It’s buzzwording based on new terminology for crap that has long been known to happen. There is absolutely nothing new in this. Not one damn thing. The only thing that has changed is how they’re puffing up the description.
I quite like most of the items in this set. The face washes, the soufflé, foaming cleanser, and the salt exfoliater (body scrub) are pretty good. The lotion is meh and moisturizer is ok. For $19, this is a great bargain even if you like only one or two of the items. I have purchased four of these and am in for 1 more with $5 IRK coupon. Why not more? Running out of storage space . . .
I like this crap & it’s the 1st of month, so I ain’t short on + me skin’s been a bit dry from drinking Tanqueray Extra Dry Gin, so I’m in for this Complex deal!!
I bought this set a while back. I ended up throwing all of it in the trash. Each of the products smelled like they had “gone bad.” I just didn’t want the stuff touching my skin. That’s just my 2 cents… YMMV
@McWhatEva2K I’m always leery of skin creams and stuff when I can’t smell them first; usually it’s because they’re too perfumey or chemical-ish, but “expired” would also be a real problem. If it’s on your face you can’t avoid smelling it!
@Kyeh@McWhatEva2K A lot of perfumed products have their strong stench to hide what the active ingredients actually smell like. I don’t know what these would have for a “normal” aroma, so I can’t say if the mold-like presentation represented a problem, but I would not fault your decision to be cautious.
@Kyeh@McWhatEva2K The body scrub and body souffle both have parfum in them, which for me is a surefire “too perfumy” ingredient. The other stuff seems to be scented with lavender oil mostly.
I started using products from Origins several years ago, specifically because I like the way they smell - very natural, kind of citrusy, mostly. I like the way they feel too. They’re kind of expensive (although nothing like the stuff at department store counters) but I get them on sale and a little goes a long way.
Day 94 of Meh being even less than meh. Wondering if VMP is worth keeping. Recent past purchases were more a justification of keeping VMP rather than a good or interesting deal.
Anyone here long enough to remember when VMP members received free swag occasionally?
@ponagathos@yakkoTDI day 94 meaning it’s been 94 days since your last Meh purchase?
I have had long streaks of not buying anything on Meh. I keep my VMP primarily for Casemates which makes it worth it. Since I’m currently on a WIWBE (wife imposed wine/whisky buying embargo, yes that’s a thing and not a random acronym), I stay for entertainment value. When I do order on Meh, I tend to order in waves.
Yay! I have been waiting for this to come back. I used every product, and there were no weird smells and each product did what it was supposed to do. At fab fit fun subscription box, you can order this Exact set as an extra. For $39, marked down from like $239! This is a really good deal for decent skin care
@marylynne7 I think they have this at MorningSave.com every day. Maybe slightly more, but still free shipping if you’re a member here. I’m glad you posted, I’m not a big fan of fragrance and I was wondering how bad or good this was. I notice everything has lavender oil in it.
@Fuzzalini@marylynne7 I think this 7-set version does not have the eye serum that the 8-set version previously offered on Meh. Which is fine by me since I don’t use the eye serum and my wife religiously researches ingredients in those expensive eye serums and only uses the good (and expensive) ones.
We both use the other products and neither of us smell any funny smells from these products.
I had purchased one set on Meh in 2021 for $19 when first offered, then went back and purchased three more from morningsave for $20 (and forgetting to use VMP 10% off code). And getting one more here, using up one of my five IRK coupons.
Summer crust is caused by UV rays from the sun unraveling the DNA in the top layer of your skin, killing it. Dead things dry out. That’s why you put on SPF 100 sunscreen, or even better, wear long sleeves if you’re going to be outside for more than a few minutes in the summer.
Moisturizing solves the symptom but not the problem. The little bit of melanin white people get from tanning isn’t enough to protect them. Even the darkest skinned guy from the hottest part of Africa would be better off with sunscreen.
@kostia I find it unsurprising. Nevada has a bizarre mix of pragmatists who never gamble (and are often low level ethical predators) and wishful-thinking junkies who will buy anything that is glitzy enough. The former may recognize the actual value in an overhyped and englamored product, and acquire it at its price point of real merit if it has any. The latter will jump on and grab the shiny that’s incredibly cheap.
@cory206sea I want this as well. Frankly, I was really hoping you would post a parody of Ice Ice Baby based on the title of this deal here, cory206sea! Please go ahead, we’re ready to enjoy.
