SCAVENGER HUNT:: get that goat

sohmageek thought this was worth mentioning said

So... I may not even have the goat icon by the time this hits... but I wanted to thank you guys for putting up and playing along with my antics all month. Also say that there was a rocky patch (Daddy daycare Parenting) But, we made it though... although I really don't want to go, I think you will be in good hands with @Jaremelz. I will be adding up the points and you may see a thing or two from this. But regardless, it's been fun, and I don't know about other prior goats, but I really didn't want it to end. I just want to thank all the participants, current, former, and soon to be... as I'm sure someone will e-mail just to see what the heck was going on... Oh... and please if you still have Zima... throw it away, or just use it as cleaner...