Should I delete my partial github project?

Seeds thought this was worth mentioning said

TLDR: Will it hurt my chances at finding employment to have unfinished shit on github?

I spent three days working on a project 3 months ago, and haven’t gotten around to finishing it yet. I have no idea when I will get to it, but probably not anytime soon- taking 18 credits and working full time this semester. I do have a good plan for it, but as is it doesn’t really do anything and what is there needs to be cleaned up.

I’ve been applying to internships for this summer, and while I don’t have it listed on my resume, my worry is that a potential employer will search my name, see it (I’m the only person with my name so it’s the 4th result on google), and decide that I have no idea what I’m doing and pass me over.

Am I just being paranoid or should I take it down until I have something worth showing?