Product wish list.
2Hope I'm not repeating a prior thread. Searching with my tablet is kind of tricky. Anyway, since we have time while we're waiting for the next product, what would you buy from meh? The season is rapidly changing, and I was wishing I had some nice big umbrellas. What's on your wish list?
- 51 comments, 107 replies
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Ok. I'll play. Besides, my floor steamer mop thing broke. If one popped up here I'd nab it.
@ceagee -I'd love one if it had disposable pads. I'm in laundromat mode.
I could go for animal toys, water toys (life jackets count), dishes (in colors like red, black, blue etc.), jackets, and I wish I hadn't missed the iphone bluetooth key board. Oh and umbrellas of all sizes wouldbe great! The small personal ones all the way to patio size would be cool.
@silverqueen I love purple.
@silverqueen Did somebody say Georgia Red!?!?
Dried meats of various animals. And maybe some cheese to wash them down.
@hallmike - Tofurky jerky?
@KDemo Anything non-meat based would have to be a REALLY great deal. And my VMP would need to be active.
@shawn Win for the truth about animal flesh. Bonus for the teaser shot of @denboy being brilliantly crazy.
@joelmw uncomfortable with brilliant but crazy is easier to wear
@denboy Ah, you're brilliant; don't be shy. But, I didn't necessarily call you brilliant, just crazy in a brilliant way. If it makes you more comfortable, you can consider "brilliant" a superlative modifier for the "crazy."
@joelmw anything that superlatively modifies my crazy sounds peachy
I know people like to hate on speaker docks and Apple, but I'm a sucker for iPhone (I'm currently on the 5S) and iPad (3) accessories of all sorts.
Actually, if you can track down good lightning and/or 30-pin sync cables--either that consistently work (unlike most of the aftermarkets) or come in bushels so that it doesn't hurt to throw away the bad ones--I'd happily toss s'more money meh's way. I've already bought multiples of two different generic stand things you offered.
I missed one of the bluetooth keyboards and didn't like the other, but I'm still in the market for a cheap backup or two for what I've got.
Cases even.
Gadgety tech shit.
Like, especially if you get an angle on cool Indiegogo or Kickstarter projects we either missed or they were too damned expensive. Yeah, sleeper startup gadgety shit would be da bomb.
@joelmw Yes to too expensive Kickstarters. I need a griz coat!
@joelmw I'll second (or 8th it, if we're counting stars) this. Gadgety tech shit is exactly what I'm looking for. My two favorite purchases have been the mini-kai's and the $10 helicopters. Something interesting and fun and possibly unique like leakfrogs or robot dogs that bring me beer from the fridge.
Audio toys. Notwithstanding the cheap surround sound and the various blue tooth speakers and docks, I'm still trying to work out how best to extend my home audio system (which is to say, those aren't it). I want to tie into my existing system with remote speakers and remote control from various rooms.
Also, I passed on the first waterproof bluetooth speakers. I'm still in the market for something cheap and/or awesome in that space.
Good HDMI cables; other cables.
Any of the various TV boxes (Apple, Chrome, Roku, et al.) at a killer price.
A geek can never have too many flash drives or USB cables.
@joelmw But 3.0 only, and BIG storage - no 256Mb 2.0 drives.
@hallmike Agreed.
@hallmike Tomorrows meh: 5 packs of 128 mb USB 1.0 flash drives!
I like the Vapur Classic Classic Collapsibles I bought here and, damnit, I'm trying to be more eco-friendly, but a usable water bottle needs a thermal prophylactic (that's right, a water bottle condom). These handy devices not only protect the frigidity of the bottle's contents, but they keep one's hands dry; this is particularly an issue when dealing with frozen bottles, because they sweat like a motherfucker when they start to thaw (i.e., when you want to hold them so as to consume their contents). Freezeability is something touted on the Vapur--and they seem to work nicely, freezing and then partially thawing relatively quickly, but, yeah, the outside gets super wet. See attached for a generic propho on a regular, earth-killing bottle. Obviously I'm looking for something that fits the Vapur.
I'm not sure if I really like this one, but I'd buy it if it were cheap enough--or something better (less sweatery) for maybe half the Amazon price.
Chocolate. Dark, delicious, gluten-free chocolate. Like this, for instance:
@joelmw what kind of endangered species is that in the filling?
@nadroj Shhhh, we don't want them to know that there's creme of mashed lemur in there. It's sort of a "hide in plain sight" thing.
@nadroj I'm still looking for the ones with crunchy, raw, unboned, real, dead frog.
@joelmw: If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy, would it?
@KDemo No, indeed, it would not. Some people just don't understand these truths. Crafting confections just isn't their thing, I guess.
I like techie things. Computers, electronics, etc. I'm also a sucker for witty tshirts. Bring on!!
