That’s the truth. When I was married I would try to sit with the younger cousins of his family because I felt like I had more in common with them than all the adults.
At the kids’ table no body looks at you funny when you put the black olives on the tips of your fingers, and they understand the disappointment when your mashed potato dam breaks and releases the gravy lake.
These videos are my favorite part of meh.
/giphy awesome


/giphy o face
Loved it. Thanks
That’s the truth. When I was married I would try to sit with the younger cousins of his family because I felt like I had more in common with them than all the adults.
Grandma must of been a fortune teller.
At the kids’ table no body looks at you funny when you put the black olives on the tips of your fingers, and they understand the disappointment when your mashed potato dam breaks and releases the gravy lake.
I’m 68 and wouldn’t sit anywhere else!
Continually impressed with the talents of @matthew. I’ll be sharing this one around.
@matthew Please tell me you’re a Cubmaster for a local Cub Scout Pack. You’d be a natural, sir.