@awk When I was in Greece (many years ago), I always heard it pronounced “pas-TEETS-ee-oh.” According to Google Translate, that’s the Greek pronunciation of the word you cited. I’ve never heard it pronounced “pas-TEACH-ee-oh,” although Translate says that’s the English word…
Microwave the 16 Ginger Chews for 23 seconds (it’s more because there are more to unwrap). Peel the wrappers. Put in a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds at a time until melted, stirring each time.
Add 4 marshmallows and microwave another 30 seconds. Stir to make ginger fluff. Mix in 1/4 c cream cheese frosting.
Spread this filling between two pumpkin biscotti to make sandwich cookies. Repeat with remaining biscotti.
Probably don’t eat this. But let us know what happens if you do.
@djslack@awk - meant to say have a dog, not eat a dog (of course I just accidentally fixed typing god instead of dog (still tired from yesterday’s the middle of the night fire alarm going off in this apartment building and ringing for an hour since maintenance had to drive from across town to turn it off)
@awk@djslack@Kyeh Yes I had told my kid once when she was about 11th grade and being a real asshole that there were good reasons why some species eat their young (she responded better to humor). My kid told me that since I hated to cook I wouldn’t know how to cook her. I told her there was always the internet.
@awk@djslack@Kyeh Nope. Gretel wasn’t misbehaving in that story. My kid’s transgression that time was taking off with the minivan when she only had a learner’s permit. So I got the ignition kill fixed (was nearly laughed out of the shop. The thing was 18 years old and looked like shit at the time; they asked me who would steal that wreck and I told them my daughter. Best $25 I ever spent). She never realized the car now had a working one (or one at all as I was very careful arming and disarming it) so was never able to steal it again. Of course she accidentally told on herself when she tried to do it again. She came to me one Saturday morning (again still a learner’s permit) and told me the ghetto van was broken. I asked her, “And how would you know that?”. Oops.
In just for the ginger chews. That is a great price for that many ginger chews. I LOVE GINGER CHEWS. Sometimes I just chew straight ginger and it annoys my wife, so this is better.
I got them last time, because I’m a ginger addict, but the wrappers made me so furious, I threw them all away. Then I read in the threads about the microwave trick, so I’m conflicted.
I like the idea of this. If I hadn’t already gotten enough of the parts that interest me the most, I’d probably give this a try. But we don’t need most of rest, so I better stick with not cluttering the house with more junk.
/showme a large bundle o’ food, some of which is interesting to me, but most of it will go uneaten
@mediocrebot You failed, but that’s a wonderful failure. The problem is I would probably eat all of that. (still looking for any part of it that looks unredeemable)
Okay Meh, I would like to buy one of those for $29.99 — where’s the link?
This is a truly random pile of crap at a tenth of the price, this is what a REAL deal site should look like! Not a bunch of neatly packaged shiny products at mild discounts like all the other “deal” sites!
Verb bars are pretty good. You can taste the caffeine bitterness but it’s not so much that it’s gross. Taste is good otherwise and the texture is nice.
The biscotti are OK, no complaints for some random box of them. Obviously can’t compare to the real deal.
I’ve reviewed the hummus before, it’s a good!
The ginger candies are tasty but a no buy. They are all stuck to the wrapper and getting the paper off is always a messy ordeal.
/showme 10 5oz bags of Ginger People Ginger Chews
2 bags of Earthside Brownie Bites
1 bag of Birch Benders Brownie Mix
1 bag of Birch Benders Chocolate Cake Mix
1 Pillsbury Cream Cheese Pastry Bag
1 tub of Birch Benders Keto Vanilla Frosting
a 48-pack of Nonni’s Pumpkin Biscotti (6 boxes of 8 )
a 16-pack of VERB Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bars
a 6-pack of Mezete Classic Hummus
a 6-pack of Mezete Red Pepper Hummus
I bought the hummus a time or two back. It’s pretty icky. I got some of it up to meh by adding some olive oil to it. After a few containers, I gave up and threw the rest away. The keto mixes were not quite as terribad, but they weren’t worth eating after the first. And the ginger chews… took a crown off one of my teeth. Yeah. So, you know, I’m good. Don’t need the bundle, I’m fine.
This looks like what I would end up with if I made an instacart order and the shopper went to the wrong store, but just decided to run with it… if I wasn’t mysteriously and unofficially, yet still absolutely and reasonably banned from instacart. I just need to know if the biscotti and the caffeine bars are edible before thinking about buying this mess. I already know the ginger chews will give me my recommended daily allowance of wrapper bits while also removing several teeth, but they’re kinda tasty.
