Last night was setsubun (the day before the beginning of Spring). Did y'all get to yell "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" (Out with the ogre! In with good fortune!"). Don't forget to throw your beans.
Is there still time to do this? If I don't do this will the ogres get me? What if I don't have any beans?
Oh god I'm so scared now.
@JonT Seems like a good thing to yell anytime. Keep Setsubun in your heart, all year round.
No, no, the ferret said Spring is still 6 weeks away. We have plenty of time to get some beans.
Isn't it still snowing in Japan? I thought spring was well into March?
Confused. Spring starts on March 20 this year...
Huh. I learned something today. Japanese seasons do not line up with the solstices.
My wife is Japanese, and we didn't even talk about this one yet!
@luvche21 time to ask what else she's keeping from you.
@Ignorant Haha, we just had a little chat. Turns out she forgot lol.
Out with the Ogre sounds like my kind of reality dating show.
Is there still time to do this? If I don't do this will the ogres get me? What if I don't have any beans?
Oh god I'm so scared now.
@JonT Seems like a good thing to yell anytime. Keep Setsubun in your heart, all year round.
No, no, the ferret said Spring is still 6 weeks away. We have plenty of time to get some beans.
Isn't it still snowing in Japan? I thought spring was well into March?
Confused. Spring starts on March 20 this year...
Huh. I learned something today. Japanese seasons do not line up with the solstices.

My wife is Japanese, and we didn't even talk about this one yet!
@luvche21 time to ask what else she's keeping from you.
@Ignorant Haha, we just had a little chat. Turns out she forgot lol.
Out with the Ogre sounds like my kind of reality dating show.