@mehdaf that’s what I was hoping (erm, wondering) when I saw the text, but I’m…a little nervous about “subcutaneous electrical nerve impulses” for sexy time
@mehdaf The pads shouldn’t be applied directly to your junk, but I picked this up in the last sale and I can confirm that placing them on the inner thighs can be sufficiently…stimulating. So, yes.
im in for 1, thats a good price. i already have a different model tens unit, hopefully this one is a bit stronger. if not, a co worker of mine will be glad to buy it.
“5 year IQ Massager”? LOL I can think of a few people, including some politicians, who need that only I am not sure if 5 years is long enough to raise their IQ to a number higher than their shoe size.
When they gave me one of these years ago for back pain, the female technician repeatedly said it was not to be used for any kind or type of genital stimulation.It was awkward , and I never figured out if it was something new the kewl kids were doing or if I had ‘the look’ of someone that could be predisposed to this kind of kink.
As to it’s pain-relieving effectiveness, personally, it was more of a pain distract-er than anything else.
Somewhat related is the podcast Radiolab did on accelerated learning via electrical brain simulation-http://www.radiolab.org/story/9-volt-nirvana/ This pulse massager IS NOT intended for that and would probably fry your brain??
Bought this the last time they sold it and I love it. Looks cheap but it does the job - it pulls double duty as an actual massager for my overtaxed my-job-is-lifting-heavy-shit-all-day muscles and as a toy in the toybox.
Only downside so far is that the pads seem like they will wear out pretty quickly.
btw this is not a TENS unit! TENS units stimulate the nerves. This does EMS, and zaps your muscles to make them contract.
@Dizavid it’s a closeouts site… they need to sell off this stuff and the longer it sits the lower their profit margins on it, new items are not a required part of their business model.
@jbartus No he is likely under some delusion that it is what keeps VMP’s visiting the site frequently and thus wasting, I mean spending, money more often…
By the way, how do people get the word to have the line drawn through it? I tried a copy/paste from word where I did that and that didn’t work. What is the command?
I had a strained shoulder and a similar device helped, it was like a massage, ish, I used aloe vera as contact lube, I sincerely believed it helped me help faster, but I haven’t used it since. Basically, I would use it again if I had a muscle injury where I couldn’t massage it myself. Otherwise, I would use a gym mat roller. If I didn’t have one already I would get this one.
Some wacky fry-your-feet-with-it slipper accessory for this popped up on Groupon. Maybe that’s really why she was a “maniac, maniac on the floor”.
Maybe such a thing could be mad scienced to teach you to hate walking, or even standing, finally providing justification to never get out of bed again.
I bought this last time around and it didn’t work out of the box. Powers on, but no buzz on the pads. MEH was no help and the manufacturer has been silent when I tried to make a claim. Then, after pestering them, the response was to reboot, but the directions didn’t mesh with this machine. Not a happy Meh camper right now.
This has got to be the worst buying experience I have ever had. It took my almost a half hour to purchase this idiotic item for my wife. The web site just keep crashing every time I entered my data, cc number, ship to address, bill to adddress, then CRASH, it all went a way. I then tried creating an account and the same thing, finally after a lot of effort and frustration it took it, of course, they want my money.right? Last time I will buy someth No here, and this stupid member ship of 5 bucks a month has to be one of the lamest ideas ever. That’s 60 bucks a year for what, a purchase every once in awhile? Are there real live shopping addicts here that actually use this amount of shipping a year, Christ no wonder this country is going to hell in a hand basket!
@hoving So only buy the membership when you buy something and cancel it the day before it renews. Then you are only paying shipping and if you don’t buy anything else you aren’t losing money (nor saving any either though).
I joined about two months ago. I have purchased numerous items. I don’t know how much longer I will be buying given all the chatter about repeats. At any rate I can assure you I certainly get my money’s worth from VIP membership as whenever I make a purchase it is for gifts to three separate shipping destinations. I am a generous uncle to lots of nieces and nephews. And no, I will not adopt you.
Bought 2 for gifting purposes. It’s funny how this deal showed up the day I go to a mall and coincidentally get a test run for similar product. Which would’ve set me back $100…
It’s an amazing thing.
I’ll take it for $16 thankyouverymuch
Visit the iqmassager.com website. No manuals for this particular model, but they’ll happily sell you another for only $399… Once you finish laughing hysterically. you can wonder why they didn’t include two plastic doodads with Asian script all over them to stick the pads onto between uses for that price. But on a positive note… at full price you can get it in purple!
What’s in the Box?
1x Massager
2x Electrode cables
4x Electrode pads
1x USB charger
1x Power adapter
Price Comparison
$54.99 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
5 Year IQ Massager
Meh deal tonight might Rub some people the wrong way
Can I use this for sexy time?
@mehdaf that’s what I was hoping (erm, wondering) when I saw the text, but I’m…a little nervous about “subcutaneous electrical nerve impulses” for sexy time
@mehdaf 5 yr warranty gives you lots of sexy time
/image strap a pulse massager to my balls