I challenged AI to make a full meal using these ingredients and as few additional ones as possible:
Appetizer: Hummus Duo with Ginger-Pumpkin Biscotti
Ingredients: Mezete Classic and Red Pepper Hummus, Nonni’s Pumpkin Biscotti, Ginger People Ginger Chews. Preparation: Crush some of the pumpkin biscotti and mix them with finely chopped ginger chews to create a crunchy topping. Serve the hummus in small bowls, sprinkled with the biscotti-ginger mix for a unique blend of flavors.
Main Course: Savory Brownie Bites Medley
Ingredients: Earthside Brownie Bites, Birch Benders Brownie Mix, Birch Benders Chocolate Cake Mix, a few additional savory ingredients (like cheese or bacon, if allowed). Preparation: Prepare the brownie and cake mixes per package instructions, but add savory ingredients like grated cheese or finely chopped cooked bacon. Crumble the pre-made brownie bites into the mix for texture. Bake in a muffin tin for individual servings. The idea is to transform the sweet mixes into a savory, bread-like side.
Dessert: Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bar Cake
Ingredients: VERB Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bars, Pillsbury Cream Cheese Pastry, Birch Benders Keto Vanilla Frosting. Preparation: Crush the energy bars and mix them with softened cream cheese pastry to form a dense cake base. Use the vanilla frosting as a topping. The energy bars will give a unique texture and flavor, while the cream cheese adds richness.
/showme An appetizer of Hummus Duo with Ginger-Pumpkin Biscotti, a main course of Savory Brownie Bites Medley, and a dessert of Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bar Cake
@mediocrebot That looks like a very fancy useless utensil between the knife and fork. Aside from the fact it seems to transition smoothly from metal to some kind of bone material. Very fancy.
@Doooood@mediocrebot it’s a combo utensil, like a spork. It’s half bone and half knife… a knone(the k is not silent). The correct pronunciation has 1.5 syllables.
@justdrooit Maybe they made a “we need to get rid of this shit no one wants before it’s all expired” bundle. I also suspect the reason there’s so much keto stuff in this bundle is because it all tastes like shit. Maybe the regular frosting can save the keto cupcakes. Maybe the ginger chews could be used to make some kind of keto/non-keto combo fruitcake. Maybe you shouldn’t rely on this site to provide you with the food you need for your specific diet. Your comment is similar to someone going to a restaurant that offers several vegan or vegetarian items, and then complaining that there aren’t enough items to suit their particular chosen diet. Buy it for the keto items and give away the scary poison ones to your enemies. Pretend like eating a few non-keto-friendly items won’t instantly kill you, and just enjoy the expired goodness.
I bought half this crap before and loved most of it. Frankly, bought again just for more ginger chews, they were worth the unwrapping challenge. Everything else is a bonus at great value!
@OnionSoup There is only one, and its hours are extremely irregular. But the recipe is really easy to follow, if you know where to get the packets of True Orange powder.
@nyy7 They are manufactured to be shelf-stable without refrigeration until they are opened. And the cream cheese product is a frosting packet that probably has enough sugar to preserve it pretty well to begin with.
The date on the Hummus is expired. I still tasted it and it has to be the most horrible-tasting hummus I’ve ever had. Never again will I buy food from this site.
@Suspend0453 I barely managed to pull the red pepper version up to edibility by adding garlic, olive oil, and lime powder, and I still can’t taste the roasted red peppers in it. The base flavor is what a close friend calls a typo in the name, stating flatly that it should be called humus, not hummus.
as to Those ginger chews are garbage. Paper chews is more like it… I tried one, both wrapper layers were extreme–and the inner stuck to the chew so much I only manged to get enough exposed to pull/stretch so I could actually bite some off, maybe a qtr of the product. A lot of work to get a dab.
Easiest way I found to get the paper off when it is stuck is to use warm water. Since I got a bunch of bags I will do a few bags at a time. Take the outer paper off, put 5 or 6 of them in a bowl of warm water for a little bit. Paper comes right off. Put them on a silicone mat to dry. Once dry, toss in confectioners sugar and store in a resealable tub. I find it goes rather quickly and I have yummy ginger chews for cheap.
The hummus tastes like what you might get if you asked an AI to synthesize hummus for you. Technically everything is there, but it doesn’t quite taste right. Adding some lemon juice, salt, and olive oil helped a little bit, but at that point, you’re like two ingredients away from just making hummus yourself.