@jsh139 +1 for witty t-shirts (and the other stuff too).
Cell phone car mounts. Speaking of which, here's a cool Indiegogo I still haven't talked the wife into.
USB gadgets of all kinds- especially non-storage devices.
Random bags of stuff- especially items formerly owned by employees.
Unusual coffee mugs- from big name firms, or in some way special.
Two-for-Tuesdays with two separate items that have nothing to do with each other
Especially items that could be/were featured on the Consumerist's Raiders of the Lost Walmart
@dashcloud Enron coffee mugs?
@nadroj Would be worth getting for sure.
@dashcloud items formerly owned by meh employees? ew
Xbox 360 and/or Xbox One wireless headsets.
A coffee mug warmer that actually keeps my cup of coffee hot instead of a half degree above room temperature. And in the same vein, flat-bottomed coffee mugs to sit on said warmer.
@parodymandotcom I don't believe there's any such thing as a flat-bottomed coffee mug/cup. They always have water in them when you empty the dishwasher.
@pooflady Yes they do. And I never seem to remember this until after I've dumped that water onto the dry dishes on the bottom rack
@pooflady They used to have them back in the 50's before the technology was lost to mankind.
@parodymandotcom Whoa! Did you see the price on that sucker? My mother didn't know she was sitting on a goldmine.
You should be able to buy Meh faces for your calendar, and get a unique badge that says "I bought a Meh face". You should also be able to buy back the removal of the faces and the badge.
OOh Yes by all means bring on the PURPLE!!!@barney I did leave that color out, sorry about that . Smile
Those cube shaped PC speakers are the one Meh item I've regretted not biting on.
Also, DVD or Blu-ray sets would be good, they make good impressive gifts so they'd probably go well with daily deal impulse buying.
I want a 3 months supply of socks
@Kevin Or a clothes washer/dryer combo?
@Kevin They misheard you and thought you wanted "docks."
@Kevin I second this I am in serious sock deficiency! Please get them in men’s and women’s… that is why my sock collection has plummeted! (Hubby keeps getting into my stash!) Sorry @@Saffer49 I really don’t want all 90 days of socks to be Georgia red. One or two days but not all of them! Smile Oh, and, uhm, AAA batteries for my speaker docs!
@silverqueen - have you checked with the bureau of missing socks? ;-)
@silverqueen The real question is: what is hubby doing with your socks that they never return?
@Teripie I'll have what he's having.
@KDemo I check every laundry day with my Box Of missing socks to see if wayward socks have returned to the fold. Occasionally a lost sheep does indeed return but, @hallmike Hubby KILLS my socks. They are not made for MEN besides they are about 3 years old so they are a bit tender and should be treated gently. He loses his socks and raids my drawer. I maybe should get the sort of socks he wouldn’t steel on a bet! Hmmmm maybe a devious plan has just hatched! Make mine with lace on the cuffs MEH! Dare him to steel those hahahahah!
@silverqueen Get some of these!
(they're pink/red and light blue {robin's egg??} with frilly lace around the ankles.)
@silverqueen We do that, too. On top of the dryer we have the "Dead Sock Bucket". It is never empty...never empty.......
@JonT I love purple.
@silverqueen @hallmike is your hubby ?
@ceagee No, we have never met and I don't wear girl's socks.
The reason I pay attention to these sites is the buyers can find stuff I didn't know I needed (and usually didn't even know it existed) until I saw it. (That's still true on Woot. Maybe moreso; even now I buy way more stuff there than here.) So... I dunno. Given snapster's thread, I get the feeling Meh is still by and large scavenging for oversaturated products (like speaker docks, batteries, and water bottles), which don't really bring that element of "That exists?! I need it!" to my table.
@editorkid - Agreed, I thought of that when I read his post (after this was started). They have to buy the deals they find. This might still exert a tiny bit of weight when they're deciding what to purchase. I hope it's a fun conversation, anyway.
@KDemo Oh, yeah, this is definitely a great thread, not just for now but as the site grows and they get that leverage and flexibility that snapster mentioned in his post. And that is pretty much what I'm checking the site for every night.
I can always use a few more of those little X-Mini speakers.
@Teripie We're getting an awful lot of use out of those ourselves.
I wish they'd sell more electronics, computers, home, tools & garden, sport, accessories & watches, kids, shirts and wine.
@phatmass you want to buy kids?
@phatmass clever. but you left out sellouts and side deals.
@bluedyn I thought that would be taking it way too far.
@phatmass Can they also have Garage Sales that aren't priced like garage sales?
@Thumperchick can they just sell garages?
@escowhat Only if they're overpriced!
