Condition: New Warranty:1 Year Shark Estimated Delivery: 7/6 - 7/8 Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Steam & Spray base
1x Electronic Steam head
1x Cordless Spray-Only Mop Head
1x Washable Cleaning Pad
1x Disposable cleaning pad
4x AA Batteries
1x 12oz Bottle Hard Floor Cleanser
I was diving in the Sea of Cortez. I was young, stupid, and much less brittle then. I was harassing a little 3 foot nurse shark. Grabbing his tail and trying to keep him from swimming away. He turned and snapped at me. His teeth got caught up in my wet suit and a piece of my forearm.
The plus: I wasn’t injured seriously. Only four stitches.
The not-so-plus: I spoiled a day of diving for everyone. Once my blood was in the water the dive master was worried it would draw something less docile than nurse sharks.
@currawong Ya, he did a pretty good job holding his own. Between the nurse shark and what I now refer to as “the octopus incident” I’ve learned to keep my hands and arms inside the ride at all times. No more fussing with the wildlife for moi.
Changing water to steam seems like a horrible thing to do with battery power. How much water can 4 AA batteries vaporize???
Lets say you have 2650mAh batteries @ 1.2V x 4 that’s 12.72 watt hours. Converting to sensible units, that’s just slightly shy of 11 kCal.
1 kCal = energy to raise 1 liter of water 1 degree C.
Maybe you run your tap water hot at 50 C (120 F) and need to raise it to 100 C to convert to steam. This is ignoring any cooling from the surroundings.
Also, keep in mind, batteries are rated at a slow discharge and that energy you can get goes down (a lot) as you pull more current. If you don’t want to clean over the coarse of an hour, they’ll need to supply more - maybe that 7.43 ounces lasts 10 minutes (this part’s a guess). That means asking your poor AA batteries to dump 15.9 Amps for 10 minutes straight. That might be impossible, and is certainly outside of their spec by just a bit.
Phew… that kinda makes me happy to be ‘wrong’ just knowing that such a silly device doesn’t exist. I probably should have looked that up first, but I cared more about the calculation than the product.
@norconkm The unit plugs in to 110v to generate steam. The batteries just squirt the cleanser fluid. The steam head is filled with water and is attached to the 20’ power cord. The other mopping head is for using when you dont need steam, just the cleanser spray. So it doesn’t have the power cord attached or the water tank that the steam mop head contains.
Does anyone have a solution for the “solution” cleaning fluid? I want to see what kind of cleaner I could make or buy to fill the machine without damaging the Shark or my wallet.
This is awesome. I ordered one via the most excellent unzipped-unique-gum and it was delivered today at my front door! Whaaaaat? I know, I can’t figure it out either!
I’ve already got that sucker put together and put it to work cleaning my kitchen floor after using my swiffer wet-jet just a day or two ago. Not to be too much of a @cshillaber but it did pick up more crap and the cleaning pad was pretty dark when I was done…
You notice, they did the video on a dark floor to highlight the billowing clouds of steam–in my case I didn’t notice a whole shit-load of steam but I could see some and hear it. The Shark Fluid (not blood) was pleasant smelling but i think I like the scent of the swiffer juice better. Either way, a good pair of channel locks rips those caps right off of the bottles and you can put whatevah you want in there. My city water is fairly hard so I went by WalMart and blew $0.88 on a gallon of distilled for it. If anybody knows how to distill something it’s folks from Arkansas. Am I right America or am I right? Two thumbs up from me!
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Shark
Estimated Delivery: 7/6 - 7/8
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Steam & Spray base
1x Electronic Steam head
1x Cordless Spray-Only Mop Head
1x Washable Cleaning Pad
1x Disposable cleaning pad
4x AA Batteries
1x 12oz Bottle Hard Floor Cleanser
Shark steam & spray
Lifestyle shot
Price Comparison
$119.99 at Amazon (0 reviews)
7 reviews at Walmart
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
We’re going to need a bigger boat!
Cuz no Bluetooth, yeah?
@MehnofLaMehncha maybe if it had a Bluetooth speaker built in. Meh.
Did I have that at Red Lobster once?
Maybe at a down-rangie Red Lobster.
@awk Probably Benihana’s
Yay shark week 2016!!! I love it when meh acknowledges something else I love. The last time was
@mehdaf that was the one and only fuku I have ever been lucky enough to get.
Fishy deal
A shark tried to eat me once. True story.
I was diving in the Sea of Cortez. I was young, stupid, and much less brittle then. I was harassing a little 3 foot nurse shark. Grabbing his tail and trying to keep him from swimming away. He turned and snapped at me. His teeth got caught up in my wet suit and a piece of my forearm.
The plus: I wasn’t injured seriously. Only four stitches.
The not-so-plus: I spoiled a day of diving for everyone. Once my blood was in the water the dive master was worried it would draw something less docile than nurse sharks.
@ruouttaurmind Gotta say I would’ve been rooting for the shark in that situation.
Similar story about a buddy.
The funny thing was, diving in some place like Ahunahunawakiwaki-
eekoeekowahniwahniakoako Bay.
After dive, asked someone what
Shark Bay, of course.

