The original Blues Brothers movie should be on everyone’s film bucket list.
i used to watch it every time it came on (it never got old for me), but have not had that opportunity in a while.
There are many bad ones. They were good as skits but stretched to 90 minutes the joke gets stale
The worst was most likely It’s Pat. It also didn’t age well as the joke of trying to guess one’s gender is not a joke now. Julia Sweeney was one of the former cast members I noticed was missing from the special on Sunday.
Close seconds are Night at the Roxbury and Superstar.
My Dad loved The Blues Brothers despite having never watched SNL. The Blues Brothers 2000 wasn’t bad, it’s was just ok. It still had a good soundtrack though.
@lonocat@PocketBrain really like how they added to the lore (even made it to an animated series)
I think this is really underrated in terms of SNL movies. It’s an above average romp, not a below average slump.
@tricityladytn if you count movies with multiple SNL alumni that weren’t SNL/LM production numbers:
Animal House
Three Amigos
Ghostbusters (and all their sequels)
Tommy Boy/Black Sheep
Mean Girls (2004)
Baby Mama
The Skeleton Twins
Whisky Tango Foxtrot
Popstar: Never Stop
Sandy Wexler
Topic inspired by mention of Tim Meadows; he had The Ladies’ Man movie. Didn’t see it. I should put that in my queue for a rainy day.
The original Blues Brothers movie should be on everyone’s film bucket list.
i used to watch it every time it came on (it never got old for me), but have not had that opportunity in a while.
Your #1 and #2 are solid.
The only other SNL movie I can think of right now is It’s Pat and that’s only because Ween is in it.
@fredmavis On the list, I’d put WW2 at third place; more of the same, but it was good, funny stuff anyway.
There are many bad ones. They were good as skits but stretched to 90 minutes the joke gets stale
The worst was most likely It’s Pat. It also didn’t age well as the joke of trying to guess one’s gender is not a joke now. Julia Sweeney was one of the former cast members I noticed was missing from the special on Sunday.
Close seconds are Night at the Roxbury and Superstar.
My Dad loved The Blues Brothers despite having never watched SNL. The Blues Brothers 2000 wasn’t bad, it’s was just ok. It still had a good soundtrack though.
@ironcheftoni Man, I need a refresh on BB2000, can’t remember much about it.
@ironcheftoni @PocketBrain might be for the best
I remember this one:

France. We are from France.
@lonocat @PocketBrain really like how they added to the lore (even made it to an animated series)
I think this is really underrated in terms of SNL movies. It’s an above average romp, not a below average slump.
I cheated and looked it up on Wikipedia. There are 11 of them.
@tricityladytn if you count movies with multiple SNL alumni that weren’t SNL/LM production numbers:
Animal House
Three Amigos
Ghostbusters (and all their sequels)
Tommy Boy/Black Sheep
Mean Girls (2004)
Baby Mama
The Skeleton Twins
Whisky Tango Foxtrot
Popstar: Never Stop
Sandy Wexler
(Some of these might actually be SNL movies)
@pakopako @tricityladytn Macgruber was a long running sketch
Wayne’s World, Wayne’s World 2, Blues Brothers, Blues Brothers 2000, Coneheads, Night at the Roxbury, It’s Pat, Superstar, Harold, Ladies’ Man.
Missing one or two I’m sure. Definitely have Wayne’s World as the best, probably followed by the original Blues Brothers.
@novastarj What’s Harold?
Forgot one and it’s forgettable for a reason… Stuart Saves His Family.
@novastarj I agree with Wayne’s World being the best of the bunch. BB at 2 works as well (although I might put WW2 ahead of it).
@ironcheftoni Oh it’s awful and flopped miserably at the box office.
Wouldn’t even know where to watch it nowadays, doesn’t look like it’s available to stream anywhere.
Macgruber is definitely a great one