The red pepper flavor is as if someone drew a picture of a red bell pepper on a piece of paper, and then liquified the picture and mixed it into the slurry.
It doesn’t taste spoiled, but it doesn’t taste good.
I still like the hummus. Though not gourmet, it’s cheap and edible and makes other foods (like the ramen sold here) more filling. I’m tempted to get more.
My stuff was too expired. The hummus smelled bad. The brownie bites had deteriorated to where they were leaking and had some industrial chemical smell and taste. The energy bars were decent. I have not opened the biscotti, yet. I got rid of the Birch Benders stuff just out of frustration and gave a housemate the pastry bag frosting. Those ginger chews are pretty amazing. I think I managed to fully unwrap three, but ate most of them with pieces of wrapper still engulfed in the taffy. That ginger is so good that I’m willing to keep putting up with those bits of wrapper. I will probably get to the biscotti in a week or so. If anything remarkable comes from that, I’ll keep you posted.
Product: Random Food
Condition: New
The Ginger People Original Ginger Chews
Earthside Farms Individually-Wrapped Keto Brownie Bites
Birch Benders Keto Ultimate Fudge Brownie Mix
Pillsbury Cream Cheese Flavored Ready to Use Frosting Bag
Birch Benders Keto Vanilla Frosting
Birch Benders Keto Chocolate Cake Mix
Nonni’s Individually Wrapped Pumpkin Spice Biscotti
VERB Peanut Butter Cup Caffeinated Snack Bars
Mezete Hummus Dips (Classic & Fire Roasted Red Pepper)
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$257.84 at Amazon & Walmart
Ginger Chews: $71.10 for 10 at Amazon
Brownie Bites: $34.58 for 2 at Amazon
Brownie Mix: $6.92 at Walmart
Pillsbury Frosting: $3.64 at Walmart
Birch Benders Cake Mix & Frosting: $12.99 at Amazon
Biscotti: $30.83 at Amazon
Verb Bars: $27.50 at Amazon
Classic Hummus: $33.29 at Amazon
Fire Roasted Hummus: $36.99 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Feb 1 - Monday, Feb 5
/giphy food

@yakkoTDI yeah, I was going to ask…
It’s really a good question. A good question.
No real answers, but a good question.
Nice! I missed bundle Saturdays.
I have a closet shelf that looks just like that.
I give ten dollar.
/showme random food
@mediocrebot Hey hey is that Greek pastichio?
/image pastichio

@awk @mediocrebot Thought it’s called ‘pastitsio?’
@mediocrebot @MrNews It’s called “παστίτσιο”.

@awk When I was in Greece (many years ago), I always heard it pronounced “pas-TEETS-ee-oh.” According to Google Translate, that’s the Greek pronunciation of the word you cited. I’ve never heard it pronounced “pas-TEACH-ee-oh,” although Translate says that’s the English word…
Daaaaanng you’re really making your warehouse staff work hard with this one!
Sounds like a new-fangled foodie IRK: Instant Regurgitation Kit!!

/giphy vomit

This looks like a beautiful disaster waiting to happen somewhere in the house…when you least expect it…
Recipe time:
Pumpkin Ginger Fluffers
Microwave the 16 Ginger Chews for 23 seconds (it’s more because there are more to unwrap). Peel the wrappers. Put in a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds at a time until melted, stirring each time.
Add 4 marshmallows and microwave another 30 seconds. Stir to make ginger fluff. Mix in 1/4 c cream cheese frosting.
Spread this filling between two pumpkin biscotti to make sandwich cookies. Repeat with remaining biscotti.
Probably don’t eat this. But let us know what happens if you do.
@djslack sounds like a good episode of Chopped and their mystery baskets!
You buy this you’d need to eat a dog who eats anything you don’t like.
is this like the old lady that swallowed a fly?
@Kidsandliz I’d rather eat a dog that only eats things I do like. Otherwise it might pick up some off flavors.
@djslack @awk - meant to say have a dog, not eat a dog (of course I just accidentally fixed typing god instead of dog (still tired from yesterday’s the middle of the night fire alarm going off in this apartment building and ringing for an hour since maintenance had to drive from across town to turn it off)
@awk @djslack @Kidsandliz
She only eats children, not dogs.
@awk @djslack @Kyeh Yes I had told my kid once when she was about 11th grade and being a real asshole that there were good reasons why some species eat their young (she responded better to humor). My kid told me that since I hated to cook I wouldn’t know how to cook her. I told her there was always the internet.
