I could do without a summer. I hate summer. Summer sucks. I wish there was no summer. Give me 5 months of early spring, 4 months of middle autumn and 3 months of winter.
@thismyusername Never been to England, but it does look beautiful based on all the British TV shows that I watch. It would probably be easier for me to just move to a more reasonable state eventually instead, something like North Dakota, Minnesota, Washington or Alaska.
@serpent I’m just the opposite. If I could skip winter altogether, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I’m holding on to the bit of summer we have left, drifting toward the inevitable cold in the next few months.
But at least that means it’s almost football season, so that’s a plus.
Fall, Spring, Winter then Summer,
That’s the order I like to call,
My seasons (you got a friend…)
This Summer was ok for a bit (kinda like late Spring or early Fall) but then it got too hot and humid, as it always does. And then it got even hotter and more humid like it hasn’t for about 15 years or more. And it has stayed too hot and too humid for too long. Plus it is apparently much worse for some of you than it is for me here in NY City.
@baqui63 My car temp gauge insisted it was 100 degrees yesterday. Lets face it, the people in the south sort of signed on for that type of weather. Us NYers DID NOT! OK, I’m not in nyc, but only a mile outside the outer edge!
@smilingjack I went to a BBQ at a friend’s house in Point Lookout on the south shore of Long Island over the weekend. When I left my place in Flushing, my car was reading 94degF which rose to 96 on the Cross Island Parkway and fell to 89 in Valley Stream and eventually dropped to 82 by the time I was at Point Lookout.
The concrete and asphalt (ass-fault?) definitely work to concentrate and retain the heat.
We must have had record rainfalls this summer where I am. I can’t complain, though, since the alternative is constant forest fires, smoky skies, and falling ashes.
I’m still enjoying summer, though getting disappointed by the night starting earlier. I’m already getting mad at my “friends” who are already posting about “fall coming soon!!!1!” These same people will be complaining in the fall about how chilly it is, especially when it’s a chilly rain. I’ll be ready to remind them this is what they were asking for in August when it was still nice and hot and sunny and perfect for the beach, pool, lake, or river.
Funny you should ask. Yesterday, instead of the usual scattered thunderstorms, we had a huge thunderstorm roll through, causing power outages due to tree limbs knocking down power lines.
I am not a fan of summer. Too darn hot and humid. Looking forward to November when the weather gets pleasant again.
Summer was doing pretty good until now. Now, not only is it hot, it is majorly humid. So as soon as you walk outside at 7am it feels like you’ve already been running for an hour. I’m ready for some crisp autumn weather. And Football!!!
Summer sucks. It’s so damn hot and humid my smoke detector actually went off Saturday morning. Nothing like scaring the living crap out of me thinking the house is fire. Apparently excess humidity can do that. The more you know…
I will most certainly not be one of those complaining about the winter. Bring on the snow and the skiing!
It’s been a brutal heat wave here in NYC. I had to go into the city for an interview on Thursday, and even with my suit jacket in my bag, and my sleeves rolled up, I was a sweaty mess after just a few minutes on the subway platform, let alone walking from the train to the interview location.
Still, I’d rather it be stiflingly hot and humid than snowing again.
Today, north central Texas. Midday.
78F. Intermittent precip.
This never happens here in August, except this year. If this sort of summer wants to stick around thru September, I’ll get out the good towels and nice China and silverware for this visit.
A fucking blur. The kids have deemed this to be the worst summer ever since mom’s been working. I’m just trying to cram as much info into my brain as possible.
Also, everyone loves to hate certain companies. Some way more than others. A certain cable company in particular. Let me just say after five weeks and two threats over such trivial shit as having to pay ten dollars for a modern (buy your own then) and it taking twelve whole hours to get cable hooked up… it goes both ways people.
@KittySprinkles Social media is a surprisingly effective way to get things resolved with certain cable companies- Twitter & Facebook are both good options.
@dashcloud@fool Actually, I work for one now. I’ve been threatened with beatings, over a modem charge. My coworkers have received dearth threats like it’s no big deal. Everyone sees only the bad and people love to spread the bad. But I’ve seen coworkers go above and beyond to help and get verbally abused in the process. It’s a real eye opener being on the other side.
Being rude or crude to CS people is disgusting.
However, cable, fiber, and TV satellite companies are not know for their wonderful policies and treatment of customers. Plus, I wonder why cable and fiber companies don’t offer pricing closer to what Google would charge before Google arrives in a given city? But CS has no control over that. So I don’t blame CS.
My sympathy to you in a difficult job. People who haven’t done that job have no idea.
@f00l Ugh, death. Hehe. Yeah, the overwhelming hate for the company seems to have given people the idea it’s OK to be truly awful to all the employees, even when they’re being helped by them. I’ve seen some crazy stuff so far.
@KittySprinkles Sorry to hear that!
Working customer service phone support is a thankless job, and people who can do that are amazing. Thank you for trying to make things suck a little less!
Click here to skip directly to the song.
I could do without a summer. I hate summer. Summer sucks. I wish there was no summer. Give me 5 months of early spring, 4 months of middle autumn and 3 months of winter.
@serpent england is calling you…
@thismyusername Never been to England, but it does look beautiful based on all the British TV shows that I watch. It would probably be easier for me to just move to a more reasonable state eventually instead, something like North Dakota, Minnesota, Washington or Alaska.
@serpent I’m just the opposite. If I could skip winter altogether, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I’m holding on to the bit of summer we have left, drifting toward the inevitable cold in the next few months.
But at least that means it’s almost football season, so that’s a plus.