@mehdaf From the Amazon description…
Avoid applying the massage pads near the heart, above the neck, on the head, in the mouth or pubic region, or over scars.
So…yeah…no. (lol…regions…some people have more regions than others)
@awk +1 for the pic !
@mehdaf The pads shouldn’t be applied directly to your junk, but I picked this up in the last sale and I can confirm that placing them on the inner thighs can be sufficiently…stimulating. So, yes.
I am learning far more about the sexual escapades of Mehtizens than I ever wanted to know…
@jbartus electrosex is not my cup of tea, but it does exist.
Strap it to the nethers for hands-free O’s.
Please reassign this buyer to Mad Ape Den Singer.
We are approaching maximum meh.
/giphy pulse

@reddinghill it looks like the plant that fruit snacks come from.
@reddinghill Pustules! Or… Pulstules?

Got to watch the whole thng…some more “1980s”…as in
"patience, grasshopper"
im in for 1, thats a good price. i already have a different model tens unit, hopefully this one is a bit stronger. if not, a co worker of mine will be glad to buy it.
“5 year IQ Massager”? LOL I can think of a few people, including some politicians, who need that only I am not sure if 5 years is long enough to raise their IQ to a number higher than their shoe size.
HA! Now I have my 5 seconds of fame as this comment made it into the daily spam mail LOL
When they gave me one of these years ago for back pain, the female technician repeatedly said it was not to be used for any kind or type of genital stimulation.It was awkward , and I never figured out if it was something new the kewl kids were doing or if I had ‘the look’ of someone that could be predisposed to this kind of kink.
As to it’s pain-relieving effectiveness, personally, it was more of a pain distract-er than anything else.
Somewhat related is the podcast Radiolab did on accelerated learning via electrical brain simulation-http://www.radiolab.org/story/9-volt-nirvana/ This pulse massager IS NOT intended for that and would probably fry your brain??
Not the kind of mini massager I was looking for. Kinda shocked how meh this is.
Shockingly bad.
@JT954 swing and a miss
Bought this the last time they sold it and I love it. Looks cheap but it does the job - it pulls double duty as an actual massager for my overtaxed my-job-is-lifting-heavy-shit-all-day muscles and as a toy in the toybox.
Only downside so far is that the pads seem like they will wear out pretty quickly.
btw this is not a TENS unit! TENS units stimulate the nerves. This does EMS, and zaps your muscles to make them contract.
@anemones Thanks for this! Almost got it because I would like a second tens unit. That would have been a disappointment
no wait. It is a tens unit. I think anemones just has the intensity turned WAY up.
400 mehs in a row. Suck it, Internets.
Repeat after repeat! Have you run out of new shit for us to buy, Meh?
@Dizavid it’s a closeouts site… they need to sell off this stuff and the longer it sits the lower their profit margins on it, new items are not a required part of their business model.
@jbartus It is required to keep VMPs on board.
@Dizavid Are you under some delusion that the $5 VMP membership fee is in any way a major financial contributor to Mediocre Labs’ bottom line?
@jbartus No he is likely under some delusion that it is what keeps VMP’s visiting the site frequently and thus wasting, I mean spending, money more often…
By the way, how do people get the word to have the line drawn through it? I tried a copy/paste from word where I did that and that didn’t work. What is the command?
@jbartus VMPs only make money for the site if they hardly buy anything. The frequent flyers cause Meh to lose on shipping.
@Kidsandliz Yeah but Meh makes more by selling to non-VMPs because they get the $5 ante for shipping every time.
Like This?(Strikethrough FYI)You wrap your text in two of these on each side: ~
@jbartus yes the strike though. thank you
@hammi99 It worked! Your order number is: proper-limping-learning
/image proper-limping-learning