@awk @djslack @Kidsandliz Is her name Gretel?
@awk @djslack @Kyeh Nope. Gretel wasn’t misbehaving in that story. My kid’s transgression that time was taking off with the minivan when she only had a learner’s permit. So I got the ignition kill fixed (was nearly laughed out of the shop. The thing was 18 years old and looked like shit at the time; they asked me who would steal that wreck and I told them my daughter. Best $25 I ever spent). She never realized the car now had a working one (or one at all as I was very careful arming and disarming it) so was never able to steal it again. Of course she accidentally told on herself when she tried to do it again. She came to me one Saturday morning (again still a learner’s permit) and told me the ghetto van was broken. I asked her, “And how would you know that?”. Oops.
@awk @djslack @Kidsandliz
Yeah, you’ve told that before.
@awk @djslack @Kyeh Yup. That’s why she isn’t Gretel.
Sure, why not.
/giphy prickly-rested-parakeet

Anyone NOT see this coming?
@ybmuG the manufacturers?
@warpedrotors @ybmuG I think the ginger chew people probably did.
In just for the ginger chews. That is a great price for that many ginger chews. I LOVE GINGER CHEWS. Sometimes I just chew straight ginger and it annoys my wife, so this is better.
Tempted to grab two bundles honestly.
@Spheyr I’m considering it just for the ginger chews. This brand isn’t the very strongest ginger chew, but they were pretty good when last I had them
@Spheyr @togle Beware of the evil inner wrappers.
@Spheyr @togle @werehatrack
I got them last time, because I’m a ginger addict, but the wrappers made me so furious, I threw them all away. Then I read in the threads about the microwave trick, so I’m conflicted.
@Spheyr For the ginger addicts.

/giphy ginger
I like the idea of this. If I hadn’t already gotten enough of the parts that interest me the most, I’d probably give this a try. But we don’t need most of rest, so I better stick with not cluttering the house with more junk.
@mediocrebot You failed, but that’s a wonderful failure. The problem is I would probably eat all of that. (still looking for any part of it that looks unredeemable)
Okay Meh, I would like to buy one of those for $29.99 — where’s the link?
Food From Meh:
We don’t clean out your wallet, just your colon.
@mcanavino Snacks by Meh:
Now 50% More Purging Per Serving!
/showme random mediocre food in a Fukubukuro
@heartny Japanese food, appropriately.
@Kyeh Yeah, I thought that was rather surprising, yet accurate.
@heartny I’d probably but a random assortment of Japanese food.
@kyeh BUY, not but
Junk. No. Never.
Must. Not.
@phendrick It worked! Your order number is: personable-tight-jackrabbit
/image personable tight jackrabbit

@phendrick I sense a disturbance in the edit side of the Force.
@phendrick Hey, the Jackrabbits are the National Champions of the FCS this year!
@werehatrack Roger that.
/showme an entire banquet made out of ginger chews
This is a truly random pile of crap at a tenth of the price, this is what a REAL deal site should look like! Not a bunch of neatly packaged shiny products at mild discounts like all the other “deal” sites!
/showme inedible food
Verb bars are pretty good. You can taste the caffeine bitterness but it’s not so much that it’s gross. Taste is good otherwise and the texture is nice.
The biscotti are OK, no complaints for some random box of them. Obviously can’t compare to the real deal.
I’ve reviewed the hummus before, it’s a good!
The ginger candies are tasty but a no buy. They are all stuck to the wrapper and getting the paper off is always a messy ordeal.
Haven’t tried the rest.
/showme 10 5oz bags of Ginger People Ginger Chews
2 bags of Earthside Brownie Bites
1 bag of Birch Benders Brownie Mix
1 bag of Birch Benders Chocolate Cake Mix
1 Pillsbury Cream Cheese Pastry Bag
1 tub of Birch Benders Keto Vanilla Frosting
a 48-pack of Nonni’s Pumpkin Biscotti (6 boxes of 8 )
a 16-pack of VERB Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bars
a 6-pack of Mezete Classic Hummus
a 6-pack of Mezete Red Pepper Hummus
@EvilSmoo looks like the bot is obsessed with cookies
@Spheyr @togle look here, the bot made some Gingerier Chews with even more ginger!
There you go meh, if you need more pictures, you can use that.