/image Cool Story Bro
@therealjrn Of course back then every time I told the story the shark seemed to grow a foot.
@currawong Ya, he did a pretty good job holding his own. Between the nurse shark and what I now refer to as “the octopus incident” I’ve learned to keep my hands and arms inside the ride at all times. No more fussing with the wildlife for moi.
“Hammerhead” Shark, anyone?
Was hoping this was for carpets
too bad.
The last $7 mop they sold works GREAT.
Hey… long time no talk, just wanted to send you this link for this video I caught earlier that changed my life… enjoy!!!
It’s been great catching up, hope to see you at that thing later this summer!!!
@mfladd <humanresources> Sooooooo … let’s talk about responsibility. Are you feeling okay in your everyday life…? </humanresources>
@mfladd Best. Video. Ever.
@OldCatLady It worked! Your order number is: incidental-lengthy-saffron
/image incidental-lengthy-saffron

Good job @mediocrebot!
But @OldCatLady chooses better pictures.
@mediocrebot absolutely best order name image I have EVER received.
@Barney They found my weak spot: I am an Anglophile.
@mediocrebot This was the first image that came to my mind for that order number/name…

@Barney Have to counteract the image of the ‘tiny fingered, Cheeto faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon’.

@OldCatLady Why did they spoil a good picture with shirts?
@Barney Well, it goes with the ‘clean’ theme. Sort of. Don’t they look like they’re in a church?
@OldCatLady I never got as far as looking at the background.
@Barney That’s my girl! You’ve learned well.
Meh. Not biting on this deal.
@keili30 It worked! Your order number is: distinguished-impossible-psychic
/image distinguished-impossible-psychic

Good job @mediocrebot!
I don’t hold these in great, eh, steam.
@IdHateMe It worked! Your order number is: unequal-snarky-load
/image unequal-snarky-load

@mediocrebot bringing the geek! Duuuude!
Good job @mediocrebot!
/image Nah!

Changing water to steam seems like a horrible thing to do with battery power. How much water can 4 AA batteries vaporize???
Lets say you have 2650mAh batteries @ 1.2V x 4 that’s 12.72 watt hours. Converting to sensible units, that’s just slightly shy of 11 kCal.
1 kCal = energy to raise 1 liter of water 1 degree C.
Maybe you run your tap water hot at 50 C (120 F) and need to raise it to 100 C to convert to steam. This is ignoring any cooling from the surroundings.
1 charge = 11 kCal = 11 degree liters / 50 degrees = .22 liters or 7.43 ounces.
That seems like enough to clean… not much.
Also, keep in mind, batteries are rated at a slow discharge and that energy you can get goes down (a lot) as you pull more current. If you don’t want to clean over the coarse of an hour, they’ll need to supply more - maybe that 7.43 ounces lasts 10 minutes (this part’s a guess). That means asking your poor AA batteries to dump 15.9 Amps for 10 minutes straight. That might be impossible, and is certainly outside of their spec by just a bit.
who wants to tell @norconkm …
@norconkm I think it uses plugged-in power to make the steam. I just did a quick read of the manual here:
@norconkm Too much sciency stuff for midnight.
Phew… that kinda makes me happy to be ‘wrong’ just knowing that such a silly device doesn’t exist. I probably should have looked that up first, but I cared more about the calculation than the product.
@norconkm I’m just glad you’re on our side…um…you are aren’t you?
@norconkm The unit plugs in to 110v to generate steam. The batteries just squirt the cleanser fluid. The steam head is filled with water and is attached to the 20’ power cord. The other mopping head is for using when you dont need steam, just the cleanser spray. So it doesn’t have the power cord attached or the water tank that the steam mop head contains.
@Jdub ok FINE.
@norconkm who cares, it’s magic! It won’t work if you don’t believe.
@therealjrn Snap! U been dissed by @mediocrebot?
@norconkm Sadly…

