Shirt.woot's founder Joel departs for a non-shirt.woot gig


Joel Lewis has made an official departure from shirt.woot after founding the dot-woot shirt design concept (with me and @dave @shawn @lukeduff and many other hands in the mix) 10 years ago. Shirt.woot was Woot’s second community concept site launched in 2007. Since I just did a 10 year’s ago post about wine.woot, my nostalgia-capacity hasn’t quite rebounded to full strength but there’s a ton of y’all that appreciate Joel’s efforts and his leaving is eventful. I hope that we can fill in some stories from our memories as we have time over the coming weeks. Joel added an incredible passion and creative energy to our glory days at woot. I remember and smile on a weekly basis when looking through my closet at the hundreds of shirts I still own.

I’ll start the reminiscing actually with a project Joel made at Woot before shirt.woot launched:

I still remember the conversation Joel started with “So this is going to sound weird but I need your permission to hire an actual monkey for $500”. To which I replied “I’m going to approve this request without hearing a single detail.” and the Joel Lewis contribution era to Woot was off and running.

So here’s the drill again. Did you try out shirt.woot? When did you buy your first shirt? What’s your favorite classic Woot shirt? How many do you think you own? Did you enjoy the community that formed there?

Thanks Joel
/giphy cheers