@nadroj I will sell you my kid. Cheap. You have a lot of leverage here in the sale price as my only other viable alternative is to put her in a pickle barrel (aka Mark Twain who said something along the lines of when a kid turns 13 put them in a pickle barrel and feed them through the knot hole. When they turn 16 seal up the knot hole. My question is when do you let them out? Clearly not yet). And then send her the wrong way around the world, not using any canals, via the slowest freighter I can find.
@Kidsandliz You may have better luck if you post pics, especially if the last one has a baby arm.
@pistol No baby arm. Too old. Further if we were homeless her sign would read "Will NOT work for food. I'm entitled"
@Kidsandliz It sounds like you will need a big dowry to unload that one.
@pistol Maybe I can pay in speaker docks and batteries?
@phatmass I need to figure out where I can buy a good Moofi
Cool socks. I like those bright colored ones like Woot gets sometimes. Tech gadgets. USB Drives. Tents (as in camping) seem to be something easy to obtain on closeouts and I'd dig that.
And yeah, weird random shit.
@Bingo I would go for some Unsimply Stiched socks at a good price. I wouldn't buy the Mukluks socks again at any price, even with VMP shipping.
@Bingo You are right. I do need socks. I have lots of thick socks for really cold weather. I need normal socks.
I could use a small-ish monitor for my daughter's Kano computer.
I'd like to buy a couple more of the microfiber comforters. I think they'd make great Christmas gifts. Do they, by any chance, come in purple?
@barnabee Did you know that @Barney loves purple?
@joelmw Ha! I think I've read that somewhere.
I love purple.
Storage solutions. I'm retiring and the garage and a bunch of closets that have been growing clutter for decades beckon. Smart cleaning supplies, to clean them up once I have cleaned them out. Last season's Fitbit or equivalent. Gardening gear, I'm pretending I am going to have time to garden. Travel gear, I will be traveling instead of gardening.
@moondrake - Fitbit! They did offer a kind of fitness wristband a while back. Bet there's a stash of those recalled Fitbits somewhere. People without nickel allergies might be able to use them.
@KDemo Jawbone recently had a price drop on the bluetooth version, so the older non-toothed version should be ripe for a deal.
@bluedyn - A toothless jawbone? Sounds like a dental nightmare.
@bluedyn - There are some pretty good discounts on ebay, thanks for the idea.
@KDemo Damn. There are some good deals out there. I just switched to the Up 24, and I'm enjoying it. Still being lazy, but enjoying the band's ease of use anyway.
I want a really good toaster oven. And chocolate. Doesn't even have to be good chocolate, just cheap chocolate. And husband needs a meat thermometer, his died.
@pooflady I prefer that my chocolate be extraordinary. Lemur and/or crunchy frog filling optional.
@pooflady Ooooh, yes! Chocolate and meat thermometers are just what I need.
I would like a spill-proof sippy cup for adults that rights itself if I accidentally knock it over. Oh, and I guess to make it qualify as a tech gadget it can call me clumsy if it goes horizontal.
@DaveInSoCal It could make funny sounds, "Whoahoahoah!" as it tips and "Oopsie!" if it goes over.
@DaveInSoCal @moondrake I think to hasten this process, one (or, hell, both) of you should do a Kickstarter for this item. Get enough to make the project and begin to manufacture the products, end up with an overrun, unload them to meh, etc.
@DaveInSoCal WeebleCups! My next million dollar idea! Don't anyone steal it.
@joelmw I was thinking it would be good for kids for a second. Then I realized they'd be onstantly tipping it over to hear it talk, so not so much.
@DaveInSoCal Actually, they have something like this already: They're called Kangaroo cups.
@dashcloud That's awesome.
@hallmike No one will steal it if you hurry the hell up and give it to us. By which I mean make the thing so that we can buy it, not give us the idea (which you already did). :-)
@dashcloud pshaw. Lame compared to my idea. Of course, they have a product, and I only have a concept, but...meh. details.
AAwwe ‘@jont Thanks for discribing the sock picture! How cool that you remembered. Now mabe you can help @hallmike with the picture discriptions that are needed that he mentioned in the "Sell outs are Borring" Thread? And @ceagee No like he said, we have never met but if you go to that other thread, he started it!! Hehe I am teasing giggle!
@silverqueen @hallmike maybe it's time you two meet. If you already have spouses that you want to keep --socks or no socks, then never mind.
@ceagee I have a sockless spouse. But I appreciate you thinking about my happiness!
I need something I never knew I needed.
I'm thinking leakfrog.
The thing is really useful. I never gave a thought to buying something like that.
Come on guys...there are tons of things I never thought about. You need to find another leakfrog.
@smilingjack A leaktroll?
Then again...socks are good.
We all need socks!
btw, I'm female...just so you know the size.
