfectly fits this size blanket. https://www.amazon.com/Atmosphere-Products-Premium-Weighted-Blanket/dp/B07KC694CZ/ref=sr_1_3
If I could just have that hot skinny model lay on me I think that would be the perfect Weight for me. MEH if you can send her I am in for sure, way in…
@indiebass That woman in the giphy is really disturbing, though not quite as much as the one in the last product picture today. I’m strangely attracted?
I purchased this the last time it was offered and have been very pleased. For those concerned about the size, I have a queen sized bed, and found it to be perfect. It covers about half of the bed, which is all I need. You don’t want it so big that it hangs over the edge and the weight pulls it off.
Looking forward to receiving this and giving it a shot. I should have a heavier one based upon weight, but since I want light weight, we’ll see what I think of this. First purchase on the new site that I just learned about today!
What’s in the Box?
1x Weighted Blanket
Price Comparison
$59.99 (for 12lb) at Amazon
$54.90 (for similar Amazon’s Choice) at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Heavy, man
Never experienced such a blanket before…
@tmwest87 I have always liked heavy bedcovers [they remind me of the quilts my gram made for us kids], but I’m often too warm under them [except in the dead of winter], so the one I bought last time [for $34] has been pretty good for me- until this week, because even with the A/C on, it has been just a little too warm for it.
Very comfortable- if you like that sort of blanket.
Take that last photo out & burn it!
@gertiestn Yeah, that’s surprisingly disturbing.
@gertiestn @mehcuda67 “Lighten” up, meh dudes.
I go to sleep with the weight of my job on me. Now you want to pile more on me?
Not for meh
$1 more than last time?!? Outrageous!
@The_Tim It worked! Your order number is: veritable-enticing-lip
/image veritable enticing lip

FYI it’s generally recommended that your weighted blanket is 10% your body weight to have the intended effect.
@Neechy So you’re recommending buying 2 or 3 per person, correct?
@Neechy meh won’t let me buy the number i need for that calculation.
@Woody1 I’m recommending you adjust your body weight to an integer increment of 150lbs to take advantage of this sweet deal.
@Neechy @Woody1 you could lose weight…
@eeterrific @Neechy @Woody1 or gain weight depending on which integer of 150 you’re closer to.
Are all weighed blankets made out of glass beads?
@JT954 No. However, they are super inexpensive to manufacture and hold up to washing and drying without mold and bacteria. That is until the seams split and you have to clean up the mess.
@JT954 @Woody1 These say “dry clean only”
@JT954 @therealjrn @Woody1 That’s so the dry cleaner has to clean up the mess instead of you.
I tried this…terrible…too heavy…maybe 1/2 the weight may be doable.
@saunyandjack It’s the exact opposite of what’d be on this site, but I’ve had the same heavy denim comforter from LLBean for 20 years now. It breathes, it’s heavy -but not like these-, and it’s been through hell and back and is only faded.
48 x 72 sounds big enough…but I bought last time and now I’d prefer to have bought one that is larger.
@sourhead TWSS
Bought one last time, love it!
@dasred bought one last time, also love it
@dasred @RogerWilco Also bought one last time and also love it!
@dasred @RogerWilco @PhysAssist - Are the glass beads noisy? (especially when rolling around)
@plimas nope
@RogerWilco thanks!
@dasred I bought one last time and it’s good. I use it for when having to sleep in the couch after coming home from work. I have a slightly bigger and heavier one for the main bed that I like more though.
@PhysAssist @plimas @RogerWilco not at all, I don’t hear anything.
@plimas I don’t feel or hear them…
Ugh. I already kick off my top sheet during the night - I’d probably launch this thing out the window. Don’t understand how/why anyone would want a lead weight on them while they’re sleeping - guess I’m not the target market for this product.
@cbl_wv compression helps with anxiety.
@cbl_wv think of it as swaddling beyond the baby ages. Same concept. Calming for fidgety sleepers and autism kids.
@cbl_wv #1- lead [even the dust from inside lead aprons] is poisonous- so NO one wants to sleep under a lead weight.
#2- Having said that, I love it when they put the lead apron on me before dental [and other X-Rays] because of the weight.
I grew up sleeping in very cold rooms under the very heavy quilts my Gram made for us and find that this weighted blanket is very similar without causing excessive or unnecessary heat retention, because not only do I have [nominal given my SWMBO] control of the thermostat now, but I’m a pretty large male and overheat easily.
#3- As noted above, it also helps with my Restless Leg Syndrome.
@jasonrandall27 Not if you’re claustrophobic.
@macromeh claustrophobic and anxiety ridden? I’d recommend sleeping on a hammock by the beach.
@jasonrandall27 Even better - snoozing in my hammock that is strung up in my woods. No driving necessary and only a short stroll to the kegerator to refill my beer.
I thank I understand the concept, to be reminded of grandma’s patchwork quilt. Do you have a recording Perry Mason or, for the young ones, of Lawrence Welk?
@hchavers Nope.
Sorry- fresh out- and didn’t you mean Perry Como?
Is this like twin sized or larger?
@MrMikenIkes Yes
@MrMikenIkes @nolrak It is more than large enough for my extra-large twin [half of a king-size bed].

