Post photos of what your kids/grandkids are up to during the pandemic
0Sunday I took the 4 year old to the local park playground. It was almost empty so no need for masks. She had a major blast.
Of course the drinking fountain turned into a play toy watering her cheek, hair, up her nose, all over the front of her shirt and finally getting it in her mouth. She also played in the stopped up drain. That was at least 15 minutes of entertainment.
She also tried to sneak up on squirrels over and over, then wanting me to climb the trees to catch one for her. I did go to the opposite side of the trees they were part way up on so they’d run to her side.
Of course she played on the actual playground equipment.
However the adult work out equipment was also a playground extension for her.
Of course returning in the building she wore a mask (and decided she wanted us to walk up 4 flights of stairs rather than take the elevator).
All in all a good time was had by all even though she didn’t get to play with any other kids.
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Uh … There are reasons not to post family pix on the net.
Even if the posting appears to be fully anonymous, or “poster identity unknown”.
@f00l Allowing a child to drink out of public drinking fountain may not be the wisest thing to do during a pandemic, too.
The State of Texas has disabled all the public drinking fountains in state-managed facilities for the duration of this pandemic.
According to one building manager I talked to, the fountains were considered to be a locus of possible transmission.
@Barney @f00l I wiped it down with a wipe, let it dry, rinsed it off, let it run, then let her use it.
You carry bleach wipes to the park? And are they considered effective?
Or you carry liquid bleach?
Why not just carry bottled water?
You also changed the description of your conduct at the park in your first post you mentioned squirting bleach down s hile or something like that.
This all sounds insane and who knows what really happened.
Just carry water, and if you value your grandkids, don’t post pix on the net.
Altho she is cute, you are traceable just based on your public posts here.
Therefore so is she.
@f00l Because kids like to play with water fountains. I knew she did so I came prepared. I also had bottled water with me.
Edit - the wipes were bleach based as that is all I can find around here and even that is hit or miss, I poured a bit more in the container to make them wetter, there was a little left in the bottom that I poured out on the fountain too.
therefore you have no idea whether you disinfected that fountain or not.
Let her play w the fountain all she wants. Just don’t let her drink out of it.
@f00l I poured it down the hole the water came out of in the fountain. And rinsed a lot. The virus would have had to have claws and glue to hang on. As there were no kids there for almost 100% of the time we were there I also doubt the fountain was used much if at all. It wasn’t used the entire time we were there except for us. There weren’t even any adults walking the walking path.
Yes, the fountain may be little used.
Yes, neither you nor I have any idea how to measure risk there.
I doubt the wipes etc accomplished much.
Maybe they did. Who knows? Neither you nor I.
How about: pandemic in progress: teachable moment:
bottled water! Yes!
And play w fountain, don’t drink.
@f00l @Kidsandliz Be safe; I wouldn’t even allow kids to play with the fountain.
@Barney @f00l Here you go - bleach is effective and I didn’t even dilute it when I used the wipes to clean or pour the remainder in the bottom of the container down the hole (I had just poured some in straight from the bottle).
“Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Leave solution on the surface for at least 1 minute.”
Source: household bleach will be,up to 24 hours.
You mentioned bleach wipes.
Not liquid bleach? Or both?
Oh yeah you poured extra bleach into the wipe container? And then poured that into the fountain? Does the city know what you did there?
Google defensively and pointlessly much over there?
@f00l I had wipes. I poured in some bleach since they (from when I bought them) seemed a bit dry to me.
I have no clue if the city knew I cleaned the spout on the fountain. Who cares? Bleach also makes water drinkable. That is what is used on the well water on the farm so we can drink it. The fountain certainly ran long enough that any trace of bleach would be gone. The gates were unlocked. The park was open. We went when I knew few people would be there.
I googled something credible to back up what I already knew since you decided to attack me out of the blue about something you were wrong about. I figured the CDC would be credible enough for you. Or at least I hope it will be.
God only knows what your problem is attacking me like this. I noticed now you usually like the posts trolling me. Maybe just let a thread that was supposed to be a nice one stay nice?
I’m sure you measured carefully, verified the concentration ratio, and had the support of the public health dept and parks dept.
@f00l I didn’t dilute it. I poured it straight in the container as I stated.
@f00l Now you’ve gone and done it. She’s gonna have to go from thread to thread complaining about how picked upon she is. Who knows, she might even make a couple of extra “donated” bucks if she whines hard enough.
I “attack” you,as you put it, when you make an ass of yourself in a condescending or manipulative way.
Or when you attack others for doing what you yourself do all too often.
The main point for me is that you publicly posted enough personal info here over the years that you just would not be that hard to find if someone wanted to.
And therefore so are your relatives “findable”, again, if someone wants to.
Aside from the publicly visible Instagram idiots and wanna-be’s, and aside from celebrities who can afford lots of security, afaik, wise people only post pix of their child-aged relations when they are sure those kids are truly untraceable.
