Hey @snapster Sky Mall had some cool, but expensive stuff. Maybe your buyer could get some of it cheap? And beat out overstock, and all those other daily deal places?
@SavvySapphire If you've ever been stuck in a metal tube with 145 other passengers hurtling across the skies, you've most likely paged through a Sky Mall catalog, constantly checking your watch while thinking "only 2 & a 1/2 more hours before we land. I wonder if they'll have peanuts on this flight?"
@LaVikinga Ah, that explains it. I've been avoiding those metal tubes that hurtle through the skies since 1992, when I went to Germany. Well, in that case, I bet I'm not missing much. And, Brookstone is way better ;)
My wife always thought they were SkyNet. She'd say "What's in the SkyNet catalog?" . . . I just laughed. She still doesn't know why I laugh at her about it and I have too much fun to clue her in. I guess she never connected the dots. (Happens to me too - sometimes in my own post strings). Now I'll have to find something else to laugh about while stuck on the tarmac.
Now I'm depressed. What am I going to do to entertain myself and my seat mates while they're droning through the safety instructions on my next flight. I wondered why the catalog was missing last time I flew!
Under the sale process proposed by the debtor companies, marketing of SkyMall assets would begin immediately, an auction would be held on or about March 24 and any sale would close in April. The company would maintain scaled-down operation during the process.
Just read an article that talked about phones and tablets "The FAA loosened the rules on using devices on takeoff and landing, and now SkyMall has filed for bankruptcy protection." Now you can get your entertainment with meh while flying.
I never ordered directly from SkyMall, but I have in the past purchased items from some of the companies that are in SkyMall. Not items in SkyMall, though.
And, I swiped the SkyMall from the Southwest flight I was on today when I heard the news.
@KDemo While there's no stock at Amazon now, and therefore no price, it's worth pointing out that that thing sells/sold for around a grand, give or take a couple hundred. More money than sense, ahoy!
For some inexplicable reason, I feel that it's important to point out that all of the items in SkyMall were/are sold by independent catalog retailers. SkyMall just pulled them together into one place (you know, like a mall), so all of the SkyMall items are still available... For example, one of SkyMall's most infamous items is the Design Toscano zombie: http://www.designtoscano.com/product/the+zombie+of+montclaire+moors+sculpture+-+db383020.do
@TheEndless Not all the items were from other catalogs. SkyMall did solicit items, and sometimes SkyMall was used as an initial trial sales place for a new product.
No, but I remember the catalog well. I'm really afraid of flying (crashing). I remember once my hands were shaking and I was feeling terrified while the plane was taking off so my husband held my hand and browsed the catalog with me, pointing out weird things and making jokes (he's wonderful like that). It helped distract me a little bit. One item that sticks out in my mind is the attic tent. The picture looked like a woman climbing magically out of a small suitcase.
I for one see the bright side of this, I look forward to all of their crap (I mean delightful life enhancing items) making an appearance on meh in the near future. However, with it being meh they will probably just buy all of their speaker docs and leave the lawn alligators alone.
A company I worked for sold Lionel Train Sets through Sky Mall. We would sell a certain set for $179.99 in our stores, but in the Sky Mall Catalog its was $399.99 , needless to say that company has been out of business for over 12 years.
Do SkyMall catalogs have ads? I always wondered how they stayed afloat. I guess before the internet, and price checking things you might not know exist elsewhere… that might make sense. Really, good for them for managing to exist for as long as they did.
@narfcake I mean, I get some, I don't get enough to sustain a business. Did people really impulse buy from the catalog? I would think you'd swipe it and order later. I guess a lot of people just aren't that rational.
@joedel263 I'm pretty sure that's the cheesiest ad I have ever seen.
@TheCO2 not an ad, was from when Jonathan Coulton was writing a new song every week. http://www.jonathancoulton.com/
@joedel263 Yep. This is my favorite video of a Coulton song: (In case Meh ever sells a shop-vac)
@ParadisePete That one is awesome. @joedel263 Either way, it's just cheesy, but it is fitting.
@joedel263 Chiron Beta Prime is my favourite:
@ParadisePete I wonder how many people dialed that number in the Shop Vac song?
Will this become another "dead mall?"
dead malls
@boc I just spent WAY too much time on that site.
For a while Leo Laporte was buying Skymall stuff to review on one of his shows; it was fun for a while. They carried weird and unusual stuff.
Hey @snapster Sky Mall had some cool, but expensive stuff. Maybe your buyer could get some of it cheap? And beat out overstock, and all those other daily deal places?
@Kidsandliz I'm sure they have piles of speaker docks just waiting to be sold.
Brookstone you say...I love that place. How come I've never heard of Sky Mall though?
