Saint of Epilepsy and the plague...
8St Vallie’s day coming to an end, but I’ll share a few facts I learnt.
America spends $700 million a year on presents for pets for Valentine’s day.
15% of women have bought themselves flowers on Valentine’s day.
St. Valentine is also the patron saint of people with epilepsy and the plague.
Feb 14 is also national Ferris Wheel day
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/giphy Ferris wheel epilepsy plague
Surely giphy can do better!
/giphy Ferris wheel epilepsy plague
@eonfifty I want a kitty hamster wheel… Although my cats are so lazy they would never use it.
@OnionSoup They tricked the cats to go on it with a laser pointer. You can see it turn on and remain on the left side just above their heads while running.
@eonfifty @thejackalope Ohhh, that gif, I think I’m gonna be sick.
@cengland0 Good eye!
/giphy hawk eye
There are actually several Saint Valentines, though the one associated with Feb 14 is Valentine of Rome, I think.
Well… if it wasn’t enough to ignore it before, it def is now, lol. Well… except for the ferris wheel.