@Barney Welcome to my thread about kids having a good time Ms. Troll. Hope you enjoy your stay.
@Kidsandliz Feel better now that you have resorted to your usual name calling?
Thanks for deliberately, and with full knowledge, misusing the word “troll”.
But nevermind. No doubt you can Google more, and find more inapplicable-to-the-concern links, and attempt to pervert the discussion of more legit concerns.
Post all the kid pic you want. She is adorable.
Just kinda wish you had chosen to post those pix in a “I know everyone is this group f2f for an extended period, and they are all well-known friends and family” limited setting.
@f00l I notice you don’t criticize @carl699 when he posts pics of his kids or others when they do on, for example, IRK reveal threads.
I don’t often read IRK reveal topics lately, and not for some time.
Those topics just get too long for my taste
So I don’t know what @carl669 is up to lately re that.
As for posts with kid pix from years ago: my concern about this has grown far more acute since then. I’ve read of unfortunate examples of families being outed, doxxed, or stalked; when they had given not enough thought to how much personal info they had provided in public settings over time.
And you are about 1000x more traceable than anyone else here who comes to mind;
(aside from a few members I can think of who aren’t around anymore. And those people never posted pix of their kids AFAIK)
@carl668 has, to my knowledge, been pretty sparing on most of his personal details.
Think of all the info you’ve provided about your life and work and personal history. Any talented data hound who wanted to could find you: your name, your address, your family members.
@f00l She even posted her full name when she posted her first GoFundMe. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
@Barney Sorry… you are trolling. Is that better?
@Barney @Kidsandliz
@Barney’s also not trolling.
@fool She’s a 4 yo. 3 minutes later her wet hands go into her mouth. There’s really no difference.
@Kidsandliz I would be more concerned about the workout equipment as mosts gyms are closed and adults do use them (and the virus survives on surfaces for a few days). I hope you wiped those.
Looks like you both had lots of fun !
Be a little more cautious next time
@mwgm Yes I wiped bars before she used them. That is why I brought the wipes to begin with and wanted to make sure they were wet enough so poured in straight bleach. And I made her go to the restroom to wash her hands every 15 minutes. I also kept an eye on where her hands were and bribed her to keep them out of her mouth. Every 15 minutes (at first it was shorter than that) she kept them out I gave her a very small treat after she washed her hands. She was thrilled and complied.
@mwgm PS - she looks like a really cute kid
Sounds like you were being very careful. Though I’m not sure about the public restroom, gotta clean the knobs and all… (this pandemic is annoying). Is it really hard to get hand sanitizer where you at?
Also, I’m curious, what did you bribe her with?
@mwgm Yes she is a cutie although fortunately she doesn’t’ realize it. With having two older brothers she tries to copy everything they do and is quite the tomboy. Taking her alone to places like this allows her to do what she wants rather than follow her brothers’ lead. Plus it is easier to supervise one kid in a public place as I wouldn’t have had divided attention. The oldest I wouldn’t take somewhere like this as following directions/rules is not his forte. He follows his own drummer much more. This one and the one above her do follow the rules.
@Kidsandliz That’s so good, that she follows directions. Makes things much easier. She sounds like a really good kid, and full of joy and energy. You must be proud.
@mwgm She has her moments like any kid but she is really curious and generally seems to be a rule follower by nature. She spent a good half hour sneaking up on squirrels and wanted to know more about them. There was a visible, way up in the pine trees, squirrel nest which she was very impressed with.
@mwgm No one was in the restrooms so we didn’t shut doors, I handed her the TP and I flushed as well as opened and shut the main door.
I bribed her with raisins teaching her to count at the same time. I had them in a zip lock and told her how many she could take out the the small container I poured a few into. Or I’d ask her what 1 + 1 was (or something equally simple and small that could be counted on one hand and limited filling up with raisins so she’d loose interest or I’d run out) and told her if she knew the right answer she could have them. If she got it wrong she’d get a second chance (or chances) to get it right with me coaching her on how to figure it out until she got it right.
@Kidsandliz you bribed her with raisins?? wow, that’s a good kid when you can bribe her with something as healthy as raisins as appose to chocolate/chips/etc. Sounds like a really educational fun day. Good for you being able to pull it off.
(I meant the faucet knobs when she washed her hands. If the knob is contaminated you contaminate your hands right after you wash them when you turn it off. Gotta clean them before you use the faucet, that’s all. Of course, if you’re the only ones that used it probably not every time.)
/image chillin’

/giphy back to school

@Ignorant online or face to face? They already tried face to face here and shut it down.
@Kidsandliz first week was online, this week is the start of face to face. We’ll see how long that lasts.
@Ignorant there is over 300 people in my county that are in quarantine because of going back to school.
@Ignorant I’ll cross my fingers for your kids. Well and for your entire family based on what has gone on elsewhere.