@lehigh so that is the band behind a song I remembered randomly a few weeks ago. It was on repeat on cassette in my good friend’s truck for quite some time. A while back I was in the shower and it just popped into my head.
I saw that the other day. Wished the video that started it all on tik tok was longer. I also then saw other people doing that one and other people doing other songs in “sea shanty” style. There are a ton of them on youtube.
There are some really great ones. Once, years ago, we had docked in Mystic Seaport and a group was there for some concert in a day or two (we were going to miss that). They came aboard the schooner and spent about 3 hours singing (and ate dinner with us). I so wish I could have taped it. It was long enough ago I forget who the group was but they were really good. The passengers got quite the bonus on that trip.
@Kidsandliz What schooner do/did you sail with? I took a morning Chesapeake Bay cruise on Schooner Woodwind (I think it was actually Woodwind II) out of Annapolis once, it was amazing. One of these days I’d love to berth with them on their race down the bay (they take four passengers, it’s supposed to be a lot of work/fun and a beautiful cruise).
@kensey I’ve worked on several but not that one. As far as the Chesapeake Bay goes I worked out of Norfolk (and also volunteered at Jamestown Foundation with those boats but they aren’t schooners) so other than the schooner race I never got to that end of the Chesapeake Bay by sailing vessels (well except when I was on a tug boat).
I would highly recommend sailing with Island Windjammers. We have done 2 cruises with them and they were AMAZING. These were probably the most relaxing vacations we ever took.
Our family chartered a bareboat/sailboat thru The Moorings (Tortola, BVI) twice back in the 80s, once with a captain & mate (plus 4 other people) and the other time just 5 of us.
It wasn’t always relaxing (we wanted to be doing the sailing & crew work), but it was a BLAST. Our most FUN vacations ever.
/image The Moorings Tortola
@Kidsandliz I wish they would do more shanties. I like this song way more than I like the show, however my husband likes the show and I admit, it makes me laugh.
Yup. Plus I’ve been to this festival which is kind of neat.
@lehigh so that is the band behind a song I remembered randomly a few weeks ago. It was on repeat on cassette in my good friend’s truck for quite some time. A while back I was in the shower and it just popped into my head.
I saw that the other day. Wished the video that started it all on tik tok was longer. I also then saw other people doing that one and other people doing other songs in “sea shanty” style. There are a ton of them on youtube.
There are some really great ones. Once, years ago, we had docked in Mystic Seaport and a group was there for some concert in a day or two (we were going to miss that). They came aboard the schooner and spent about 3 hours singing (and ate dinner with us). I so wish I could have taped it. It was long enough ago I forget who the group was but they were really good. The passengers got quite the bonus on that trip.
@Kidsandliz What schooner do/did you sail with? I took a morning Chesapeake Bay cruise on Schooner Woodwind (I think it was actually Woodwind II) out of Annapolis once, it was amazing. One of these days I’d love to berth with them on their race down the bay (they take four passengers, it’s supposed to be a lot of work/fun and a beautiful cruise).
@kensey I’ve worked on several but not that one. As far as the Chesapeake Bay goes I worked out of Norfolk (and also volunteered at Jamestown Foundation with those boats but they aren’t schooners) so other than the schooner race I never got to that end of the Chesapeake Bay by sailing vessels (well except when I was on a tug boat).
@kensey @Kidsandliz
I would highly recommend sailing with Island Windjammers. We have done 2 cruises with them and they were AMAZING. These were probably the most relaxing vacations we ever took.
@chienfou @kensey @Kidsandliz

Our family chartered a bareboat/sailboat thru The Moorings (Tortola, BVI) twice back in the 80s, once with a captain & mate (plus 4 other people) and the other time just 5 of us.
It wasn’t always relaxing (we wanted to be doing the sailing & crew work), but it was a BLAST. Our most FUN vacations ever.
/image The Moorings Tortola
From my old runescape days:
The Irish Rover!
I don’t pretend to know what sligo rags are.
Aye, the sea shanty be as olde as the sea itself, me boy.
Here’s a shanty hole to fall into…
If you’re on TikTok, he’s (at)sampopemusic.
I think it’s awesome that mediocrebot hates TikTok.
@mike808 I was trying to figure out what was triggering him since I didn’t see any ants.
@mike808 @yakkoTDI What about grasshoppers?
@mike808 @yakkoTDI I think the bot is responding to shANTy
@CaptAmehrican @mike808 @yakkoTDI Maybe
Or maybe Tik?
If you like that style of music, check out this movie:
Fisherman’s Friends
and Sting has a great album of sea songs called The last Ship.
Stephen Colbert just showed one of the Tik Toc sea shanty videos and then proceeded to add two verses himself.
@Kidsandliz He really does a credible job singing for a humorist/political commentator.
@CaptAmehrican That’s a good one. And clever.
For those interested in more information about sea shanties, the history of them, etc. here is an interesting video about that.
Also there are now a number of the tik toc sea shanty efforts on you tube. For example:
Of course there’s a shanty for the Evergiven, because why wouldn’t there be?
/giphy Suez Evergiven

@mike808 Kind of funny to have a giphy of something that can’t move!
@Kyeh @mike808 But the tug is moving…
@Kidsandliz @mike808 And the steamshovel, at the far left. But such tiny movements. It’s an amusing giphy!
Trailer Park Boys
@Dakini And if you want to listen to it over and over for an hour straight
@Kidsandliz I wish they would do more shanties. I like this song way more than I like the show, however my husband likes the show and I admit, it makes me laugh.
It’s not traditional but one of my favorites