Seriously? I just can't win. (Laptop help needed.)

RiotDemon thought this was worth mentioning said

I open my laptop this morning to play some games. I was playing it last night, no problem. I remember Windows popped up with a message that it was going to restart last night to install updates.

This morning, open the lid, no bootable devices found.

No, I don’t have a boot disk. (Yes, I already know that’s fucking stupid. Please give me a break. I haven’t owned a computer in a really long time.)

I try F1, F10, Del, whatever other buttons the internet tells me try to. It says the same thing, checking media, then no bootable device found.

According to the internet, since it’s a Dell, (please give me a break on this as well, someone gave it to me since they were no longer using it.) My HD connection most likely came loose and I have to take it apart and plug it back in firmly.

Before I start ripping it apart, anything else I should try?