I think you will like it but I suggest wetting the pad and mopping with the steam as usual. Take off the pad every few feet. I do every 100 sq feet or so then rinse it then continue or for severely unmapped areas rinse repeat then move. Btw. I’ve never had a third pass ever pick up much. If a third pass is what it takes for you, then you might want to hire someone to clean up the place or I’m guessing the landlord might end up charging a hefty cleaning fee. You might be so amazed at how much dirt it picks up that you will start looking everywhere for replacement cloth heads like I did. Enjoy and good luck with your move!
@currawong I’ll also suggest that you REMOVE the mop head & pad when storing it.
If not, the mop head can become “clogged” over time (think years, not months) and will prevent the steam from coming out and you’ll have to get a replacement head.
We’ve been using the same shark steam mop since late 2010 with minimal issues aside from what I mentioned above.
Also the plastic handle on our broke last year but I rigged up a new handle with PVC piping & fittings.
“And a forward-thinking mop entrepreneur would more for a mop of rugged construction to defray future replacement mop costs.”
I apologize beforehand, English is my second language, but can “more” be used as a verb as above? Or is there a word or phrase missing between “would” and “more”. Thank you. Figured it would be OK to ask this given today’s theme.
@jester747 I think mike808 cleverly got it. Jester, is this from the book, “From bankrupt to $900 a day selling mops”? I didn’t read the book, but it makes sense the quote would come from there.
To fix this, also consider only adding the word pay and changing mop to mopping if the person is indeed doing mopping not selling mops. However you are S.O.L. (sorely out of luck) if the entrepreneur wants to both sell mops and use mops. There is no way to say it in your phrase in English. You would need to switch to Klingon which tends to be more descriptive.
@jester747 Actually, this is a more British way of saying it. To make it more recognizable to American English, insert the word “opt” before “more”. Definition of opt: make a choice from a range of possibilities. In British English “opt” is implied.
I have seen this at a few places. I think It is nice too but I really do try to remember languages are living.
Im in India right now and I keep reading signs that I think are terribly written and keep wondering to myself if they are standard Indian English or what.
@jmbunkin There’s an entire channel on Directv that seems to be dedicated to shark infomercials. Never watched but they might offer a 30-day free trial or something. All those returned items are no longer considered new and are sold as refurbished units even if there was nothing wrong with them.
I really want one for my home but I just bought non-steam mops. I hate waste. How can I justify this. I went through two of the one I have. I kept exploding them somehow but lots of luck with the the one they gave me as a “third time’s a charm”. The one I have now is only ok. It has no pockets just a stick pad but it still works even with its non-adjustable steam setting.
Pro-tip…I like cleaning my windows with it.
Professional tip… an orbital cleaner would be faster, especially for polishing.
Maybe a Meh fairy will ferry one over to my home for wishing real hard like.
This is only ok for tile according to our local flooring company. No linoleum, esp the kind with shine built in or it will take it off ( also stated on the mop instructions) and no wood floors. So if u have tile everywhere, then it’s safe to use. I bought one last time and in the basement it now sits waiting for us to redo the house in tile.
We have the older version of this shark mop and have been using it weekly, with minimal problems since late 2010. knock on wood
A couple tips:
Remove the mop head & pad when storing the mop. Or else the head can become “clogged” after a while and the steam will no longer come out.
And the plastic handle may become brittle over time and need replaced (the handle cracked & broke on ours after about 5 years. I “made” a replacement handle with standard PVC pipe & fittings from the big orange home improvement store).
What’s in the Box?
1x Steam mop
1x Washable Microfiber Pad
1x Filling Flask
Mopping part 2
wood floor
Price Comparison
$86.90 (new) at Amazon
90 Day Shark
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Friday, July 17th
Hot deal - cleaning up tonight! Use to blow off a little steam
I want the Irk slippers
Plushie Irk slippers! Still holding out for Tiny Tub Mummy.
If it comes with a person to push it around once a week i’m in.
@Stallion Yes. And that person also needs to operate the shark vacs too.
How will this help me with my social anxiety though?
you could use this to clean the Emperor’s new clothes- they really could use a good pressing, too.
You rolled a total of 5
Ouch! Do not steam clothing, visible or invisible, while wearing! Trust me.
@5665150 even if it’s Trump?
$1 more for lavender/purple.
Lick away.
Extra buck for purple? I’m gambling that extra buck is actually to ship me an extra awesome surprise for being a cool guy!
Don’t worry folks! I’ll keep you informed!
Will pass because the spinny mop I got here last year works just fine.
Could this be used to mop my tears over the lack of speaker docks?
Damn! That woman’s floor is filthy!
Super Bonus Clip! (18+only)
I’ll buy some Irk slippers.
Y’know what. Fuck it. I don’t have a good mop. So (hopefully) soon I’ll have a (hopefully) good mop.
/giphy comical-present-death