Fall, Spring, Winter then Summer,
That’s the order I like to call,
My seasons (you got a friend…)
This Summer was ok for a bit (kinda like late Spring or early Fall) but then it got too hot and humid, as it always does. And then it got even hotter and more humid like it hasn’t for about 15 years or more. And it has stayed too hot and too humid for too long. Plus it is apparently much worse for some of you than it is for me here in NY City.
@baqui63 My car temp gauge insisted it was 100 degrees yesterday. Lets face it, the people in the south sort of signed on for that type of weather. Us NYers DID NOT! OK, I’m not in nyc, but only a mile outside the outer edge!
@baqui63 idk NYC has been particularly brutal this year. Although it may be the fact that I’ve been without AC in my car since early June…
@smilingjack I went to a BBQ at a friend’s house in Point Lookout on the south shore of Long Island over the weekend. When I left my place in Flushing, my car was reading 94degF which rose to 96 on the Cross Island Parkway and fell to 89 in Valley Stream and eventually dropped to 82 by the time I was at Point Lookout.
The concrete and asphalt (ass-fault?) definitely work to concentrate and retain the heat.
We must have had record rainfalls this summer where I am. I can’t complain, though, since the alternative is constant forest fires, smoky skies, and falling ashes.
I’m still enjoying summer, though getting disappointed by the night starting earlier. I’m already getting mad at my “friends” who are already posting about “fall coming soon!!!1!” These same people will be complaining in the fall about how chilly it is, especially when it’s a chilly rain. I’ll be ready to remind them this is what they were asking for in August when it was still nice and hot and sunny and perfect for the beach, pool, lake, or river.
@jqubed If you are like me, the friends and family who complain the most about the weather are the one who never do anything outdoors anyway.
but, of course
/giphy of course

@jqubed Fall is great!
/youtube summertime
Funny you should ask. Yesterday, instead of the usual scattered thunderstorms, we had a huge thunderstorm roll through, causing power outages due to tree limbs knocking down power lines.
I am not a fan of summer. Too darn hot and humid. Looking forward to November when the weather gets pleasant again.
We only get seven days of winter here, so Summer drags on.
High today is 108 degrees. Low is 86. :’(
@Al_Coholic don’t forget the “it’s currently 86° but Feels Like 105°.”
Summer was doing pretty good until now. Now, not only is it hot, it is majorly humid. So as soon as you walk outside at 7am it feels like you’ve already been running for an hour. I’m ready for some crisp autumn weather. And Football!!!
Depends on how one “evaluates” summer. It is still 95 degrees and the humidity is in excess of 90 percent, but the kids are back in school.
Summer sucks. It’s so damn hot and humid my smoke detector actually went off Saturday morning. Nothing like scaring the living crap out of me thinking the house is fire. Apparently excess humidity can do that. The more you know…
I will most certainly not be one of those complaining about the winter. Bring on the snow and the skiing!
School starts in two weeks. As much as my kids have been driving me crazy I’m really sad.
This summer has been really fun.
Could skip August and February. The months when I start telling the current season: “Enough. You can leave now.”
It’s pretty much summer all of the time here in southern CA
It’s been a brutal heat wave here in NYC. I had to go into the city for an interview on Thursday, and even with my suit jacket in my bag, and my sleeves rolled up, I was a sweaty mess after just a few minutes on the subway platform, let alone walking from the train to the interview location.
Still, I’d rather it be stiflingly hot and humid than snowing again.
@sanspoint yes. I’m dreading winter.
Today, north central Texas. Midday.
78F. Intermittent precip.
This never happens here in August, except this year. If this sort of summer wants to stick around thru September, I’ll get out the good towels and nice China and silverware for this visit.
@f00l Yeah, it was 107F just last week. Schitzo
Yes another fine day of 80F bliss in Texas.
Tra la la
My kid had a cast the first 6 weeks of summer. So for us we are squeezing every last drop out of summer before school starts back in 3 weeks
A fucking blur. The kids have deemed this to be the worst summer ever since mom’s been working. I’m just trying to cram as much info into my brain as possible.
Also, everyone loves to hate certain companies. Some way more than others. A certain cable company in particular. Let me just say after five weeks and two threats over such trivial shit as having to pay ten dollars for a modern (buy your own then) and it taking twelve whole hours to get cable hooked up… it goes both ways people.
@KittySprinkles Social media is a surprisingly effective way to get things resolved with certain cable companies- Twitter & Facebook are both good options.
Yeah, you gotta make them look bad in public. They kinda care about that. A little, perhaps.
@dashcloud @fool Actually, I work for one now. I’ve been threatened with beatings, over a modem charge. My coworkers have received dearth threats like it’s no big deal. Everyone sees only the bad and people love to spread the bad. But I’ve seen coworkers go above and beyond to help and get verbally abused in the process. It’s a real eye opener being on the other side.
Being rude or crude to CS people is disgusting.
However, cable, fiber, and TV satellite companies are not know for their wonderful policies and treatment of customers. Plus, I wonder why cable and fiber companies don’t offer pricing closer to what Google would charge before Google arrives in a given city? But CS has no control over that. So I don’t blame CS.
My sympathy to you in a difficult job. People who haven’t done that job have no idea.
@f00l Ugh, death. Hehe. Yeah, the overwhelming hate for the company seems to have given people the idea it’s OK to be truly awful to all the employees, even when they’re being helped by them. I’ve seen some crazy stuff so far.
@KittySprinkles Sorry to hear that!
Working customer service phone support is a thankless job, and people who can do that are amazing. Thank you for trying to make things suck a little less!