Jayne: I married me a powerful ugly creature. Mal: [dressed as Jayne's wife to lure bandits] How can you say that? How can you shame me in front of new people?
Read a funny article about the guy who did the jar jar voice. Dude thought he was going to be the next big thing, and somehow Mini Me stole his thunder. Funny but sad.
@Mehrocco_Mole That awkward silence happens often in my life....
BTW.. you are causing me a bit o crap in my home life!! Every time I mention Meh, my husband asks if that second person (you) ever posted about his mehexchange box!!!! :)
"You can't take the force from me" - Captain Star War
This picture makes me has a sad.
Jayne: I married me a powerful ugly creature.
Mal: [dressed as Jayne's wife to lure bandits] How can you say that? How can you shame me in front of new people?
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" -- Captain Picard
@carl669 I've been waiting for a VERY long time to share this with someone:
@Ignorant I really like the line art on that Millennium Eagle
Hans Olo was quite the pilot.
@jaremelz I feel like these should be jumbled more, like from an out of touch parent.
"May the force live long and be with you"
The "Dr. Who" will bother people the most in that one.
Read a funny article about the guy who did the jar jar voice. Dude thought he was going to be the next big thing, and somehow Mini Me stole his thunder. Funny but sad.
@KDemo that's just perfect.
@Thumperchick - Thanks, I think they go to the same beautician.
I think this belongs here.. why does the top photo have the guy from Castle?
@mikibell unsure if you're kidding... or if you've never seen Firefly...
@Thumperchick is possible @mikibell just executed perfect trolling.
@jaremelz that's weirdly what I'm hoping for.
Everyone playing the benefit of the doubt card, after whaling on that dude with his "one week in" post.
// why does the top photo have the guy from Castle? //
You mean Captain Hammer?
@saodell Right?
@Mehrocco_Mole That awkward silence happens often in my life....
BTW.. you are causing me a bit o crap in my home life!! Every time I mention Meh, my husband asks if that second person (you) ever posted about his mehexchange box!!!! :)
@somf69 I love this one
I don't get it. blink *blink*