I bought the hummus a time or two back. It’s pretty icky. I got some of it up to meh by adding some olive oil to it. After a few containers, I gave up and threw the rest away. The keto mixes were not quite as terribad, but they weren’t worth eating after the first. And the ginger chews… took a crown off one of my teeth. Yeah. So, you know, I’m good. Don’t need the bundle, I’m fine.
This looks like what I would end up with if I made an instacart order and the shopper went to the wrong store, but just decided to run with it… if I wasn’t mysteriously and unofficially, yet still absolutely and reasonably banned from instacart. I just need to know if the biscotti and the caffeine bars are edible before thinking about buying this mess. I already know the ginger chews will give me my recommended daily allowance of wrapper bits while also removing several teeth, but they’re kinda tasty.
@warpedrotors I only have the gingerbread and chocolate mint biscotti from recently, but they are tasty and I assume pumpkin spice is equally good.
Oh, and hummus is most definitely not a savory frosting. It’s more like a mildly flavored spackle.
Just the hummus alone was worth the purchase!
/showme unattractive-magical-zipper
/showme the horrific consequences from eating random food
See that!
If you eat random food you won’t have skin on your torso and you’ll be able to slip your hand into your intestines.
@OnionSoup Looks like a necessary poster for my doctor’s wall.
That, or the CVS pharmacy.
Yeah, that birch bark frosting is an instant no. It tastes like chapstick…
We’ve had everything in this bundle except for the biscotti (because it’s not GF). It’s all legit.
Put it all in a Vitamix and make a Random Smoothie!
@tru335 Please to be removing all packaging first.
@tru335 @werehatrack But, think of all the extra fiber you would get!
/showme random food product smoothie
@mediocrebot that looks way too healthy for today’s sale
No thanks - I already have a pantry well stocked with random nearly-expired food.
I’ll pay $40 if you don’t include those godforsaken ginger chews. My stomach can’t handle more paper.
@sleuth Someone said they read about the microwave trick to make it so you can get the inner paper off.
I challenged AI to make a full meal using these ingredients and as few additional ones as possible:
Appetizer: Hummus Duo with Ginger-Pumpkin Biscotti
Ingredients: Mezete Classic and Red Pepper Hummus, Nonni’s Pumpkin Biscotti, Ginger People Ginger Chews.
Preparation: Crush some of the pumpkin biscotti and mix them with finely chopped ginger chews to create a crunchy topping. Serve the hummus in small bowls, sprinkled with the biscotti-ginger mix for a unique blend of flavors.
Main Course: Savory Brownie Bites Medley
Ingredients: Earthside Brownie Bites, Birch Benders Brownie Mix, Birch Benders Chocolate Cake Mix, a few additional savory ingredients (like cheese or bacon, if allowed).
Preparation: Prepare the brownie and cake mixes per package instructions, but add savory ingredients like grated cheese or finely chopped cooked bacon. Crumble the pre-made brownie bites into the mix for texture. Bake in a muffin tin for individual servings. The idea is to transform the sweet mixes into a savory, bread-like side.
Dessert: Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bar Cake
Ingredients: VERB Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bars, Pillsbury Cream Cheese Pastry, Birch Benders Keto Vanilla Frosting.
Preparation: Crush the energy bars and mix them with softened cream cheese pastry to form a dense cake base. Use the vanilla frosting as a topping. The energy bars will give a unique texture and flavor, while the cream cheese adds richness.
@dave I don’t suppose you’ve tried it yet, though?
(And as far as AI, who trusts a chef that doesn’t even taste their own concoctions?)
@dave Eww.
/showme An appetizer of Hummus Duo with Ginger-Pumpkin Biscotti, a main course of Savory Brownie Bites Medley, and a dessert of Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bar Cake
@mediocrebot That looks like a very fancy useless utensil between the knife and fork. Aside from the fact it seems to transition smoothly from metal to some kind of bone material. Very fancy.
@Doooood The spa uses something like that, to scrape off callouses during a pedicure. So, yeah, it seems to go with today’s “food” offer!
@Doooood @mediocrebot it’s a combo utensil, like a spork. It’s half bone and half knife… a knone(the k is not silent). The correct pronunciation has 1.5 syllables.
So you have a number of “keto friendly” items piled in with very unfriendly not-so “keto friendly” items.
That’s what someone on Keto is seeing. Why would they purchase this extra stuff that they should stay away from? Seriously…
Couldn’t you have made a Keto pile and an everything else pile?