I bought the similar set last time. I primarily use the face and eye moisturizer. Seems good to me. I haven’t used anything else so I can’t speak to those products.
@radi0j0hn All the places I can find say manufactured in the US. But it seems like their site has been gone for a few months. Pretty sus to me, my skin isn’t worth saving a few bucks.
Product: Quench 7-Piece MicroWater Complex Skincare Set
Condition: New
Radiance Facial Peel
Daily Glow Moisturizer
Facial Foaming Cleanser
Miracle Body Souffle
Night Relief Creme
Miracle Body Scrub
Smoothing Hand & Body Lotion
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$34.99 on Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Jul 8 - Tuesday, Jul 12
Microwater? Really?
Seriously, though, I prefer my water dehydrated.
@guybrush01 Well they do call it “Complex”.
@guybrush01, I like my water hydrated,…so, I guess this Is a matter of different strokes for different folks!!
Pfft, these clowns are still selling microwater when the rest of the industry has moved to nanowater.
@awk, Clown is as Clown does!!

Umm, moisturize me, baebe.
@werehatrack ? Interesting…
What’s that image from?
(Looks like me, before my coffee.)
@phendrick @werehatrack Doctor Who, The Face of Boe
@phendrick @samro @werehatrack
p (pico) 10-12
n (nano) 10-9
µ (micro) 10-6
m (milli) 10-3
10-1 – Receiving poorly (I can’t hear you)
10-2 – Receiving well (I can hear you)
10-3 – Stop transmitting (aka shut up)
10-4 – Affirmative/Message received
10-6 – Busy/Hold on
10-9 – Repeat message
10-10 – Transmission completed (I’m done talking)
@awk Not only am I an engineer, my dad was a county sheriff. So I know all of those as well.
@awk @bfg9000 10-7-I have to take a dump
@awk @bfg9000
10-20 - Location (As in, “What’s my 10-20?”. I don’t know where the hell I’m at, but that on ramp looks familiar.)
I think you might be doing it wrong…
@xobzoo “little beer”? Then, why bother? Need lotta beer to make it worthwhile.
Can anyone define microwater? Marketing terms are not allowed in true definitions.
It’s buzzwording based on new terminology for crap that has long been known to happen. There is absolutely nothing new in this. Not one damn thing. The only thing that has changed is how they’re puffing up the description.
@hchavers @werehatrack microwater is what you use to clean your microfiber sheets and towels and t shirts.
@hchavers @stolicat @werehatrack microwater must be related to microfiber. which explains why it’s being sold here. and why we mock it.
Does that make them Microsoft?
@rockblossom @stolicat I heard that “microsoft” figured prominently in the Gates’ divorce proceedings.
@hchavers It’s when a person pees, just a little bit, before they get to the bathroom
The body souffle sounds tasty.
@mexicantacos Let us know how that works out for you… But be sure to double check the ingredients, see note below!

The world of fashionable skincare products has always been full of snake oil, and this crap is no exception.
@werehatrack Hopefully it’s not also full of snake venom, cuz that might not bode well for @mexicantacos dinner plans!
[Refer to comment above 
I quite like most of the items in this set. The face washes, the soufflé, foaming cleanser, and the salt exfoliater (body scrub) are pretty good. The lotion is meh and moisturizer is ok. For $19, this is a great bargain even if you like only one or two of the items. I have purchased four of these and am in for 1 more with $5 IRK coupon. Why not more? Running out of storage space . . .
/giphy lanky-eloped-weaver

I like this crap & it’s the 1st of month, so I ain’t short on
+ me skin’s been a bit dry from drinking Tanqueray
Extra Dry Gin, so I’m in for this Complex deal!! 
I bought this set a while back. I ended up throwing all of it in the trash. Each of the products smelled like they had “gone bad.” I just didn’t want the stuff touching my skin. That’s just my 2 cents… YMMV
@McWhatEva2K I’m always leery of skin creams and stuff when I can’t smell them first; usually it’s because they’re too perfumey or chemical-ish, but “expired” would also be a real problem. If it’s on your face you can’t avoid smelling it!
@Kyeh @McWhatEva2K A lot of perfumed products have their strong stench to hide what the active ingredients actually smell like. I don’t know what these would have for a “normal” aroma, so I can’t say if the mold-like presentation represented a problem, but I would not fault your decision to be cautious.
