I'm writing this on my Chromebook now. Chromebook is not for everyone, but if you do a majority of your tasks (90% plus) in a web-browser, it's a very affordable system.
@TJSparks I have this exact model of Chromebook, and it does decently well with Netflix. I haven't tried to stream anything on Amazon with it. That said, this is a pretty old model, and with just 2GB of RAM, it does get hung up sometimes. If you typically browse with more than say... a half-dozen tabs open at a time, move along; this is not the Chromebook for which you are looking.
Unless you can't figure out screen keyboards, you're better off buying a tablet. I use my Dell Mini 9 netbook way more than I use my Samsung Chromebook (this exact model). You can actually do stuff on tablets and netbooks.
@editorkid I had an Acer netbook, and I enjoy the Chromebook (again... this exact model) more. Sure, you can install software on netbooks, but there's something to be said for the simplicity of Chrome OS, especially when compared with... Windows.
@editorkid The trackpad is OK. One thing to note: all generic USB devices that I've tried will work on this. I use a laptop mouse and it works fine, as does my Yubikey second factor authenticor.
@Crixus I dunno; whatever there is to be said for these things, I haven't found it. But I note that my exception is echoed by many buyers downstream. I have Swype installed on all my Android devices and like it better than the cheap, crappy Chiclet Chromebook keyboard. Tablets do everything Chromebooks do and far, far more, and still stay less complex than Windows.
@wilfbrim I have to admit that lugging around peripherals to replace the built-in ones on any portable devices seems to defeat some purpose. My trackpad registers a lot of clicks when I'm simply dragging to scroll, and doesn't always register context-clicks. But it might just be my particular model.
Noticed that In the screenshot of the Chromebook, the Buddy FM icon is Irk our favorite troll and Angry Birds has been replaced by a meh button... EASTER EGGS!
Anyone that got this in a fuku... did it happen to come with the "Goodies" as noted in the Google Play Store: 100GB Google Drive for 2 years 12 In-flight Gogo Sessions
@JazzyJosh No, but windows RT IS bad, and microsoft has done their best to confuse consumers as to weather they are getting RT (ARM chip) or a useable OS (X86_64)
I'd totally jump on this if I didn't already have one. Does just about everything my iPad does but it's really nice to have that physical keyboard sometimes. Super light and fits into my bigger purses, so if I know I have a lot of meetings I'll throw it in there and go. I can use it to access the company's web mail, issue tracking system, wiki, etc. Also you can install the Chrome remote desktop app and use it to access a PC or whatever.
I <3 my little Chromebook. I stream movies, Spotify, read, and write novels on it (via Google Drive). Perfect little travel buddy. Wish I had got it at this price 9 months ago!
I have the exact model, and really like it. I have a tablet, but I'm just not as skilled in using the on screen keyboard than I am with a regular one. For 80% of what I do it is very sufficient. Some things that haven't been covered:
All HID compliant USB devices will work on Chrome OS. I don't like the trackpad much, but a regular wireless Logitech notebook mouse works fine.
Likewise, most standard USB devices work fine. I have a Yubikey that I need for second factor authentication for LastPass: it works great.
The writeup says no Office, but the app for the online version of Word has been working very nicely for us on our HP Chromebook. From which I am posting.
@InFrom Technically you cannot install Microsoft Office - but if you have an Office 365 subscription, Word Online works great. It also looks just like installable Word, which is nice. https://office.live.com/start/Word.aspx (edit: Word Online might be free now? I don't have Office 365 but I can use it.)
The PDF says the webcam is .3 MP but it also says HD next to 0.3Mp. Last I checked VGA was not HD, does anyone know what the resolution is for sure? (I'm guessing VGA, but...)
Dude. Something went terribly wrong. I linked this sale to my sister who was in the market for a lightweight device. She signed up, tried to buy it... got sent to singing irk. Scratch the play the play, I'm just going to post screenshots.
@Thumperchick also do you know if she ever saw the page with the order number and the "Oh god what did I do" button? In other words, was it on that page or after she clicked the button on that page?
