really? really? really? meh!!!
6guyz galz these products arent what i’m sure the majority of the meh community wants…there is so much surplus products out there that the supply definitely out weighs the demand…man…i could find better products by mistake…what happened to yall…lose your passion?..
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@kdemo Where’d “n” go?
Your right. I have zero interest in this crap. Didn’t like it before and the feeling hasn’t changed. Every night I remain hopeful that things will change.
@Enigma “you’re”, not your.
@Enigma , it’s your right to say your right. Amirite?
@Enigma They have gotten into rut of offering crap on the weekends.
Its been forever since I bought something from Meh. At least throw a good meh t-shirt up.
Well, there will be a commemorative t-shirt next week when Meh celebrates their birthday…
This sounds like an oxymoron
@calicojack42 @PlacidPenguin Thanks for the heads-up for the Fuko.
i think the real question is “How do you keep the staff at positively motivated, especially the buyers?”.
Agreed. I told my father-in-law about Meh two months ago. He was intrigued and wanted to start checking with me.
And I cringe almost every night!! So much crap!
But I’m tempted by tonight’s Shark vacuum. I’ll tell you that much ha ha.
Pretty sure it’s the same crap, it’s just the price has grown enough to make each item less attractive.
Oh school Woot had something interesting to me every few weeks. Meh, unfortunately, only a few times a year.
@FightingMongoos I guess if meh started offering 3000 items per day you could find something here too.
@cinoclav @FightingMongoos @mattfollowell
I Miss the Old Woot
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
@eazyrider Well go ahead, they’re still looking for a buyer: