<3 I think it's magnificent. I've always wanted a purple car and house but am always vetoed by people who have an interest in resale value. Curmudgeons, one and all.
@Barney Earl Scheib! Any car, any color, only $89.95! (of course it may be a little more expensive now).
You could likely pick up some nice detailing or pin striping tape in purple. The stuff works surprisingly well if you are careful and follow directions applying it. Any car can at least have purple highlights.
This is going back 15+ years now, but one guy in a Powerpuff forums has (had?) a Prelude that was custom painted Plymouth Prowler purple. The license plate - POWRPUF.
@Barney i was just thinking that the honda fit came in purple! love my honda fit..but I passed on the blackberry car they first offered me and went with silver.. ;) i call her the silver bullet.
@mikibell I had to settle for a plain white Honda Fit (my last 2 cars were bright yellow and lime green, respectively). Since I am annoyed with both the color and the crappy stereo, I named it Irk, because maybe those things bother me more than they should.
@mikibell I had looked at the dark purple Fits, but I'm kinda lazy and find dark colors show dirt pretty easily. Silver is the perfect color to have. Dirt blends right in.
I don't have any good photos of it to post, but many moons ago(mid 90's), the second vehicle my brother bought after moving to DFW was a very dark Purple(almost black, Blurple?) Chevy Pickup, that he managed to find a matching cap for.
he's on here somewhere, I just don't know his username, he might have pics..
then a couple falls ago, when he bought his challenger, he said "if they had had a plum crazy in stock, it would have been nearly impossible for him to pass up", but alas, they didn't...
Purple on a truck. Not a combination you'd see here in Jax, but I think it's magnificent.
<3 I think it's magnificent. I've always wanted a purple car and house but am always vetoed by people who have an interest in resale value. Curmudgeons, one and all.
@PurplePawprints Funny, Plum Crazy Challengers seem to have held their value pretty darn well. In-Violet 'Cudas too.
@duodec It is quite possible that I could stab someone in the eye for one of these.

I'm not saying that it's probable, just possible.
Love it! It looks like it's in a beach community.
@Teripie It is, although the plates are from another state. Maybe they just always keep in that beach state of mind.
is your dad purple? because you
oh sorry wrong idea
@Lotsofgoats I'm not following...
I almost bought a car that had been painted that color. I was going to name it jelly bean.
@Barney What could stop you from buying a purple thing?
@dashcloud Money. By the time I had enough, the car was sold.
@Barney Earl Scheib! Any car, any color, only $89.95! (of course it may be a little more expensive now).
You could likely pick up some nice detailing or pin striping tape in purple. The stuff works surprisingly well if you are careful and follow directions applying it. Any car can at least have purple highlights.
@Barney Was the car jelly bean shaped too?
This is going back 15+ years now, but one guy in a Powerpuff forums has (had?) a Prelude that was custom painted Plymouth Prowler purple. The license plate - POWRPUF.
@duodec My goodness, Earl Scheib is still around?
@narfcake It was a Honda Fit. Yeah, those are kind of jelly bean shaped.
@Barney i was just thinking that the honda fit came in purple! love my honda fit..but I passed on the blackberry car they first offered me and went with silver.. ;) i call her the silver bullet.
@mikibell I had to settle for a plain white Honda Fit (my last 2 cars were bright yellow and lime green, respectively). Since I am annoyed with both the color and the crappy stereo, I named it Irk, because maybe those things bother me more than they should.
@mikibell I had looked at the dark purple Fits, but I'm kinda lazy and find dark colors show dirt pretty easily. Silver is the perfect color to have. Dirt blends right in.
Not as magnificent as that pickup but, fwiw, my first motorcycle looked a lot like this:

I don't have any good photos of it to post, but many moons ago(mid 90's), the second vehicle my brother bought after moving to DFW was a very dark Purple(almost black, Blurple?) Chevy Pickup, that he managed to find a matching cap for.
he's on here somewhere, I just don't know his username, he might have pics..
then a couple falls ago, when he bought his challenger, he said "if they had had a plum crazy in stock, it would have been nearly impossible for him to pass up", but alas, they didn't...
If you don't have a purple pickup, can you be happy in a purple kitchen? @Barney @purplepawprints
@OldCatLady Wow, that kitchen looks bigger than my house. Love the purple... I think.
@OldCatLady This is what my version of heaven looks like (well, it's missing the cats and dogs, but close).