@katylava I don't think she wants me to blast her username out in the forums. Shoot me an email and I'll give you her info? (That seems so silly, sorry.) She went back to work and can't answer anything until later. IDK what time this all happened.
@katylava - Thanks for jumping on that so fast! @hollboll took care of her right away. She's laughing about it now. (It happened at 12:30pm ish AZ time; she never got a confirmation screen or any of that - just went straight to Irk.)
I bought two, they arrived yesterday. They are great! I use a trackpad on my other devices, so it's not an issue. It is very lightweight, but not too small. It may become my go-to screen.
I love my little Chromebook, but recently I've started having the dreaded Samsung Chromebook screen-flicker, where during normal operations you get brief flickers of horizontal banding. Has anyone who bought a refurb during this deal had to send it in for repair? I can't even find the limited warranty card that came with it. Oops!
@mamawoot Yeah-- we’ve got one of those too-- It occupies a spot on the kitchen counters and is pretty decent for Google hangouts with the fam. The screen started going wonky on it, I had to reseat the ribbon cable and all was good again.
Manufacturer’s Specs
Condition - Refurbished
Warranty - 90 Day from Sohnen
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box!?
Price Check
$229 at Amazon (new) (4700+ reviews)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a reply to this comment
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Wednesday, May 11 - Monday, May 16
@mediocrebot check your price check in the front page someone changed the price last minute it says 150 and 125
@mediocrebot $189.99 for a refurbished one at newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834131484
Psst.. Says "$225 at Amazon (new), $125 at Meh", but the price seems to be $150.
@ComputerMD82 Indeed.
@ComputerMD82 silly kids and their internet.
@ComputerMD82 I noticed that too. Odd.
@ComputerMD82 They just changed it. $150 all around.
@craig nope. Now it says $125
@craig $125 all around
@craig Wow, now down to $125. Nice.
@ComputerMD82 $125. Go forth and chromebook.
@ComputerMD82 Maybe we can claim it was $55 why did it go back up and they will lower it more.
@ComputerMD82 meh doesn't have mistakes, they have experiments.
@ComputerMD82 ©Marklog Strikes again
I'm writing this on my Chromebook now. Chromebook is not for everyone, but if you do a majority of your tasks (90% plus) in a web-browser, it's a very affordable system.
Boy, I hope someone gets fired for THAT blunder.
You're fired!
@BillLehecka Fired? That's a bit harsh. Everybody has an off day. Anyway, they've corrected it.
@Crixus I get nothing for my Simpsons reference?
Extra $25 is for a super-secret edition Meh t-shirt.
@bluedog Nah, it's bundled with a speaker dock.
Chro-meh-book? Meh.
This hurts to pass on
Nice mowhawk
will this do a good job streaming netflix and amazon movies?
@TJSparks My Chromebook plays Netflix and Amazon Instant Video just fine.
@TJSparks I have this exact model of Chromebook, and it does decently well with Netflix. I haven't tried to stream anything on Amazon with it. That said, this is a pretty old model, and with just 2GB of RAM, it does get hung up sometimes. If you typically browse with more than say... a half-dozen tabs open at a time, move along; this is not the Chromebook for which you are looking.
Unless you can't figure out screen keyboards, you're better off buying a tablet. I use my Dell Mini 9 netbook way more than I use my Samsung Chromebook (this exact model). You can actually do stuff on tablets and netbooks.
Oh, and the trackpad blows chunks. Biiiiig, stinky chunks. When a Dell Mini 9 trackpad is better? What's the point of existing?
@editorkid I had an Acer netbook, and I enjoy the Chromebook (again... this exact model) more. Sure, you can install software on netbooks, but there's something to be said for the simplicity of Chrome OS, especially when compared with... Windows.
@editorkid The trackpad is OK. One thing to note: all generic USB devices that I've tried will work on this. I use a laptop mouse and it works fine, as does my Yubikey second factor authenticor.