/image extra large twin
@MrMikenIkes Sounds like twin to me. That’s what I was here to check on. Too small for the bed for me.
@lseeber yeah me too, I need at least a queen
@lseeber @MrMikenIkes It’s not for the bed, it’s for the person. If the weight hung off the side of the bed it would fall on the floor.
@callow @MrMikenIkes If I buy it, it’s for the bed.
I think my cat weighs about this much and it’s borderline suffocating when she sleeps on top of you
@nolrak This is more like having my 60# Boxer-Greyhound mix sleeping “on” you- because the weight is spread out, there’s no concentration of the weight pressing down on your chest and impairing breathing.
@PhysAssist this is a remarkably insightful comment and is thus completely out of character for Meh
@nolrak Thank you for saying so- I do try to rise above, but then I inevitably slide back down into Mehdiocrity
@allen721 It worked! Your order number is: wooden-adjoining-bamboo
/image wooden adjoining bamboo

I bought one a few weeks ago, and am pretty fond of it. I like to imagine I’m getting squished by an enthusiastic lover. LOL as if.
@UncleVinny one that weighs 15 lbs?
@nolrak hey, I’m not one to judge
@nolrak @UncleVinny Well, if they’re partially leaning on you and not completely on top of you, it could make sense.
@mikeureko @nolrak @UncleVinny At least you didn’t say that they could have been way, way underage.
@nolrak @UncleVinny “hey, I’m not one to judge”
No, that’s what the rest of us are here for.
A standard twin mattress is 54" x 75".
So this is a little smaller, at 48" x 72".
@mike808 Because if it overhangs too much, it’ll slide off onto the floor.
@mike808 A twin mattress is only 39" wide. A full is 54" (I make quilts)
@callow I blame @Cinoclav for the typo. You’re correct, my measurements are for a full, not twin size.
The blanket is bigger (wider) than a twin, and smaller than a queen. It is just shy a full size mattress, meaning it mostly covers just the top of thr mattress, with no overhang at all.
@callow @mike808 Damn, guess a goat can’t get a break around here. Btw, personal experience says this blanket is perfect for one person but won’t work for two at the same time. Unless they’re Oompa Loompas.
@callow @cinoclav That’s why you buy as many as Meh will sell you, one for each person
Don’t need a weighted blanket when a cat always sleeps on my chest.
@medz See my comment to @NolRak above.
@medz @PhysAssist but the cat purrs and is heated!
Will this keep my kid from getting up every night to come to my bed?
@Bigbearballs only if the kid weighs less than 15 pounds and you use the blanket on their bed
do you feel weightless in summer when you don’t have blanket on?
@givemehdeal I’m using it even during the summer. It makes no sense…and yet it’s perfectly fine. One of the mysteries of life! We’ll see what happens if it gets truly hot in a few weeks…
Does the little beads come through the fabric and end up all over the place? Sleeping ON the little beads would not help with anxiety or insomnia. Anybody use this brand? I think they sold this a while back. Can someone who bought one give us a review on it?
@ripper69 they did, here.
@ripper69 no issues with lil beads coming through the fabric. Seems well stitched & I have no complaints thus far.
oh boy! I have a similar one. it’s cotton and not my archnemesis “microfiber” which is marketing bullshit speak for “polyester”. I’ll take one for the guest room.
Aww, I was so close to buying it… Then realized it wasn’t available in queen size
