I feel like this is the junk that was left over from the last garage sale at all the business next to Meh headquarters. Perhaps there will be something Meh worthy next week, because this is just crap. How much do we want to bet that tomorrow will be the $15 grab bag with about $30 at least of supposed value?
@narfcake Perhaps they found it in a dumpster. Perhaps they bought it at a storage auction. Or perhaps they reached into an alternate universe where this stuff is more Meh than it is here. No matter how they acquired it, they should think about never doing it again.
@sammydog01 They stopped Two-for-Tuesdays morphed into sometimes other than two, Speaker Dock Fridays is gone … something had to take its place, I guess.
Been using meh since it began and used woot! Back when he owned that website. Things are turning to shit, anymore. The last 6 months has been getting worse and worse for both quality and value. Guessing it’s too much competition.
So I’m tempted to keep checking back until some one buys one. Is that sad? Or is it more sad that Meh put up something and 10 minutes in, nobody is interested.
@Odysseus1001 problem is I am interested - I love the diffuser bottles - what is rejecting my order because it can’t decide but I’m interested in! I Will. cry myself to sleep
@sammydog01 I just spent way too much time looking for the source of that. The good news is, the climber was ok. The bad news is, you have to buy a DVD made in 2005 to see the rest of it. Details in this Reddit thread:
@patmorita because you’re not handing it to us. You’re doing that weird thing where you set the money on the counter, with the change on the side, like a heathen.
Hey, sorry about this - I just realized we didn’t have inventory quantities set up right for this. I know that had to be really frustrating to the teeming masses so very excited to buy this from us. I really hate to have disappointed the huge crowds out there who so desperately wanted to buy this.
It should be purchasable now. I’ll sit back and watch the floodgates open - buy away!
Just another example that Meh’s strategy is, the higher the traffic, the crappier the product(s).
Saturday Meh is that fugly guy at the bar that hits on EVERY chick, because one of them is bound to be desperate/drunk/stupid enough to leave with him.
Don’t buy this if you are drunk, else, when it arrives you will feel same way as you feel when you look at your spouse and three of your kids. About model number…completely ungoogleable(New word?). PPK obviously Party Pooper Kit, UN unusable, GGHHH = Great Greatest Hornia Hurting Horon ( meh way of saying moron we can sell you anything if we use word Party, u idiot).
Instructions need work: first 3 or 4 are too readable, except you forgot to say “(included)” on the disposable ventilator. It got better after that, probably after you started consuming the vodka you failed to include to make this deal worth $15.
You’ve sold 12 in 8 hours. Please consider donating your candy corn, floppy hats, water bottles, and disposable breathalyzers to the red cross (or goodwill) and consider them a tax writeoff. Or deliver them by the truckload to the unlucky shmuck who wins the fuku lottery. P.s. please do not send them to me because my wife would kill me.
If you bought these crappy products separately (based on meh prior sales) you would spend $15.60.
You can get it all in one totally useless bundle for $0.60 cheaper.
Just as a big thank you (or is it a FU) for being a meh shopper.
Awesome writeup. But you missed an opportunity to get rid of those floppy hats -
Step 13: Put the veil (not included) on your face to avoid shame.
Could also throw some candy corn into the infusers for laughs. Mm mm… Candy corn flavored water!
Not like it could get much worse…
Meh, cut your looses. Throw this junk, all the sharp things, and the candy corn into a FUKO and be done with it. You get rid of it, we buy what we know is a box of junk, everyone is happy.
@cinoclav perhaps what has been demonstrated with this unintentional (?) experiment - that when the goods truly are mediocre, if you stall the system for 5-10 minutes at opening like last night, the spontaneous early jumpers have just enough time to come to their senses…
And once that initial surge doesn’t happen, the spin isn’t there for the subsequent crowd of jumpers.
Now up to 29… world record I’d bet for the least bought. Now had they included enough beer or wine for people to actually need the contents they might have sold some…
What’s in the Box?
2x Infuser water bottles (random color)
2x Sunglasses
4x Breathalyzers
Price Comparison
Bottles: $17.98 (for 2) at Amazon
Breathalyzers: $12.96 (for 4) at manufacturer
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Nov 14 - Wednesday, Nov 16

@Thumperchick Ouch.
@Thumperchick too soon
@Thumperchick Who’s this lady with handfan?
@jerk_nugget I refuse to accept that he’s gone, so I celebrate his sass and talent whenever possible.
Sunglasses Saturdays!!!

/giphy sunglasses
I don’t want to be a party to this.
@mehgrl I’m gonna have to turn down this invitation, Meh.
Long live the wacky bundle!
Truely meh
But no candy corn? That’s sounds like a win to me.
Everything else is still a lose, though.
Not at my party, I’m a party pooper…
What is up? It’s like a fire sale in this place.