@Crixus I dunno; whatever there is to be said for these things, I haven't found it. But I note that my exception is echoed by many buyers downstream. I have Swype installed on all my Android devices and like it better than the cheap, crappy Chiclet Chromebook keyboard. Tablets do everything Chromebooks do and far, far more, and still stay less complex than Windows.
@wilfbrim I have to admit that lugging around peripherals to replace the built-in ones on any portable devices seems to defeat some purpose. My trackpad registers a lot of clicks when I'm simply dragging to scroll, and doesn't always register context-clicks. But it might just be my particular model.
I lose. Price was correct at $125.
Is everyone seeing that now?
@ChadP yup.
Now $125 but at meh is $150. Quit playing games with my heart. How about the super elite price of "send one for free to @studerc!?
I was eying these in the fukubukuro... and today's the day.
btw - the meh button was swirling at midnight! third eye guy blinks, and this one twirled... cool
Want badly but Can't right now.
Noticed that In the screenshot of the Chromebook, the Buddy FM icon is Irk our favorite troll and Angry Birds has been replaced by a meh button... EASTER EGGS!
@BillLehecka good eye!
Cool!... Bigger picture for those who care: http://res.cloudinary.com/mediocre/image/upload/c_pad,f_auto,h_600,w_600/h4jqhhsrhbtaeqgwf77w.png
@BillLehecka Spoiler: there is a small pile of Docks dumped in the middle of the image too.
@kylewood I've learned to ignore all speaker docks and pretend they don't exist thanks to you guys.
Really regret just getting one last week for 180, sigh.
Who refurbished these? Meh? Or manufacturer?
@gameking13 Probably the company that's handling the warranty. Whoever they are.
@gameking13 i don't think meh refurbishes anything, because meh.
@gameking13 "Warranty - 90 Day from Sohnen" - so I guess Sohnen - http://www.sohnen.com/WhoIsSohnen.aspx
@narfcake "Refurbished in Tijuana"
관심있는 한국분들은 이 사용기 참고..
For those whom interested in Samsung Chromebook, check this blog post...(In Korean)
@rechance 감사합니다. 잘 보았습니다.
@rechance 잘 봤습니다.
@rechance 한국 사람들한테 도움 많이되겠네요 ^^ 액티브x는 아직도..
Anyone that got this in a fuku... did it happen to come with the "Goodies" as noted in the Google Play Store:
100GB Google Drive for 2 years
12 In-flight Gogo Sessions
@TheAlmighty1 https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/2703646?p=driveoffer&rd=1 Their FAQ is very straight-to-the-point on this matter:
This being said, your milage may vary. If the previous owner did not activate the goodies, you may be able to get them - but Google does not promise it and they are technically not included.
No flash....maybe.....
@eeterrific ChromeOS runs Flash.
Dell Venue 8 Pro - NOT ARM, Windows 8.1, 32Gb storage, Microsoft Office 2013 included, Intel Atom Quad-core, $153 at Dell Outlet
Chromebook - ARM, Chrome OS, 16Gb storage, Built-in keyboard and touchpad, $125
@Zowie: Where are you seeing that? The Android versions, yeah, but for the Pro, I'm seeing $209.
@Zowie what's so bad about ARM
@narfcake It was $153 with promo code, currently $147 on ebay(manufacturere refurb)
@JazzyJosh x86/x64 = your windows PC, ARM = your tablets, phones. You cannot install windows on it.
@Zowie That doesn't make ARM bad.
@JazzyJosh No, but windows RT IS bad, and microsoft has done their best to confuse consumers as to weather they are getting RT (ARM chip) or a useable OS (X86_64)
shipping weight가 어떻게 되죠?
@zakuya The laptop is 2.4lbs, so 3lbs probably is safe.
@Collin1000 did you understand what he meant just by "shipping weight"? Genius!
Love the desktop image of speaker docks of the bay.
Another Day, Another Meh. Wish some actual good stuff would start showing up. LOL! Just kidding guys.
No but seriously, where's the good stuff?
This is the most meh yet. Meh!