Colorful is nice.
@smilingjack Socks are very good. Feet are gross. Keep them covered.
@smilingjack is female a size?
@teacups In socks it is.
I thought I posted this already but I don't see it:
I need a not Dying computer, a Solid XP system would be nice but I suppose I would (grudgingly) accept Windows 7 BUT NOTHING ELSE. oh and it needs to be able to run Crysis 2 without any hiccups Cruise the internet at breakneck speeds and come preloaded with Firefox, Chrome, VLC Player, WinAmp, Steam, MediaMonkey, Scrivener and WOW.
Did I mention it need to cost less than $50?
@Foxborn oh did I mention the 10 TB hard drive and 2 TB Ram
Irk plushie!
No, that's too expensive. Stickers.
I'd like to see another 32" TV but this time only one and at half the price (or less) of those last two that slipped through last time. It'd make my family (and me) very happy this Christmas.
Food and a cheap Windows 8 tablet. None of that RT shit though.
small island, preferably with a 100+ years dormant volcano, but I guess we'd be able to specify in the product options
army of orphan children already trained to respect my dominance
self respect with out the attitude
cameras to watch home, and what's contained within, while at work.
macadamian nut white chocolate cookies
exercise stuff
@chr - Don't the orphans come with the island? (Think Lord of the Flies)
@KDemo No. They're for two different plans, separate objectives. Besides, I don't want to sound too greedy in my meh wishlist.
@chr - a little late to become altruistic. ;)
@KDemo Good point.
Mediocre Puppet Collection.
@Thumperchick - Best idea yet! Imagine a screaming, flying caped Glen.
@KDemo How would a worm/snake keep a cape on with no shoulders?
@bluedyn hollboll can sew it on with her new skills
I could really use a grow tent, something like the Aviditi Hydroponic reflective one. That or a Roomba.
Saw a Gadget on TV today I would like to have. It was a crank/solar power AM/fm/weather radio. No clue how much, but I want one! Itwill also charge a phone.
@silverqueen Yeah I've seen those online before, but they've always been too expensive for me to bother with. If it was cheap I'd probably get one, and I'm a sucker for lots of other solar-powered stuff too.
I am concerned with the hangers in our closets being mismatched. I want new hangers, lots and lots of hangers. Those ones that are slim with the fuzzy stuff on them. Lavender is my jam.
Also I love our new Roomba his name is Roger. Thank you meh.
I love purple.
I wish for 3 more wish lists.
hulk hands drink holder for various sports teams - GO GIANTS!!!

I'm already getting five of these (don't tell the wife; it's for Christmas; yeah, that's the ticket), but I'd buy more.
Because the ones I already bought here aren't flexible, so they're somewhat awkward to use. Still cool. Not as cool as this.
@joelmw Dammit. It's not enough we're all buying shit here, we're also recommending exterior shit to buy. Sigh.

@bluedyn We're rescuing the economy. We're patriots. We're saving the whole damned planet. Spend as if the life of everyone you love depends on it! At least that's what I pick up from the pundits and politicians.
@joelmw I love purple.
@joelmw You can't take it with you.
@JonT Sure you can! I plan to empty out all my accounts in paper money, then have it cremated with my body. My hopeful inheritors can keep what is left over in change. {cue evil laugh}
@rockblossom Better yet, give me the money, and I'll give you a check for the full amount that you can have cremated with you.
@parodymandotcom I like the way you think!
Would love to see great deal on a Boyd Memory Foam Mattresses or something similar.. really need a new mattress! :D
** A 5th generation iPod touch-- my current one doesn't work with my speaker dock.
** A new/good humidifier-- It's winter & I live in the desert.
** A thin/light case for a Kindle Voyage-- Hey, Amazon's selection is pretty pitiful.
** Apple lightning cable stuff that works with my future iPod.
** A bunch of really cheap LED flashlights-- I have too many AA and AAA batteries; I need to thin the herd. Besides you can never have too many flashlights (though for some reason my wife disagrees with me on that one)!
Now I want the Irk coffee mug.
@Thumperchick It's your own fault they aren't offering them. Thanks.
@Thumperchick ps: Not to get picky, but don't you think if they printed them on an irk-gray mug blank it would be even better ?
@ceagee I think if they were Irk-greyple that we wouldn't be able to see Irk very well, which would totally be my fault.
I love purple.
@Barney what about greyple?
@Thumperchick Good point. I hadn't thought of that. Your bad. PS I think irk-greyple is much better color description. Curse you !
@Thumperchick I love purple!
I would buy a subwoofer. Hell, if you sold them on a Tuesday I'd probably buy two.
@SSteve 2nd that
apple ipad mini2 retina refurb. at $199.99 for my JBL mini speaker dock. ^__^