@upbeatanime agreed. But I also have a taser mechanical keyboard. Died about 3 months after warranty. Damn thing. I guess if I had the time I could harvest the cherry switches and get another keyboard... Anyone know where a decent kit is for just the board/casing?
i love the "gaming" non-mechanical, so economical of you guys........ meh..........44 dollars you say......... meh........ seriously not 5 dollars? alrighty see you tomorrow......... or how about I come back at noon and you have the price changed? sound good? thanks!
@brhfl In all seriousness, as long as it has a num pad you're good. I actually went and bought a usb num pad so that i could get my nethack fix on my laptop. Probably one of my best electronics purchases i ever made.
This is another one of those products that require you to download a driver and then, assuming the driver works on your system, use their cloud based tools to do any configuration. meh to that.
Could this be meh's gateway drug into the world of mechanical keyboards? Oh sure they may not have 9 thumb buttons or 5 macro keys but they click! And they are usually heavy, loud, and are good at annoying your coworkers... Meh should be all over that.
@Idontkno23 indeed, that's why this is the gateway drug. Pay $50 for a "gaming" keyboard and then realize for ONLY $30-$60 more you can get a mechanical keyboard. And then you get a second mechanical keyboard for the office, then for downstairs, then for your tablet. It's a vicious cycle and it all started with a little taste of a keyboard that didn't come with the computer when you bought it. At least I hope that's the only reason someone would buy this crappy thing...
@futaira I have had this exact keyboard for 4 years now and it still works perfectly. Maybe you should try not punching your keyboards when you get rekt, noob.
@Dickbutt nice one Dickbutt! That is if thats your real name... The membrane under the WASD keys completely fell apart after a few months of use. It was the tarantula keyboard. I had a deathadder that would sometimes work, then sometimes it would stop. Tried a second one and it lasted longer but eventually died the same way. Just poorly made imo.
I could care less about the keyboard, but that Gun Fight game brings back so many good memories. I wiled away many hours standing in front of that and many other coin op games as a lad. They may have been simple and extremely limited by their technology, but they were so much fun to play.
Oh to enjoy the good old days of being a carefree, fun-loving youth just one more time.
@TheTexasTwister I think you need to visit: https://archive.org/details/internetarcade :) Hit tab after the emulated title loads and choose inputs to see or change what controls control what, if you plug a game controller in you will need to reload the page for it to be found)
" - 7 thumb modifier keys" 'Not real sure I want my thumbs modified in order to use this keyboard. And I don't appreciate the crack about my typing skills either.
I'm so out of touch, I honestly don't know what I would do with this thing. I am 55, but the way technology advances, it makes feel like 1005 years old. Like with everything.
@takenforgranite I think the fuss is that mechanical switches just feel better to type on and are generally better quality than what you get with membrane boards like this Razer. I don't know if there's a mechanical board that competes directly with this one as far as all the MMO features, and I would highly doubt there is one at this price point, so if that's what you're after and don't have a preference between switches there's no reason you wouldn't enjoy the Razer board.
@takenforgranite - Razer makes a couple of boards with mechanical key switches but this isn't one of them. It costs a couple of dollars to manufacture a membrane keyboard, so buying one for $44 on meh.com is pretty meh unless you really want those MMO features.
@takenforgranite I read that people prefer mechanical keyboards for the feel you get when pressing a key - you are sure that you've entered each stroke as it "falls away". Anandtech.com has reviews of mechanical keyboards. Commenters are opinionated. I see that monoprice.com has a $60 mechanical keyboard for sale this weekend.
@takenforgranite I have a Razer Black Widow Stealth 2013 (Mechanical with Cherry MX switches) and a Razer Lycosa (membrane). The Lycosa has a pass through USB port and dedicated media buttons, while the Anansi has the extra programable buttons; other than that the two are pretty much identical, particularly in typing feel. The embrane keyboards have the mushy feel of typing on a laptop, because almost every laptop keybaord is a membrane keyboard.
