@tweezak Where I live it’s mostly “hot”, “stupid hot” and “not quite as hot” with the occasional ice storm storm thrown in during the not quite as hot. September is “you think it’s the start of fall but mostly it’s just more hot with a few stupid hot days just for fun!”
My birthday month, used to be fun, sucks now, officially in my 70’s after the b’day. Till then, I’m “around 70”, thank God I just look around 50, . . . . . or so, . . . . .in the right light,. . . . . early in the day,. . . . .using a little imagination
Goes to show how many of our parents were frisky during the holiday season. My birthday too draws nigh. This Saturday to be specific. (Just in case you guys finally developed an Irk plush and you’d like to send one along.)
it means summer is over where I live, it’s starting to be getting cold, windy, damp, rainy, and snowy. i hate cold. i want to be in some relative warmth all year and it ain’t here for me. sigh. happy September.
@Hrairoo I like that. Never heard them called “the ber months” but you are right I think they’re the best. Also Januber, Feberarri, Marber, Aperber, Mayberry
September is when most places have their Halloween stuff out and it reminds me that it’ll be close. The weather doesn’t really get better until late October so it’s another month of misery.
Sometimes we still have autumn-ish weather in September up here. We only had about 45 minutes of spring this year, but maybe we’ll get lucky with fall.
The last two years in a row, we had significant snow at the end of September. True: It did melt & we have had relatively decent weather during October & into November before the real Winter season hits, it’s just disheartening when a guy has to shovel less than 5 months between snowfalls.
My Dad’s Birthday
End of summer, mixed blessing
Cooling weather
Called back into the office, no more work from home
Looking forward to Halloween on a weekend!
September is just a filler month, like June or August, but at least we get Labor Day, so there is a day off work for some folks.
Means an international trip for my birthday. Except this year because of COVID (thanks China), so it’s Big Bear instead.
Wake me up when it ends
/youtube wake me up when all star ends
First of the four “ber’s”
@katbyter this bers’ weather is too hot. The second bers’ is just right. The third bers’ is refreshing. That last ber can get bent.
It means my birthday’s in a few days
This year, I turn 40 on September 16.
@JT954 Better over the hill than under it. Happy Birthday
@JT954 it’s a bummer to have a big birthday (I turned 50 in april) during this crap.
My birthday, too…on the 28th! But I REALLY like September because it means the horrible Texas heat will FINALLY come to an end!! YEAH, FALL!!
September is a segue into fall but where I live there are basically 2 seasons: wet and less wet. So, September loses a lot of credibility.
@tweezak Where I live it’s mostly “hot”, “stupid hot” and “not quite as hot” with the occasional ice storm storm thrown in during the not quite as hot. September is “you think it’s the start of fall but mostly it’s just more hot with a few stupid hot days just for fun!”
@gt0163c @tweezak North Texas?
My birthday month, used to be fun, sucks now, officially in my 70’s after the b’day. Till then, I’m “around 70”, thank God I just look around 50, . . . . . or so, . . . . .in the right light,. . . . . early in the day,. . . . .using a little imagination
@JoeSeadog Just count anniversaries of your 29th birthday. That is how my friend’s dad does it.
Goes to show how many of our parents were frisky during the holiday season. My birthday too draws nigh. This Saturday to be specific. (Just in case you guys finally developed an Irk plush and you’d like to send one along.)
@cinoclav My husbands bday and his 2 sisters’ are all in August, he always has to point out how much his mom LOVES Christmastime…
@moonhat I’ve seen several stories that say September is the most common birth month. Gotta stay warm in December somehow!
It will be my husband’s birthday(
/youtube September
it means summer is over where I live, it’s starting to be getting cold, windy, damp, rainy, and snowy. i hate cold. i want to be in some relative warmth all year and it ain’t here for me. sigh. happy September.
Apples, a Mabon feast with some of my wonderful friends, the light and leaves are changing! The ber months are magic!
@Hrairoo I like that. Never heard them called “the ber months” but you are right I think they’re the best. Also Januber, Feberarri, Marber, Aperber, Mayberry
September is when most places have their Halloween stuff out and it reminds me that it’ll be close. The weather doesn’t really get better until late October so it’s another month of misery.
Halloween browsing helps.
Sometimes we still have autumn-ish weather in September up here. We only had about 45 minutes of spring this year, but maybe we’ll get lucky with fall.
The last two years in a row, we had significant snow at the end of September. True: It did melt & we have had relatively decent weather during October & into November before the real Winter season hits, it’s just disheartening when a guy has to shovel less than 5 months between snowfalls.
Going back to things, apparently.
My Dad’s Birthday
End of summer, mixed blessing
Cooling weather
Called back into the office, no more work from home
Looking forward to Halloween on a weekend!
@duodec Halloween on a weekend bums me out. I’ve been waiting for years and now it’s Covid time. Maybe everyone will wear masks and still celebrate.
I get to wear my hazmat suit!
And I’m more likely than ever to have leftover good candy
September means summer is coming to an end and I’m gonna be stuck inside till next may
@Star2236 Move to the deep south. Summer is the time you are stuck inside and winter is when people finally come out.
September means I have only one year left before I turn 50.
Kinda sucks, winter is coming
What are the odds… So many birthdays. Including mine. Not that I like birthdays.
We generally don’t get autumn proper until October in my area, but it does cool off a bit in September. Looking forward to some low-50s nights soon.