This is crazy ha ha
/giphy stupid bundle

@awk Giphy gets it right for once.
Save it, put a bow on it, and call it a NYE Party Recovery Pack and give it away at Christmas
@SkyyPunk you’re hired. (I have no authority to hire or pay you, though.)
@Thumperchick Well then you might as well give @skyypunk a raise while you’re at it
I feel like this is the junk that was left over from the last garage sale at all the business next to Meh headquarters. Perhaps there will be something Meh worthy next week, because this is just crap. How much do we want to bet that tomorrow will be the $15 grab bag with about $30 at least of supposed value?
@bleedmichigan Garage sale? Try dumpster sale.
@narfcake Perhaps they found it in a dumpster. Perhaps they bought it at a storage auction. Or perhaps they reached into an alternate universe where this stuff is more Meh than it is here. No matter how they acquired it, they should think about never doing it again.
You’re really fucking reaching now.

/giphy reach
these bottles have a dumb rubber stopper in the cap that can pop out on its own, keep an eye on it.
also easy to push it in accidentally
You guys are making me look forward to Saturdays even more than usual.

/giphy super shitty stuff Saturdays
@narfcake That has a nice ring to it!
@sammydog01 They stopped Two-for-Tuesdays morphed into sometimes other than two, Speaker Dock Fridays is gone … something had to take its place, I guess.
Been using meh since it began and used woot! Back when he owned that website. Things are turning to shit, anymore. The last 6 months has been getting worse and worse for both quality and value. Guessing it’s too much competition.
These “fun bundles” are like listening to that one really good radio hit one time too many.
/giphy uptown funk

@wishlish I prefer this version:
/youtube Dark Lord Funk
So I’m tempted to keep checking back until some one buys one. Is that sad? Or is it more sad that Meh put up something and 10 minutes in, nobody is interested.
@Odysseus1001 If fifteen dollars wasn’t over my direct-to-Goodwill budget I would buy one just to be first.
@Odysseus1001 problem is I am interested - I love the diffuser bottles - what is rejecting my order because it can’t decide but I’m interested in! I Will. cry myself to sleep
@sammydog01 Sooo … it’s about $15 too high, right? Besides, that $15 could a week’s worth a catshirts from Goodwill.
@Odysseus1001 No buyers, no need to work.
@narfcake $15 would buy a lot of stuff from Goodwill.
@Odysseus1001 we are now 25 minutes in and no sales. I most likely would of purchased this if the price was around $9.
@sammydog01 Yep … like a week’s worth of catshirts.
Absolute garbage. Might be time to cancel VMP. I haven’t seen anything worthwhile in some time.
@osiris3mc you speak like I think. Key word in your comment: “might”.
Let’s just admit it, VMP is some kind of odd and nefarious drug.
@RedOak Yeah, you got me there. While I want to quit, something in the back of my mind makes me check meh every night at midnight. Dammit.
/giphy going out of business

Seriously … is this what’s about to happen?

/giphy noooooo!
@sammydog01 too short, what happened next???
@sammydog01 When that sick, sinking feeling is not imaginary.
@RedOak I couldn’t find that one, but he appears to be properly roped, so hopefully he ended up like this:
(edit: YT link)
@gregormehndel thx - that came to a satisfying ‘oh shit’ end!
@sammydog01 I just spent way too much time looking for the source of that. The good news is, the climber was ok. The bad news is, you have to buy a DVD made in 2005 to see the rest of it. Details in this Reddit thread:
@demonbane And that would be why you don’t free ice climb.
@demonbane Thanks! Who would have thought that repeatedly whacking a giant icicle with a machete would cause it to break?
Perhaps if no one buys one, they will extend the sale through Sunday. Perhaps lower the cost a dollar a day just to see what the magic number is.
Y U NO take my moneys???
@patmorita because you’re not handing it to us. You’re doing that weird thing where you set the money on the counter, with the change on the side, like a heathen.
@patmorita Ok we’ll take your money now! Sorry, we were being overly picky about money before but we’re not at all picky now.
@patmorita U admitting UR trying to buy 1?
Hey, sorry about this - I just realized we didn’t have inventory quantities set up right for this. I know that had to be really frustrating to the teeming masses so very excited to buy this from us. I really hate to have disappointed the huge crowds out there who so desperately wanted to buy this.
It should be purchasable now. I’ll sit back and watch the floodgates open - buy away!
/giphy crickets

@dave no worky (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ …
I think many of us was really hoping that meh didn’t really have any of this shit and just wanted to take the day off or something.
It’s Catuday. Can’t you sell a catshirt or something?
Ah well. I’ll go buy them elsewhere. As long a Rutledge gets some of my money, it’s all good, right?
Ooooook. Now! Now it is working. Double-sorry about that.
@dave it worked!!! ┬─┬⃰͡ (ᵔᵕᵔ͜ )
@narfcake i bought a really cool birthday catshirt from crazy shirt yesterday on my actual bithday
thought of you when i bought it

