Should I delete my partial github project?
4TLDR: Will it hurt my chances at finding employment to have unfinished shit on github?
I spent three days working on a project 3 months ago, and haven’t gotten around to finishing it yet. I have no idea when I will get to it, but probably not anytime soon- taking 18 credits and working full time this semester. I do have a good plan for it, but as is it doesn’t really do anything and what is there needs to be cleaned up.
I’ve been applying to internships for this summer, and while I don’t have it listed on my resume, my worry is that a potential employer will search my name, see it (I’m the only person with my name so it’s the 4th result on google), and decide that I have no idea what I’m doing and pass me over.
Am I just being paranoid or should I take it down until I have something worth showing?
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I suspect if you add a README stating that it’s a work in progress it’ll be fine. That way you can demonstrate that you have initiative and code on your own time (when you have it) without seeming like you have poor coding skills.
Added bonus: it ensures that anyone else that finds it will know it’s not quite in a usable state yet.
P.S.: I’ve always been a vehement opponent of the idea that you should only publish good, complete things. It’s way more important to put things out there, get feedback, and learn than it is to obsess over getting something just right before anyone touches it. Seeking that perfection is a futile effort. There will almost always be changes to make.
And fuck anyone who tells you that you should be ashamed for publishing something with bugs.
@harrison Awesome, thanks
I already had it doesn’t work yet popup as a warning if anyone actually tried to run the program as well as notes in the comments. I just added it to the top of the README now to make it more obvious.
@Pantheist i agree with @harrison. however, as one who occasionally interviews developers, i would definitely still judge you on style and consistency, even in an unfinished work. i might contact you if you didn’t have anything on github, but would not if what i saw there was sloppy. whatever language you are programming in, follow an appropriate style guide while writing code (not just when you clean it up after). bonus if you have a config file for a linter in the repo (example for javascript).
@katylava It does follow the style guide and has appropriate comments, but it could be put together more elegantly. I like to write code the same way I write papers- I start out getting the framework down and making sure everything that needs to be there is, then I go through and see what can be improved.
Issue with this is it’s not functional yet, so there is definitely plenty that should be changed with what is there.
@Pantheist i put stuff on github right when i start. many people use github this way. it’s totally fine.
@katylava Happy to hear it, thanks! All of this is still pretty new to me, so I don’t always know what’s expected.
18 credit of non-basket-weaving plus working full time is pretty impressive.
Just don’t forget - you gotta have time to make sure I win the Meh Fantasy Movie League Early Bird Cineplex Competition as usual.
@f00l This semester is Java II, C++ II, discrete math, webpage development, project management, and info systems analysis and design…
All I do is report on your winnings- you’re the one who keeps blowing everyone out of the water
/giphy awesome!

@f00l I just refilled my oil tank (for home furnace) with diesel fuel from cranberry juice bottles since I can’t afford the 100 gal min for deliveries. I needed something to perk me up, and that gif did it
Thank you.
@Pantheist Aren’t you supposed to be blaming the goat?
@compunaut You’re right.
@jbartus Fuck you.
@Pantheist And now you say, “And I’m thankful my furnace will kick on & keep me warm next time it gets cold.” C’mon, you can do it. @jbartus is busy
We celebrate that you are inspirational. And that @Panthiest won’t turn into an actual ice cube this winter.
Hey @jbartus we be pickin’ up some slack here. Celebrate that!
@f00l @compunaut that’s good cause I just got home.
I also accept blame for the fact that @Pantheist doesn’t own a legal fuel can to fill his oil tank with.
@compunaut Haha, don’t take my night postings too seriously. I have a pretty great life that’s on an upswing and I know it; it’s just nice to complain about the minor annoyances sometimes.
@jbartus I have two, just neither of them are accessible to me right now and I didn’t want to spend 20 bucks on a third plastic bottle that I’d only need for about a month.