Scavenger hunt:: if the goat fits...

sohmageek thought this was worth mentioning said

OK... so I said my goodbye.... but the goat sticks around YEAH! so maybe one last one for fun... What strange obsession/ritual do you do.. Or What strange thing do you do with normal things...

Example. I prefer Japanese or German pens over any other countries pens... I find that the Japanese companies put a lot of time in making sure you will enjoy writing with them so they tend to flow better, I find that the german pens are engineered to be a better overall pen, Which between the 2 are my absolute favorite. NOT SURE. I thought I'd never like a ball pen, I prefer Gel pens... my favorite ball is a german that writes as smoothly as a gel.

When I had windows 98 I used to do pushups when I had BSOD's... I should have been a lot more fit than I am and was... cause I did a lot of pushups....

I eat all the gramcracker crust off of Cheesecake first, as it's the worst part.

Ok... enjoy!