@snapster for September Goat - The Blame We Deserve! #SNAPTEMBER2016
22My Fellow Amehricans,
I come before you with grave tidings and a solemn task. We have been robbed! The August Goat election was rigged, we were bamboozled whilst the ballot box was stuffed by none other than @dave, @hollboll, and @galmaegi! All three of them voted no less than twelve hours after the polls closed and doomed @sammydog01 to the unjust fate of taking the blame for August!
Now, I know what you’re thinking, how could @snapster allow such a travesty to occur? I say to you, how could he not? By the time @snapster was made aware of this treachery, this movement to deny him his rightful place as Scapegoat of Meh, it was surely too late. Like Bernie Sanders @snapster chose the noble route, the moral high ground! @snapster knows that a house divided against itself cannot stand! To object would undermine the institution of Scapegoat, @snapster could never allow that to happen. He knew that he must sacrifice of himself for the sake of all mehkind. Truly there is none more deserving than he!
And so, it is my great honor to nominate @snapster as the people’s candidate for the September 2016 Scapegoat of Meh! He’s The Blame We Deserve!
Can we elect him? Yes, we can! He shall return! Do misunderestimate him, he will bring knives and speaker docks for all! Ask not what @snapster can do for you, ask what you can do for @snapster! Speakerdocks and @snapster Too!
This message paid for and endorsed by the Committee for a Fair Election, the Committee to Elect @snapster, and the #SNAPTEMBER2016 Foundation.
- 17 comments, 36 replies
- Comment
Starting early, I see! I think I could support this campaign. (Though I definitely wanted @sammydog01 for August.)
@christinewas you wanted @sammydog01, but did you want her dishonestly? The integrity of our electoral process was violated! @snapster was robbed of his rightful place as our Scapegoat!
Evil prevails when good men do nothing! There is no time like the present to begin the campaign for righteousness! Vote Snapster for Meh Scapegoat this August!
@jbartus If he wanted to do it, he would have! You’re being so mean to sammydog.
@KDemo Of course he would have. I’m poking fun at him for it and making a silly thread campaigning for @snapster to be goat and that’s mean to @sammydog01?
@sammydog01 will be an excellent goat, there’s no question of that in my mind and nowhere do I allege otherwise. Maybe let @sammydog01 see the thread and decide if they’re bothered by it or not before jumping in telling me off?
Apparently ripping off and parodying some of the most cliche political quotes in the history of this country didn’t make it clear enough that this was a joke… way to be that guy who ruins the joke by taking it seriously.
@jbartus - you were just joking? Political cliche, indeed.

/giphy let it go
but nice graphics.
@MrsPavlov I guess at least he’s not technically an amputee now, he’s just got lil baby arms… I’ll allow it
@Lotsofgoats Fuck it?
It was pretty obvious this month that octopus eclipses goat.
It was discussed long ago that the reason for a scapegoat in the first place is to protect staff members from the blame they would otherwise receive.
@KDemo are you implying the snap-meister is a mere staff Meh.mber?
i think a title like ‘supreme being’, or ‘maestro’, or ‘deep pockets’, or ‘grand puba’, or ‘gandolf’, or ‘giver of all things Meh.’, or ‘Meh.n at the top’ is more fitting.
Damn. That vid. Awesome.
Feel the @snap?
@snap the finger?
Finger the @snap?
Where are we going with engineering the slogan?
@f00l Please not finger the @snap.
No I will not finger the @snap.
You’re the @Goat, so I leave that honor to you.
Hey there @jbartus
Next time make your awesome graphic a teeny bit smaller so android doesnt Awww Fucking Snap every time I load this thread and that way i will actually get to see the graphic.
I do appreciate a fine campaign for clean elections.
@f00l maybe you should get a real phone then.
moto razr fo life yo!

