Pumpkins are delicious!
When I cut a pumpkin for my students, they would eat it as we scooped it out. I had a dog that ate the pumpkin guts.
I have a great recipe for pumpkin cake. You can make pie, soup, bread, cookies, muffins, so many possibilities!
I love pumpkins even if they are orange. I get white pumpkins too. About time for pumpkins everywhere!!
You can put babies in them, too!
It really is.
I am not anti-pumpkin. I like pumpkin.
I fucking HATE all the pumpkin spice shit!

@mfladd …pumpkin spice shrimp…
Just make your own pumpkin shit and don’t add all that spice shit, it can get strong! Cinnamon is good.
Meh. Wake me up when September ends, that is to say, when peppermint season starts.
Pumpkins are delicious!
When I cut a pumpkin for my students, they would eat it as we scooped it out. I had a dog that ate the pumpkin guts.
I have a great recipe for pumpkin cake. You can make pie, soup, bread, cookies, muffins, so many possibilities!
I love pumpkins even if they are orange. I get white pumpkins too. About time for pumpkins everywhere!!
You can put babies in them, too!
@Calabama pumpkin bread = life itself
If loving pumpkin bread is wrong, I don’t want to be right!
@Calabama I’m guessing your students ate a fair amount of paste too, didn’t they?
Yuck. I hate the flavor of pumpkin. Like to carve jack-o-lanterns though.
If someone come out with pumpkin spice perogi I will follow them anywhere.
I want to watch punkin-chunkin again, preferably without all the ‘reality crap’ they added to more recent broadcasts…
…while eating pumpkin pie with whip cream on top. That would be great.