@takenforgranite a couple reasons I like mechanical keybaords. I have two CODE keyboards both with clear cherry mx switches and one with keypad and one without. Also have an old ibm keyboard, not a model m but same keys. You'll hear people talk about cherry mx which is a mfg and then colors like clear (although the plastic is white), blue, red, and brown are the common ones. There are other manufacturers but cherry is the most common. Each of those keys operate differently. For example the red model when pushing on the key there's no bumps, clicks, or anything to really indicate when you activated the key aside from a faint tink noise. Gamers like those because once you realize where that actuation point is you can rapidly actute the key but just moving it a little bit up and down. The clear model you push down with increased resistence until you feel a bump which lets you know the key has been activated. The reason I like them (and others that like them) is once you get used to it you never bottom out the key which can be fatiguing after a while. So that's a long winded way of saying I can type longer and doesn't bother me.
Another positive thing that isn't often mentioned is the keys are easily removable and can be arranged differently. Aside from messing with people by switching keys around you can also try out different keyboard layouts like dvorak and arrange the keys so they are in the dvorak layout. Also it makes cleaning behind the keys real easy. Pull out all the keys (most keyboards come with a keycap puller) and hit it with compressed air and it's clean.
Now we're getting in to the less common reasons but they can be customized to your hearts content. Since most keyboards are more or less standard you can buy different key caps. If the keys are backlit you can get different color filters to put over them, etc. Although personally I'm not a fan of the backlighting since even during the day if you don't have the backlight on you can't really see the letters. Of course since these are customizable there's nothing stopping me from buying keys that don't have clear letters and just keep the backlight off.
(edit)OGOD I forgot when replying that line breaks don't mean squat so sorry for the wall of text.
(edit2)AH HAH just added the html for line breaks and that worked
I've been interested in a mechanical keyboard after reading about the Das keyboard when woot has them for sale. Could someone please share with me an opinion on the various ranges of mechanical keyboard brands? What's a good low end brand to consider? I'm not a gamer, just like the idea of mechanical keys.
@ThoR294 that's what I have and the damn thing died on me. I started by having the spacebar randomly be "pressed" now windows doesn't recognize it plugged in. Surprisingly I tried on my Mac. Not a damn problem yet. However 3 different pcs don't like it. Weird for the pic version of a keyboard. Eventually i'll harvest the switches and build a keyboard with them. Just need to find the right "kit" that doesn't come with switches.
@sourhead there are plenty of cheap mechanical keyboards with chinese switches. Rosewill will be one of the better ones. You can find high end Rosewill with Cherry MX switches, about $80. I would highly recommend go for the better Cherry MX switches. For those that are interested in mechanical keyboards and the differences in key switches:http://lifehacker.com/how-to-choose-the-best-mechanical-keyboard-and-why-you-511140347
@sohmageek odd. No issues here! I do have driver issues with my razer imperator mouse though. And sometimes on the keyboard a key gets stuck. Gotta unplug and replug back in lol
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Razer
Estimated Delivery: 7/14 - 7/16
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Razer Anansi Keyboard
1x User manual
Side view
Top view
Left view
Right view
Gun Fight
Price Comparison
$99.99 List, $74.99 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
@thismyusername No this is razers membrane keyboard.
@Saffer49 bummer. thnx for info
not mechanical, so meh
@upbeatanime Agreed. Get us some cheap mechanical without all the mmo nonsense.
@upbeatanime my thoughts exactly
@upbeatanime agreed. But I also have a taser mechanical keyboard. Died about 3 months after warranty. Damn thing. I guess if I had the time I could harvest the cherry switches and get another keyboard... Anyone know where a decent kit is for just the board/casing?
@medz not cheap, but no mmo nonsense. I've been using the WASD Code for awhile
not a good keyboard
if it's not mechanical, it's not worth it
That's what you get when you bring a baby arm to a gun fight.
No gaming=no keyboard for me
i love the "gaming" non-mechanical, so economical of you guys........ meh..........44 dollars you say......... meh........ seriously not 5 dollars? alrighty see you tomorrow......... or how about I come back at noon and you have the price changed? sound good? thanks!
@sp3ar - I wouldn't even pay $5 for a membrane keyboard.
I would think that you'd want a keyboard to be baby-arm resistant, not compatible. Those baby arms are nothing but trouble around computer equipment.
Pretty sure this is not going to help me find the Amulet of Yendor… so… meh.