@Kyeh @McWhatEva2K The body scrub and body souffle both have parfum in them, which for me is a surefire “too perfumy” ingredient. The other stuff seems to be scented with lavender oil mostly.
@grammar_geek @McWhatEva2K
I started using products from Origins several years ago, specifically because I like the way they smell - very natural, kind of citrusy, mostly. I like the way they feel too. They’re kind of expensive (although nothing like the stuff at department store counters) but I get them on sale and a little goes a long way.
Day 94 of Meh being even less than meh. Wondering if VMP is worth keeping. Recent past purchases were more a justification of keeping VMP rather than a good or interesting deal.
Anyone here long enough to remember when VMP members received free swag occasionally?
@ponagathos I remember those days. Back when 4:00 pm EST was our happy hour and those ‘members’ were not allowed in to clutter up the place.
@ponagathos @yakkoTDI day 94 meaning it’s been 94 days since your last Meh purchase?
I have had long streaks of not buying anything on Meh. I keep my VMP primarily for Casemates which makes it worth it. Since I’m currently on a WIWBE (wife imposed wine/whisky buying embargo, yes that’s a thing and not a random acronym), I stay for entertainment value. When I do order on Meh, I tend to order in waves.
Yay! I have been waiting for this to come back. I used every product, and there were no weird smells and each product did what it was supposed to do. At fab fit fun subscription box, you can order this Exact set as an extra. For $39, marked down from like $239! This is a really good deal for decent skin care
@marylynne7 I think they have this at MorningSave.com every day. Maybe slightly more, but still free shipping if you’re a member here. I’m glad you posted, I’m not a big fan of fragrance and I was wondering how bad or good this was. I notice everything has lavender oil in it.
@Fuzzalini @marylynne7 I think this 7-set version does not have the eye serum that the 8-set version previously offered on Meh. Which is fine by me since I don’t use the eye serum and my wife religiously researches ingredients in those expensive eye serums and only uses the good (and expensive) ones.
We both use the other products and neither of us smell any funny smells from these products.
I had purchased one set on Meh in 2021 for $19 when first offered, then went back and purchased three more from morningsave for $20 (and forgetting to use VMP 10% off code). And getting one more here, using up one of my five IRK coupons.
Summer crust is caused by UV rays from the sun unraveling the DNA in the top layer of your skin, killing it. Dead things dry out. That’s why you put on SPF 100 sunscreen, or even better, wear long sleeves if you’re going to be outside for more than a few minutes in the summer.
Moisturizing solves the symptom but not the problem. The little bit of melanin white people get from tanning isn’t enough to protect them. Even the darkest skinned guy from the hottest part of Africa would be better off with sunscreen.
A pasty white Florida Man.
@Weboh So you are the glowing form I saw running down the street.
I’m deeply amused that the state where this is selling best is Nevada.
@kostia I find it unsurprising. Nevada has a bizarre mix of pragmatists who never gamble (and are often low level ethical predators) and wishful-thinking junkies who will buy anything that is glitzy enough. The former may recognize the actual value in an overhyped and englamored product, and acquire it at its price point of real merit if it has any. The latter will jump on and grab the shiny that’s incredibly cheap.
@werehatrack Oh, I just thought it was because of the desert!
I was really hoping to hear a parody of Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby based on the title of this deal (Stop, Moisturize, and Listen)
@cory206sea I want this as well. Frankly, I was really hoping you would post a parody of Ice Ice Baby based on the title of this deal here, cory206sea! Please go ahead, we’re ready to enjoy.
@806D2701 Lol. That would be woefully disappointing even by Meh standards
Since the issue has been woefully neglected today, let me just add that these make truly abysmal margaritas.
@werehatrack And they aren’t mac-n-cheese-compatible at all.
and they’re not even Georgia red.
@Kyeh @werehatrack nor purple. Where’s @barney these days?
@hammi99 @Kyeh @werehatrack
I like Georgia red.
I bought the similar set last time. I primarily use the face and eye moisturizer. Seems good to me. I haven’t used anything else so I can’t speak to those products.
Is it made in China?
@radi0j0hn All the places I can find say manufactured in the US. But it seems like their site has been gone for a few months. Pretty sus to me, my skin isn’t worth saving a few bucks.