@SavvySapphire If you've ever been stuck in a metal tube with 145 other passengers hurtling across the skies, you've most likely paged through a Sky Mall catalog, constantly checking your watch while thinking "only 2 & a 1/2 more hours before we land. I wonder if they'll have peanuts on this flight?"
@LaVikinga Ah, that explains it. I've been avoiding those metal tubes that hurtle through the skies since 1992, when I went to Germany. Well, in that case, I bet I'm not missing much. And, Brookstone is way better ;)
My wife always thought they were SkyNet. She'd say "What's in the SkyNet catalog?" . . . I just laughed. She still doesn't know why I laugh at her about it and I have too much fun to clue her in. I guess she never connected the dots. (Happens to me too - sometimes in my own post strings). Now I'll have to find something else to laugh about while stuck on the tarmac.
@Pavlov Sounds like my dad. He's always slaughtering things, like that.
Now I'm depressed. What am I going to do to entertain myself and my seat mates while they're droning through the safety instructions on my next flight. I wondered why the catalog was missing last time I flew!
So, some new guys said
Meh is set for life
@WilhelmScreamer imagine the fuku weirdness
Cost is the only reason I didn't purchase plenty of things from them. The catalog definitely helped kill time while flying.
The result of this poll kinda explains why they are going bankrupt.
Just read an article that talked about phones and tablets "The FAA loosened the rules on using devices on takeoff and landing, and now SkyMall has filed for bankruptcy protection." Now you can get your entertainment with meh while flying.
I never ordered directly from SkyMall, but I have in the past purchased items from some of the companies that are in SkyMall. Not items in SkyMall, though.
And, I swiped the SkyMall from the Southwest flight I was on today when I heard the news.
What? How could the company that sells the Nazi Grandpa Locator go out of business!?
Isn't this the online version of SkyMall: http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/
@phatmass - Found this:
And this Swiss army knife: with clever reviews on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Wenger-16999-Swiss-Knife-Giant/product-reviews/B001DZTJRQ
@KDemo While there's no stock at Amazon now, and therefore no price, it's worth pointing out that that thing sells/sold for around a grand, give or take a couple hundred. More money than sense, ahoy!
@brhfl - I didn't see the price. Funny reviews, though.
For some inexplicable reason, I feel that it's important to point out that all of the items in SkyMall were/are sold by independent catalog retailers. SkyMall just pulled them together into one place (you know, like a mall), so all of the SkyMall items are still available... For example, one of SkyMall's most infamous items is the Design Toscano zombie: http://www.designtoscano.com/product/the+zombie+of+montclaire+moors+sculpture+-+db383020.do
@TheEndless Just looked through the catalog last weekend and I still can't understand the appeal of the lady lamp.
@TheEndless Not all the items were from other catalogs. SkyMall did solicit items, and sometimes SkyMall was used as an initial trial sales place for a new product.
@LaVikinga That's still better than this lamp.
@Trillian That is an interesting lamp?
@Trillian i hope this lamp is in my fuku :P
SkyMall is a real thing? I thought it was just made up for a cheap joke on tv shows.
I like Hammacher Schlemmer more- same kind of products, but more practical (generally), and the catalog is great fun to read.
@dashcloud I was JUST going to suggest that there's an opening for Hammacher Schlemmer in the seatbacks of America's skies!
@dashcloud Damn you. Why would you point out such a place...now I'm activily browsing their website. I must hide my credit cards!
@SavvySapphire Lifetime return/replacement policy, so buy away!
No, but I remember the catalog well. I'm really afraid of flying (crashing). I remember once my hands were shaking and I was feeling terrified while the plane was taking off so my husband held my hand and browsed the catalog with me, pointing out weird things and making jokes (he's wonderful like that). It helped distract me a little bit. One item that sticks out in my mind is the attic tent. The picture looked like a woman climbing magically out of a small suitcase.
I for one see the bright side of this, I look forward to all of their crap (I mean delightful life enhancing items) making an appearance on meh in the near future. However, with it being meh they will probably just buy all of their speaker docs and leave the lawn alligators alone.
A company I worked for sold Lionel Train Sets through Sky Mall. We would sell a certain set for $179.99 in our stores, but in the Sky Mall Catalog its was $399.99 , needless to say that company has been out of business for over 12 years.
Do SkyMall catalogs have ads? I always wondered how they stayed afloat. I guess before the internet, and price checking things you might not know exist elsewhere… that might make sense. Really, good for them for managing to exist for as long as they did.
@brhfl A captive audience means they're bound to find some customers. In the days before in-flight internet, orders were made from in-flight phones.
@narfcake I mean, I get some, I don't get enough to sustain a business. Did people really impulse buy from the catalog? I would think you'd swipe it and order later. I guess a lot of people just aren't that rational.