@justdrooit Maybe they made a “we need to get rid of this shit no one wants before it’s all expired” bundle. I also suspect the reason there’s so much keto stuff in this bundle is because it all tastes like shit. Maybe the regular frosting can save the keto cupcakes. Maybe the ginger chews could be used to make some kind of keto/non-keto combo fruitcake. Maybe you shouldn’t rely on this site to provide you with the food you need for your specific diet. Your comment is similar to someone going to a restaurant that offers several vegan or vegetarian items, and then complaining that there aren’t enough items to suit their particular chosen diet. Buy it for the keto items and give away the scary poison ones to your enemies. Pretend like eating a few non-keto-friendly items won’t instantly kill you, and just enjoy the expired goodness.
/showme a blender full of Ginger People Ginger Chews, Earthside Brownie Bites, Birch Benders Brownie Mix, Birch Benders Chocolate Cake Mix, Pillsbury Cream Cheese Pastry Bag, Birch Benders Keto Vanilla Frosting, Nonni’s Pumpkin Biscotti, VERB Caffeinated Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bars, Mezete Classic Hummus, Mezete Red Pepper Hummus
I bought half this crap before and loved most of it. Frankly, bought again just for more ginger chews, they were worth the unwrapping challenge. Everything else is a bonus at great value!
@Mrmindless the unwrapping challenge apparently can be solved with the microwave. Further up someone said they googled and found out what to do.
By way of added randomness, I bring you a white chocolate macadamia cranberry orange cookie.
@werehatrack I’ll take two dozen, once they’re close to expiration. Have you tried oatmeal cherry toffee chip walnut cookies?
@werehatrack where do I find my local werehatrack cookie store?
@laeris That wouldn’t be a fave here, and I’d have to shop for ingredients.
@OnionSoup There is only one, and its hours are extremely irregular. But the recipe is really easy to follow, if you know where to get the packets of True Orange powder.
Those ginger chews are garbage. Paper chews is more like it…
How can one ship cream cheese and hummus without refrigeration??
@nyy7 They are manufactured to be shelf-stable without refrigeration until they are opened. And the cream cheese product is a frosting packet that probably has enough sugar to preserve it pretty well to begin with.
The date on the Hummus is expired. I still tasted it and it has to be the most horrible-tasting hummus I’ve ever had. Never again will I buy food from this site.
@Suspend0453 I barely managed to pull the red pepper version up to edibility by adding garlic, olive oil, and lime powder, and I still can’t taste the roasted red peppers in it. The base flavor is what a close friend calls a typo in the name, stating flatly that it should be called humus, not hummus.
as to Those ginger chews are garbage. Paper chews is more like it… I tried one, both wrapper layers were extreme–and the inner stuck to the chew so much I only manged to get enough exposed to pull/stretch so I could actually bite some off, maybe a qtr of the product. A lot of work to get a dab.
Easiest way I found to get the paper off when it is stuck is to use warm water. Since I got a bunch of bags I will do a few bags at a time. Take the outer paper off, put 5 or 6 of them in a bowl of warm water for a little bit. Paper comes right off. Put them on a silicone mat to dry. Once dry, toss in confectioners sugar and store in a resealable tub. I find it goes rather quickly and I have yummy ginger chews for cheap.
@HawkeyeBunny @hillhi Now I have a project for this afternoon. Thanks!
The hummus tastes like what you might get if you asked an AI to synthesize hummus for you. Technically everything is there, but it doesn’t quite taste right. Adding some lemon juice, salt, and olive oil helped a little bit, but at that point, you’re like two ingredients away from just making hummus yourself.
The red pepper flavor is as if someone drew a picture of a red bell pepper on a piece of paper, and then liquified the picture and mixed it into the slurry.
It doesn’t taste spoiled, but it doesn’t taste good.
I still like the hummus. Though not gourmet, it’s cheap and edible and makes other foods (like the ramen sold here) more filling. I’m tempted to get more.
@pakopako … You mix hummus… with your ramen?! Ramenhummus?!
My stuff was too expired. The hummus smelled bad. The brownie bites had deteriorated to where they were leaking and had some industrial chemical smell and taste. The energy bars were decent. I have not opened the biscotti, yet. I got rid of the Birch Benders stuff just out of frustration and gave a housemate the pastry bag frosting. Those ginger chews are pretty amazing. I think I managed to fully unwrap three, but ate most of them with pieces of wrapper still engulfed in the taffy. That ginger is so good that I’m willing to keep putting up with those bits of wrapper. I will probably get to the biscotti in a week or so. If anything remarkable comes from that, I’ll keep you posted.
@maximvsv I will rashly predict that the biscotti will be pretty good.