@brhfl In all seriousness, as long as it has a num pad you're good. I actually went and bought a usb num pad so that i could get my nethack fix on my laptop. Probably one of my best electronics purchases i ever made.
@Karzan Haha, yeah, I know. Actually most of my Rogueliking these days is Brogue, and movement in there is sanely done with vi bindings (hjkl)… whew!
@brhfl Thank you for that reference! Bad day (feel like I was hit by an Ice Monster) and that reference was what I needed to hear!
This is another one of those products that require you to download a driver and then, assuming the driver works on your system, use their cloud based tools to do any configuration. meh to that.
Could this be meh's gateway drug into the world of mechanical keyboards? Oh sure they may not have 9 thumb buttons or 5 macro keys but they click! And they are usually heavy, loud, and are good at annoying your coworkers... Meh should be all over that.
@vrillusions it's not a mechanical keyboard
@Idontkno23 indeed, that's why this is the gateway drug. Pay $50 for a "gaming" keyboard and then realize for ONLY $30-$60 more you can get a mechanical keyboard. And then you get a second mechanical keyboard for the office, then for downstairs, then for your tablet. It's a vicious cycle and it all started with a little taste of a keyboard that didn't come with the computer when you bought it. At least I hope that's the only reason someone would buy this crappy thing...
Everything I have ever bought Razer brand has either broken or died in 3 months. Ill stick with my trusty Logitech gear.
@futaira the Logitech stuff isn't what it used to be. I've got a row of dead mid-priced Logitech mice on the shelf as evidence.
@RedOak umm saving them for the apocalypse?
@Pamtha no, just too cheap to throw them out. Hoping I'll be able to get them running again by cleaning them out.
@futaira I have had this exact keyboard for 4 years now and it still works perfectly. Maybe you should try not punching your keyboards when you get rekt, noob.
@Dickbutt nice one Dickbutt! That is if thats your real name... The membrane under the WASD keys completely fell apart after a few months of use. It was the tarantula keyboard. I had a deathadder that would sometimes work, then sometimes it would stop. Tried a second one and it lasted longer but eventually died the same way. Just poorly made imo.
Love my Ducky full-size with Cherry MX Reds. Sell me an off-brand with Cherry switches and I'm game!
@mitsilplix I feel like meh could probably possibly maybe score a deal on Duckies. Make it happen, @snapster? :D
I could care less about the keyboard, but that Gun Fight game brings back so many good memories. I wiled away many hours standing in front of that and many other coin op games as a lad. They may have been simple and extremely limited by their technology, but they were so much fun to play.
Oh to enjoy the good old days of being a carefree, fun-loving youth just one more time.
@TheTexasTwister I think you need to visit: https://archive.org/details/internetarcade :) Hit tab after the emulated title loads and choose inputs to see or change what controls control what, if you plug a game controller in you will need to reload the page for it to be found)
" - 7 thumb modifier keys"
'Not real sure I want my thumbs modified in order to use this keyboard. And I don't appreciate the crack about my typing skills either.
Wait, a non-mechanical keyboard? At this price?
This is a shit-tier meh
I'm so out of touch, I honestly don't know what I would do with this thing. I am 55, but the way technology advances, it makes feel like 1005 years old. Like with everything.
@mick age is in the mind.
can i buy this and switch it at a store?
needed a cheapo kb to type boring word and excel charts, got too scared doing it on Razer Anansi MMO Gaming Keyboard
Can someone ELI5 what the big fuss about mechanical keyboards is please and what specifically makes this meh¿ I almost jumped for the feature set!
@takenforgranite I think the fuss is that mechanical switches just feel better to type on and are generally better quality than what you get with membrane boards like this Razer. I don't know if there's a mechanical board that competes directly with this one as far as all the MMO features, and I would highly doubt there is one at this price point, so if that's what you're after and don't have a preference between switches there's no reason you wouldn't enjoy the Razer board.
@takenforgranite - Razer makes a couple of boards with mechanical key switches but this isn't one of them. It costs a couple of dollars to manufacture a membrane keyboard, so buying one for $44 on meh.com is pretty meh unless you really want those MMO features.