I had a strained shoulder and a similar device helped, it was like a massage, ish, I used aloe vera as contact lube, I sincerely believed it helped me help faster, but I haven’t used it since. Basically, I would use it again if I had a muscle injury where I couldn’t massage it myself. Otherwise, I would use a gym mat roller. If I didn’t have one already I would get this one.
@retlaw127 It worked! Your order number is: violet-fretful-feeling
/image violet-fretful-feeling

Some wacky fry-your-feet-with-it slipper accessory for this popped up on Groupon. Maybe that’s really why she was a “maniac, maniac on the floor”.
Maybe such a thing could be mad scienced to teach you to hate walking, or even standing, finally providing justification to never get out of bed again.
You guys are sick but who’s perfect keep selling this cool stuff .
I bought this last time around and it didn’t work out of the box. Powers on, but no buzz on the pads. MEH was no help and the manufacturer has been silent when I tried to make a claim. Then, after pestering them, the response was to reboot, but the directions didn’t mesh with this machine. Not a happy Meh camper right now.
Why couldn’t we have a bluetooth speaker?
@StGermain just my point, while woot sucks they would have at least taken the unit back. Wish I had saw this before purchasing!
This has got to be the worst buying experience I have ever had. It took my almost a half hour to purchase this idiotic item for my wife. The web site just keep crashing every time I entered my data, cc number, ship to address, bill to adddress, then CRASH, it all went a way. I then tried creating an account and the same thing, finally after a lot of effort and frustration it took it, of course, they want my money.right? Last time I will buy someth No here, and this stupid member ship of 5 bucks a month has to be one of the lamest ideas ever. That’s 60 bucks a year for what, a purchase every once in awhile? Are there real live shopping addicts here that actually use this amount of shipping a year, Christ no wonder this country is going to hell in a hand basket!
@hoving So only buy the membership when you buy something and cancel it the day before it renews. Then you are only paying shipping and if you don’t buy anything else you aren’t losing money (nor saving any either though).
@hoving Best wishes to your wife
I joined about two months ago. I have purchased numerous items. I don’t know how much longer I will be buying given all the chatter about repeats. At any rate I can assure you I certainly get my money’s worth from VIP membership as whenever I make a purchase it is for gifts to three separate shipping destinations. I am a generous uncle to lots of nieces and nephews. And no, I will not adopt you.
Pushing, Acupuncture, Tapping, Scraping, Cupping.
/giphy rick and morty torture wall

how about no. meh.
This is on groupon for $11.99
Bought 2 for gifting purposes. It’s funny how this deal showed up the day I go to a mall and coincidentally get a test run for similar product. Which would’ve set me back $100…
It’s an amazing thing.
I’ll take it for $16 thankyouverymuch
/image forgetful-whispering-vinegar

metric-spurious-viper is a good order number. metric-spurious-vipers would have been better, as it would double as a new unit of measurement.
@sammypedram It worked! Your order number is: atomic-cranky-vinegar
/image atomic-cranky-vinegar

@kinggeek9 It worked! Your order number is: limping-wordy-hound
/image limping-wordy-hound

Visit the iqmassager.com website. No manuals for this particular model, but they’ll happily sell you another for only $399… Once you finish laughing hysterically. you can wonder why they didn’t include two plastic doodads with Asian script all over them to stick the pads onto between uses for that price. But on a positive note… at full price you can get it in purple!