@RiotDemon Way too late here. The Mexican shoppers come over the day after every holiday and buy out everything. You have to get up pretty early in the morning if you want post holiday candy. And it never goes lower than 75% off because it will sell out at that price. I was super lucky to score 5 bags of white Lindt chocolate at 75% off after Christmas, and that was buying out two stores. I didn’t manage to score anything after Valentines Day or Easter.
@Wormwood Spoke too soon; one place here has made it down to 70%, but it is almost all Peeps and hazelnut candy. Now maybe I’ll find out what the deal with the Fruit Punch flavor is…
@Wormwood I was going to say the fact that @NotJasonToon only had one flavor shows he didn’t take his own advice too closely. But now you’ve explained it.
No thanks on the fruit punch Peeps but I bought a pile of regular (unflavored?) ones at BJs last week. Get the microwave ready!
@sammydog01 microwave? That sounds blasphemous. Stale Peeps! Stale Peeps!
@denboy I agree that Peeps are optimal in the stale form but I don’t have enough patience. Warm and gooey is a close second.
@sammydog01 goo no good, delay of gratification worth every minute

/giphy microwave peep
And Valentines, when available, are at even steeper discounts! “I choo-choo-chooooose you!”
Meh. I’d rather buy some Cadbury Creme Eggs.
/image cadbury creme egg

@jsh139 ugh. I used to love those, but every time I’ve tried one in the last 10 years or so I wished I hadn’t
@Pantheist They are seriously sweet - like curl your teeth sweet.
Walgreens has their Easter stuff 90% off. The two I went to had shelves of peeps left, and not much else.
@RiotDemon Way too late here. The Mexican shoppers come over the day after every holiday and buy out everything. You have to get up pretty early in the morning if you want post holiday candy. And it never goes lower than 75% off because it will sell out at that price. I was super lucky to score 5 bags of white Lindt chocolate at 75% off after Christmas, and that was buying out two stores. I didn’t manage to score anything after Valentines Day or Easter.
/image mexican shoppers

About a week too late here; stores were gutted about at the 50% point. (Got Sour Watermelon this year.)
@Wormwood Spoke too soon; one place here has made it down to 70%, but it is almost all Peeps and hazelnut candy. Now maybe I’ll find out what the deal with the Fruit Punch flavor is…
@Wormwood I was going to say the fact that @NotJasonToon only had one flavor shows he didn’t take his own advice too closely. But now you’ve explained it.
I’ve been chowing all week on Reeses eggs, both white and milk chocolate. Diabetic coma in 3,2,1…
I got mine for 70% off.
I visit the second they mark them down because the stuff I like vanishes fast (much of what is sold is too sweet for me). : )