@takenforgranite I read that people prefer mechanical keyboards for the feel you get when pressing a key - you are sure that you've entered each stroke as it "falls away". Anandtech.com has reviews of mechanical keyboards. Commenters are opinionated. I see that monoprice.com has a $60 mechanical keyboard for sale this weekend.
@takenforgranite I have a Razer Black Widow Stealth 2013 (Mechanical with Cherry MX switches) and a Razer Lycosa (membrane). The Lycosa has a pass through USB port and dedicated media buttons, while the Anansi has the extra programable buttons; other than that the two are pretty much identical, particularly in typing feel. The embrane keyboards have the mushy feel of typing on a laptop, because almost every laptop keybaord is a membrane keyboard.
@takenforgranite a couple reasons I like mechanical keybaords. I have two CODE keyboards both with clear cherry mx switches and one with keypad and one without. Also have an old ibm keyboard, not a model m but same keys. You'll hear people talk about cherry mx which is a mfg and then colors like clear (although the plastic is white), blue, red, and brown are the common ones. There are other manufacturers but cherry is the most common. Each of those keys operate differently. For example the red model when pushing on the key there's no bumps, clicks, or anything to really indicate when you activated the key aside from a faint tink noise. Gamers like those because once you realize where that actuation point is you can rapidly actute the key but just moving it a little bit up and down. The clear model you push down with increased resistence until you feel a bump which lets you know the key has been activated. The reason I like them (and others that like them) is once you get used to it you never bottom out the key which can be fatiguing after a while. So that's a long winded way of saying I can type longer and doesn't bother me.
Another positive thing that isn't often mentioned is the keys are easily removable and can be arranged differently. Aside from messing with people by switching keys around you can also try out different keyboard layouts like dvorak and arrange the keys so they are in the dvorak layout. Also it makes cleaning behind the keys real easy. Pull out all the keys (most keyboards come with a keycap puller) and hit it with compressed air and it's clean.
Now we're getting in to the less common reasons but they can be customized to your hearts content. Since most keyboards are more or less standard you can buy different key caps. If the keys are backlit you can get different color filters to put over them, etc. Although personally I'm not a fan of the backlighting since even during the day if you don't have the backlight on you can't really see the letters. Of course since these are customizable there's nothing stopping me from buying keys that don't have clear letters and just keep the backlight off.
(edit)OGOD I forgot when replying that line breaks don't mean squat so sorry for the wall of text.
(edit2)AH HAH just added the html for line breaks and that worked
Meh. Because nothing says 'Mehrica like mehmbrane MMO keyboard...
I've been interested in a mechanical keyboard after reading about the Das keyboard when woot has them for sale. Could someone please share with me an opinion on the various ranges of mechanical keyboard brands? What's a good low end brand to consider? I'm not a gamer, just like the idea of mechanical keys.
@sourhead i have a razer black widow. First gen mechanical non silent and its been 100% for years on end. I love it
@ThoR294 that's what I have and the damn thing died on me. I started by having the spacebar randomly be "pressed" now windows doesn't recognize it plugged in. Surprisingly I tried on my Mac. Not a damn problem yet. However 3 different pcs don't like it. Weird for the pic version of a keyboard. Eventually i'll harvest the switches and build a keyboard with them. Just need to find the right "kit" that doesn't come with switches.
@sourhead there are plenty of cheap mechanical keyboards with chinese switches. Rosewill will be one of the better ones. You can find high end Rosewill with Cherry MX switches, about $80. I would highly recommend go for the better Cherry MX switches. For those that are interested in mechanical keyboards and the differences in key switches:http://lifehacker.com/how-to-choose-the-best-mechanical-keyboard-and-why-you-511140347
@sohmageek odd. No issues here! I do have driver issues with my razer imperator mouse though. And sometimes on the keyboard a key gets stuck. Gotta unplug and replug back in lol
Was hoping something more freedomesque for America day. Oh well :( meh
@ThoR294 You could look for a Razer Chroma keyboard and program the backlight to be red, white, and blue.
On a better note the xpress platinum cooker is awesome ...
@mellowirishgent Now I really feel I should have gotten that one.
If you pay fifty dollars for a membrane keyboard, the terrorists win.
Is it just me or does today's map sort of look like the red and white stripes of our flag (perfect for the 4th of July).