Unfullfilled love, missed opportunities, the girl in school who blossomed later and you missed out. What's yours??? Or "near misses" as in the person that didn't work out and now you are REALLY GLAD it didn't?
A gal I was puppy love romantic with Dear John'd me while I was in the Army. I got over it, but was always curious what happened to her. Turned out we both became radio DJs, but I lost rack of her. Every once in a while I would Google her name, just to see where she ended up, but always drew a blank..until a couple of years ago when her photo popped up...in an obituary. Early onset Alzheimer.
I waited a respectful time before contacting her kids, as I had snapshots of her in high school, etc., that they might like to have.I just said I was a high school friend. Nobody wants to know about what your mom was like when she was 19!!
Sorry to see their are not more stories. In grade school and even high school, there was this girl who immigrated from Estonia. She seemed kinda funny looking with high cheek bones, etc. Saw her years later and she was a total exotic babe! Did she pay any attention to the guys who had ignored her? Hell no!
A gal I was puppy love romantic with Dear John'd me while I was in the Army. I got over it, but was always curious what happened to her. Turned out we both became radio DJs, but I lost rack of her. Every once in a while I would Google her name, just to see where she ended up, but always drew a blank..until a couple of years ago when her photo popped up...in an obituary. Early onset Alzheimer.
I waited a respectful time before contacting her kids, as I had snapshots of her in high school, etc., that they might like to have.I just said I was a high school friend. Nobody wants to know about what your mom was like when she was 19!!
That is a sad story for Valentine's day. It was nice you reached out with photos her kids might like to have.

Sorry to see their are not more stories. In grade school and even high school, there was this girl who immigrated from Estonia. She seemed kinda funny looking with high cheek bones, etc. Saw her years later and she was a total exotic babe! Did she pay any attention to the guys who had ignored her? Hell no!