You insulting my phablet? Yeah, you! Yeah, i’m talking to you, buddy.
@f00l my 4.5 year old galaxy s2 will take on your phablet any day of the week. except mon-sat. and is only available sunday from 0700-0730. if i’m awake. which i’m usually not.
so bring it!
/giphy bring it on

I have too many devices and kinda love all of them. One is a Galaxy S3. It barely crawls now. I use it for texts and calls only. Load maps and you’re asking for trouble.
I have one of those Sprint Galaxy S1’s in a box somewhere. It used Clear Wimax 4g…sigh.
Confession time…perhaps my browser is bitching because of the approx 10K tabs open. Huh. Whaddaya think?
Wait, i like my fucking tabs. Just stfu about it.
@f00l but it’s only like 450K
@carl669 I was on Amazon looking at the RZR over the weekend. I would love a phone that I can take with me places where I don’t need a giant brick in my pants.

On android: .Chrome hates this thread. Never see the whole image, only parts of it. Opera hates it too. They both crash or freezeup.
Firefox resizes the image to fit, and bogs down a bit, but tries to stay functional.
No idea how these browsers handle resizing/cache/memory differently so that’s all the info i got.
@f00l what browser are you using? firefox mobile on android works on meh fine.
Normally i’m using Chrome Beta for meh. I used to use FF for deals.woot. And Audible mobile.
If @jbartus keeps doing imagiticus gigantificus in these threads, well, no need for FF on deals.woot anymore. Guess i can swap out.
@f00l I’m having no issues with Firefox Mobile or Chrome on my S7. Are you up to date?
Chrome Beta prob not up to date as I often get mightily pissed at Google when I update w/out reading reviews. So procrastination.
Firefox seems to handle it OK, but slow. Prob need to update that also.
Nexus 6. Overloaded and abused, as a smartphone ought to be. Android is up to date whatever - 6.something.
@f00l I mean don’t get me wrong it’s massive (24x36 inches at 300 DPI) but since it was a vector source and exported as a PNG with no funny stuff it is a very very compact file which is why I didn’t mind posting it at full resolution.
Maybe chrome doesn’t parse that well, or more likely, I need to clear out some garbage and update stuff.
@f00l I know Chrome likes to crash out pages when it’s running low on resources. Restarting tends to clear it up.
Yeah I junked this one up enuf I have to kill/reboot a bunch. My bad.
But I figure the computer is for me, not I am for the computer. If I wanna abuse it, I suffer with lag, my bad, the device is my bitch. If the device consciously suffers also, I am not aware of it and have a very gleeful heart.
I thought I might devote Olympic-watching time to cleaning or flattening a bunch of devices and machines, assuming the Rio games are go to launch.
Isn’t the point of the goat to pin the blame on someone else? If the blame is being pinned on the man that’s actually in charge, it’s not being a goat. It’s being responsible and accountable.
Fuck that. Blame anyone but the one that’s truly to blame. That’s the name of the game.
@capguncowboy I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but much of the blaming (or unblaming) of the monthly goat are things completely unrelated to meh.
Yeah, I’m thinking @snapster is always goat. Find another.
…wonder if Bezos is on here. He could be the goat. That would be kinda weird. “Breakfast goat”?
@tomvarela You shut that talk up right now! I gotta see if I can find a can of Bezos Be-Gone just in case he IS slinking around.
@tomvarela @tomvarela A new way to make a goat… (googled image Bezos goat)

/giphy let it goat

@tomvarela Perfect!
Admittedly, I never follow any of the goat proceedings, but this just seems scandalous.
edit: cute puppy gif. ¯(ツ)/¯

/giphy scandal doge
Here you goat.
Geez people, I was only down by one vote.

/giphy one point
@sammydog01 we know, your gallant loss was stolen from you in the thirteenth hour!
Also what is the deal with that gif? It’s like some sprinter entered the hurdles just for the lulz hoping to win on time even after losing points for knocking every hurdle down.
@jbartus is just having a little fun (with great graphics). We should take it that way.
@KDemo My friend, I never knew I was holding on.