I'd totally jump on this if I didn't already have one. Does just about everything my iPad does but it's really nice to have that physical keyboard sometimes. Super light and fits into my bigger purses, so if I know I have a lot of meetings I'll throw it in there and go. I can use it to access the company's web mail, issue tracking system, wiki, etc. Also you can install the Chrome remote desktop app and use it to access a PC or whatever.
For people that think the 2GB RAM on the Chrome OS won't be enough... apparently there is a work-around:
@TheAlmighty1 Great tip! I did not realize swap was disabled.
I <3 my little Chromebook. I stream movies, Spotify, read, and write novels on it (via Google Drive). Perfect little travel buddy. Wish I had got it at this price 9 months ago!
I have the exact model, and really like it. I have a tablet, but I'm just not as skilled in using the on screen keyboard than I am with a regular one. For 80% of what I do it is very sufficient. Some things that haven't been covered:
@wilfbrim I was surprised to find out it also has an HDMI port. I used my Chromebook to stream some playoff games from Twitch on the big screen.
not bad, but cannot replace SSD. pass over :)
The writeup says no Office, but the app for the online version of Word has been working very nicely for us on our HP Chromebook. From which I am posting.
@InFrom Technically you cannot install Microsoft Office - but if you have an Office 365 subscription, Word Online works great. It also looks just like installable Word, which is nice. https://office.live.com/start/Word.aspx (edit: Word Online might be free now? I don't have Office 365 but I can use it.)
@InFrom I'd also point out that Googles Docs has come a long way and I really don't miss many if any features from Word when I use it.
Just bought one last week for $220 (not sure if it's the identical model, but same brand and at least similar specs).
The PDF says the webcam is .3 MP but it also says HD next to 0.3Mp. Last I checked VGA was not HD, does anyone know what the resolution is for sure? (I'm guessing VGA, but...)
I hope this was worth the price, happy birthday to me.
@JonT Hahaha thank you.
Dude. Something went terribly wrong. I linked this sale to my sister who was in the market for a lightweight device. She signed up, tried to buy it... got sent to singing irk.
Scratch the play the play, I'm just going to post screenshots.
@Thumperchick what's her username and about what time did this happen?
@Thumperchick also do you know if she ever saw the page with the order number and the "Oh god what did I do" button? In other words, was it on that page or after she clicked the button on that page?
@katylava I don't think she wants me to blast her username out in the forums. Shoot me an email and I'll give you her info? (That seems so silly, sorry.) She went back to work and can't answer anything until later. IDK what time this all happened.
I had to screen shot because her response was kind of perfect.
@Thumperchick the support ticket landed our way, so we have some good info now.
@Thumperchick Glad we got her taken care of quickly!
@katylava - Thanks for jumping on that so fast! @hollboll took care of her right away. She's laughing about it now. (It happened at 12:30pm ish AZ time; she never got a confirmation screen or any of that - just went straight to Irk.)
@Thumperchick 2 orders should show as canceled on her /orders page now
@Thumperchick <3
PS - you are all awesome.
Oddly enough, no mention of meh.com: https://time.com/3138608/best-cheap-chromebooks/
ppl in cali keep buyiong them
I really want one of these but I want one with a larger screen and 4 GB of RAM more, so I'm going to have to hold off.
I bought two, they arrived yesterday. They are great! I use a trackpad on my other devices, so it's not an issue. It is very lightweight, but not too small. It may become my go-to screen.
I love my little Chromebook, but recently I've started having the dreaded Samsung Chromebook screen-flicker, where during normal operations you get brief flickers of horizontal banding. Has anyone who bought a refurb during this deal had to send it in for repair? I can't even find the limited warranty card that came with it. Oops!
December, 2017
My first meh purchase is still going strong after 3+ years of constant use and serious abuse.
@mamawoot I
my Chromebook. Bought it in August 2014 from woot.refurb. Typing on it right now.
@mamawoot Yeah-- we’ve got one of those too-- It occupies a spot on the kitchen counters and is pretty decent for Google hangouts with the fam. The screen started going wonky on it, I had to reseat the ribbon cable and all was good again.