@narfcake thanks
i’ll try to past a pic when i get home from SF
Just another example that Meh’s strategy is, the higher the traffic, the crappier the product(s).
Saturday Meh is that fugly guy at the bar that hits on EVERY chick, because one of them is bound to be desperate/drunk/stupid enough to leave with him.
@GeckoD high effort, high likelihood of an acceptable outcome. I like this guy’s drive and strategic mindset.
@GeckoD It’s still just a numbers game. Keep asking one after another until you receive a yes. Oh and have no standards. That helps.
Throw in a fifth of vodka and you’ve got a deal!
Only 3 sold 45 minutes into it? Terrible.
Value = 0
@mcemanuel Read above. There were some setup issues earlier.
$20 to much
Don’t buy this if you are drunk, else, when it arrives you will feel same way as you feel when you look at your spouse and three of your kids. About model number…completely ungoogleable(New word?). PPK obviously Party Pooper Kit, UN unusable, GGHHH = Great Greatest Hornia Hurting Horon ( meh way of saying moron we can sell you anything if we use word Party, u idiot).
The lack of candy corn in the deal made it a game breaker.
Instructions need work: first 3 or 4 are too readable, except you forgot to say “(included)” on the disposable ventilator. It got better after that, probably after you started consuming the vodka you failed to include to make this deal worth $15.
You’ve sold 12 in 8 hours. Please consider donating your candy corn, floppy hats, water bottles, and disposable breathalyzers to the red cross (or goodwill) and consider them a tax writeoff. Or deliver them by the truckload to the unlucky shmuck who wins the fuku lottery. P.s. please do not send them to me because my wife would kill me.
Meh, you got me longing for the good old days:
Nineteen, you sold 19 of those.
If you bought these crappy products separately (based on meh prior sales) you would spend $15.60.
You can get it all in one totally useless bundle for $0.60 cheaper.
Just as a big thank you (or is it a FU) for being a meh shopper.
@MrMark nice work. Thx. Wew, and to think I was on the fence on this bundle of wonderfulness.
So what’s the worst selling Meh offering of all time?
I think it’s cool how you can count out on the map where each one sold.
/giphy crap bundle

On the plus side, since this is the warehouse floor sweepings, you never know what other goodies might be in the box…
Awesome writeup. But you missed an opportunity to get rid of those floppy hats -
Step 13: Put the veil (not included) on your face to avoid shame.
Could also throw some candy corn into the infusers for laughs. Mm mm… Candy corn flavored water!
Not like it could get much worse…
I’m I the only one that thinks they sell things like this so that they can play catchup or inventory the warehouse?
@KMakato That’s my thought too.
@KMakato I figured they gave everyone but one lonely shipper the day off.
10:13am and only 17 sold. Way to go meh
Uhhh Ohhh these might show up in the next fuko. Bleh.
@Kidsandliz I’m amazed that you still haven’t received any blame for this.
@Kidsandliz no might about it
@Kidsandliz I learned my lesson on the last Fuko … and thankfully, my only Fuko.
@narfcake This one is beyond just blaming me. Need to blame something bigger!
@RedOak I had several good fukus and one half way decent fuko and the rest weren’t worth the postage, let alone what was in them.
@RedOak It’s pretty much why I’ve shrugged off the last few times they were offered.
OTOH, Woot promises disappointment with their BOCs … which has been false advertising. They weren’t disappointing at all!
(Fine, @kidsandliz. You get an unblame for that.)
Needs Narcan
Meh, cut your looses. Throw this junk, all the sharp things, and the candy corn into a FUKO and be done with it. You get rid of it, we buy what we know is a box of junk, everyone is happy.
i don’t see why this wouldn’t help you survive an after party tho…
Serious question: Is meh just having a long unannounced “going out of business” sale?
@joe1098 They’re in the process of moving to a new facility so my guess is no.
Can’t believe even 17 people bought this.
@Fuzzalini Up to 24. Must have been an exciting hour.
@cinoclav perhaps what has been demonstrated with this unintentional (?) experiment - that when the goods truly are mediocre, if you stall the system for 5-10 minutes at opening like last night, the spontaneous early jumpers have just enough time to come to their senses…
And once that initial surge doesn’t happen, the spin isn’t there for the subsequent crowd of jumpers.
… either that or this stuff truly is crap.
Now up to 29… world record I’d bet for the least bought. Now had they included enough beer or wine for people to actually need the contents they might have sold some…
This makes me sad.
Dang, if only there was the candy corn in the mix, I’d be in for a set!
@Kimbob252 I know! Right?
My spider sense is telling me these “bundles” aren’t working…
@tomdina My Stabby Bundle was awesome.
Well today’s sale is not paying the bills at Meh. Heck it’s not evening paying for the Shit-B-Gone Toilet Paper.
I am pleased to see no one in my state bought this.

/image smart NJ
@looseneck I was thinking the same thing about my state to your west.
I can’t see why you would need any of this stuff for a post party.
Is this the lowest-selling Meh offering to date?
@windowphobe I don’t think so. @sligett referenced the Fire HDX tablets that sold 19 units.
If you count Mehrathon items, several of the really great items only had a couple of units to sell.
@djslack Thank you, thank you. (Residual guilt: ERASED.)
@windowphobe the number after the price is units sold.

@RiotDemon So the Post-Party Kit’s 36 sales are, um, mediocre. Imagine that.
@windowphobe I would say that a bottom ten out of over a thousand is anything but mediocre.
Wow. 23½ hours and only thirty-five sold?

/giphy pathetic
you actually sold 36 of these?
I just got mine and it has four bottles instead of two. So nice i guess?