@ruouttaurmind I added in the slash buy as an edit; @mediocrebot won’t pay attention to edits
I want one soooo bad, but I’m broke right now
Does this work on for dirt floors? Hey, not everybody can afford to live in Arkansas.
@Bkmack It’ll steam your ass all the way down to China. You’re gonna need an loooong extension cord though.
Seems like a good deal. Had to.
/giphy tarnished-cold-kangaroo

@Freelicks Really good giphy choice. Did you try a few before accepting this one?
@OldCatLady Yep!
@MagisterQuis It worked! Your order number is: grassy-eloquent-celery
/image grassy-eloquent-celery

Good job @mediocrebot!
@404Error It worked! Your order number is: crummy-innate-crowd
/image crummy-innate-crowd

Good job @mediocrebot!
Does anyone have a solution for the “solution” cleaning fluid? I want to see what kind of cleaner I could make or buy to fill the machine without damaging the Shark or my wallet.
@DanTheManimal Yes, LifeHacker and similar sites all have ways to refill both WetJet bottles and the Shark bottles, with recipes for solution. One is here; read down a little: and there are several on YouTube.

/giphy hacker

Thank you!
@OldCatLady booked marked for the wetjet recipe.
@therealjrn It worked! Your order number is: unzipped-unique-gum
/image unzipped-unique-gum

Awesome @mediocrebot!
Spicy-artistic-boa. How did u know?
Why is Walmart know longer selling this item.
@jrross58 walmart sells a newer more expensive model now
instead of having 2 shark mops, they discontinue the old one
Been looking for something to mop/clean my floor with… think this is worth the $50 investment? Or should I just go buy a mop?
@VivaDaWolf I’ve been using a Swiffer Wet Jet but this seems to be an upgrade so I ordered one. I must think it’s worth the investment.
Sure you can use a mop–people been using mops for a long time. If you don’t have a mop by now…maybe you don’t need one.
@squirrelsuit It worked! Your order number is: abundantly-uneasy-ant
/image abundantly-uneasy-ant

Good job @mediocrebot!
@mediocrebot Soooo, you were at Sunday School yesterday while I was ordering my X-mini Max.
Is this safe for stained concrete? Some steamers strip the wax stain.
@adberger I’d say no based on this:
@ticklescratch It worked! Your order number is: numb-tranquil-mine
/image numb-tranquil-mine

@mediocrebot i’ll go with #2 please.
Good job @mediocrebot!
This is awesome. I ordered one via the most excellent unzipped-unique-gum and it was delivered today at my front door! Whaaaaat? I know, I can’t figure it out either!
I’ve already got that sucker put together and put it to work cleaning my kitchen floor after using my swiffer wet-jet just a day or two ago. Not to be too much of a @cshillaber but it did pick up more crap and the cleaning pad was pretty dark when I was done…
You notice, they did the video on a dark floor to highlight the billowing clouds of steam–in my case I didn’t notice a whole shit-load of steam but I could see some and hear it. The Shark Fluid (not blood) was pleasant smelling but i think I like the scent of the swiffer juice better. Either way, a good pair of channel locks rips those caps right off of the bottles and you can put whatevah you want in there. My city water is fairly hard so I went by WalMart and blew $0.88 on a gallon of distilled for it. If anybody knows how to distill something it’s folks from Arkansas. Am I right America or am I right? Two thumbs up from me!