My roommate and I never, ever mop our floor… I’m moving out in a month, so maybe I’ll mop the place up real good as a parting gift.
I think you will like it but I suggest wetting the pad and mopping with the steam as usual. Take off the pad every few feet. I do every 100 sq feet or so then rinse it then continue or for severely unmapped areas rinse repeat then move. Btw. I’ve never had a third pass ever pick up much. If a third pass is what it takes for you, then you might want to hire someone to clean up the place or I’m guessing the landlord might end up charging a hefty cleaning fee. You might be so amazed at how much dirt it picks up that you will start looking everywhere for replacement cloth heads like I did. Enjoy and good luck with your move!
@currawong I’ll also suggest that you REMOVE the mop head & pad when storing it.
If not, the mop head can become “clogged” over time (think years, not months) and will prevent the steam from coming out and you’ll have to get a replacement head.
We’ve been using the same shark steam mop since late 2010 with minimal issues aside from what I mentioned above.
Also the plastic handle on our broke last year but I rigged up a new handle with PVC piping & fittings.
“And a forward-thinking mop entrepreneur would more for a mop of rugged construction to defray future replacement mop costs.”
I apologize beforehand, English is my second language, but can “more” be used as a verb as above? Or is there a word or phrase missing between “would” and “more”. Thank you. Figured it would be OK to ask this given today’s theme.
@jester747 Yes, definitely missing something. It makes no sense the way it is.
Inserting “pay” makes sense - “…would pay more for…”
@jester747 I think the word we are looking for is “pay.”
@jester747 A “mop entrepreneur” wouldn’t be buying mops. They’d be selling them. The missing word is “charge”, not “pay”.
@jester747 I think mike808 cleverly got it. Jester, is this from the book, “From bankrupt to $900 a day selling mops”? I didn’t read the book, but it makes sense the quote would come from there.
To fix this, also consider only adding the word pay and changing mop to mopping if the person is indeed doing mopping not selling mops. However you are S.O.L. (sorely out of luck) if the entrepreneur wants to both sell mops and use mops. There is no way to say it in your phrase in English. You would need to switch to Klingon which tends to be more descriptive.
@5665150 Yeah, but then someone winds up dead. For which you’d need a mop to clean up your battleth mess. Win, win.
@jester747 Actually, this is a more British way of saying it. To make it more recognizable to American English, insert the word “opt” before “more”. Definition of opt: make a choice from a range of possibilities. In British English “opt” is implied.
Where at a grocery store does “less” mean “fewer”?
edited for better wording.
edited again for spelling.
@bdb checkout line: “10 items or less”
@awk Around here, I think they all say “10 items or fewer”.
I notice it because it is nice to see the proper use of ‘fewer’.
@awk is right for noting thr improper usage.
“No entry unless thou haveth a paucity of items in the counting of 10 or less.”
Not 11, but 10. Not 9, unless proceeding immediately to 10. 12 is right out. …
I have seen this at a few places. I think It is nice too but I really do try to remember languages are living.
Im in India right now and I keep reading signs that I think are terribly written and keep wondering to myself if they are standard Indian English or what.
@5665150 ‘languages are living’ that’s a beautiful phrase. I’m not sure I know what that means
@wew Well for us to be able to murder the language with our usage it has to have been living first?
I got one of these last time they were up. It just moved the dirt around and took the shine off the wooden floor.
No to use on wooden floor. No no no.
It worked!
Your order number is:
/giphy wrenching-enamored-flamingo

I got the teal colored one last time,not sure if it’s the same make and model though.
Just checked the other shark I purchased has the removable steamer. I will be bummed out if this one works better than the one I have.
Meh, you’ve made a mistake with model number in detailed specs! It’s from yesterday’s deal.
Also, please clarify, if this will work with 220V grid?
Judging from all the deals on Shark refurb items they must have a factory somewhere in China that only produces broken products.
@jmbunkin There’s an entire channel on Directv that seems to be dedicated to shark infomercials. Never watched but they might offer a 30-day free trial or something. All those returned items are no longer considered new and are sold as refurbished units even if there was nothing wrong with them.
no mention of the quality issues from last time? the ‘fix’ was “call shark, tell them you bought it here”
/giphy of at first you don’t succeed

I think you meant
/giphy if at first you don’t succeed
@ThoR294 correct, why you got no gif?

maybe you need a blank line
/giphy maybe you need a blank line
@wew perfect on multiple fronts
@Yoda_Daenerys kek
@Yoda_Daenerys first time gif post

/giphy virgin
I really want one for my home but I just bought non-steam mops. I hate waste. How can I justify this. I went through two of the one I have. I kept exploding them somehow but lots of luck with the the one they gave me as a “third time’s a charm”. The one I have now is only ok. It has no pockets just a stick pad but it still works even with its non-adjustable steam setting.
Pro-tip…I like cleaning my windows with it.
Professional tip… an orbital cleaner would be faster, especially for polishing.
Maybe a Meh fairy will ferry one over to my home for wishing real hard like.
@5665150 Windows? Now that is clever.
This is only ok for tile according to our local flooring company. No linoleum, esp the kind with shine built in or it will take it off ( also stated on the mop instructions) and no wood floors. So if u have tile everywhere, then it’s safe to use. I bought one last time and in the basement it now sits waiting for us to redo the house in tile.
@Felyne trouble with tile floor besides dirt in the grout, is that things are more likely to break if you drop them than with vinyl.
We have the older version of this shark mop and have been using it weekly, with minimal problems since late 2010.
knock on wood
A couple tips:
Remove the mop head & pad when storing the mop. Or else the head can become “clogged” after a while and the steam will no longer come out.
And the plastic handle may become brittle over time and need replaced (the handle cracked & broke on ours after about 5 years. I “made” a replacement handle with standard PVC pipe & fittings from the big orange home improvement store).
Pretty sure FedEx/USPS used my box for a tackling dummy.
Anyone have a problem where the screw to hold the handle in the mop doesn’t engage? It’s either misaligned, or maybe a few millimeters short.