I just sleep under a fat chick…
@Bumplepimp Ouch. How do you breathe?
@Bumplepimp Does your wife know this?
@mikeureko I have a snorkel that I slide between a fat fold…
@Trinityscrew She sleeps under the opposite cheek.
You could buy this or you could just become a cat lady and cover yourself with cats.
I bought one last time for when my grandson spends the night. He can’t sleep without it and lugging his back and forth every time he spent the night was a pain.
This one looks just like the one he already had at about half the price. It seems well made with strong seams.
Dry clean only didn’t deter me because I would never put that much weight in my washing machine. Just use a washable duvet to cover.
There’s a formula for working out the correct weight. The recommended weight is 10% of the user’s weight, plus a pound or two.
So a 15 lb blanket would be good for a ~120-130 lb person.
My son has a 10 lb blanket, which is a bit heavy for him, but it works. I have a 15 lb blanket and weigh about 106 lbs. something a bit lighter might be better for me.
Much cheaper than a therapy lizard. I’ll take one.
/giphy dazzle-mechanical-belief

I already have too much weighing on me…
Anxiety while trying to sleep? I’ll just wave my magic wand and shout: “Alakazam alprazolam!!”
This is a good deal for these. Many people swear by them. My wife and I hated them. We sent them back to Amazon. Felt like being in a coffin.
Bought this cover to go with the blanket I bought the first time they were offered. It’s soft and seems nicely made. It has ties in the corners which enable you to tie it on to the loops sewn on the weighted blanket. Though it’s about half the price of the blanket itself, it’s far and away one of the least expensive covers available that perfectly fits this size blanket.
If I could just have that hot skinny model lay on me I think that would be the perfect Weight for me. MEH if you can send her I am in for sure, way in…
Might be light but as a “starter “ weighted blanket why not give it a try?
/giphy habitual-astounding-language

@indiebass That woman in the giphy is really disturbing, though not quite as much as the one in the last product picture today. I’m strangely attracted?
I’ve been in the market for a weighted blanket for a while. If you had put up a 25lb one I’d consider. This is way too light and probably too small.
/giphy unwritten-underwhelmed-horn

I purchased this the last time it was offered and have been very pleased. For those concerned about the size, I have a queen sized bed, and found it to be perfect. It covers about half of the bed, which is all I need. You don’t want it so big that it hangs over the edge and the weight pulls it off.
https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07F43F2YL?tag=amz-mkt-chr-us-20&ascsubtag=1ba00-01000-a0027-win10-other-smile-us000-pcomp-feature-pcomp-wm-8-wm-3-wm-4-wm-1&ref=aa_pcomp_prc1 for $34.99 “AckBrands 48” x 78" - 15 Lb Weighted Blanket - Slate Gray - Premium Cotton with Glass Beads - Double Stitched Edges - Veteran Owned"
Looking forward to receiving this and giving it a shot. I should have a heavier one based upon weight, but since I want light weight, we’ll see what I think of this. First purchase on the new site that I just learned about today!
@Labuda Welcome aboard, enjoy the shenanigans!
Dumbest thing I ever bought.
@saeedted glad you gave it the proper amount of time to fully evaluate before posting the review.