Post entertaining signs the highway folks put out
11On the highway overhead message boards the messages up today (instead of how much time until certain exits, accidents, etc.) are:
Recent ones:
He knows who has been bad or good
Speeding is being bad -
Dashing though the snow
So you need to buckle up -
Texting and driving will get you on the naughty list.
And from several years ago:
Turn signals, the original instant message.
Use yours.
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There used to be one on the Merritt Parkway in CT that read - Depressed Storm Drains. I know you shouldn’t take depression lightly, but it made me giggle every time I saw it.
Around here we recently had
Santa sees all
So Buckle Up
A little while back we had one I guess reminding you not to leave your baby in the car that included a grammatically awkward “Where is baby?” It led me instead to scour the shoulders and medians for mislaid infants, hoping they at least put them in a Waldo-esque red and white striped onesie. The next day the message was rephrased “where’s the baby” and the day after that it was gone.
@djslack Reading that Santa one - it sounds familiar. Thinking about it I think that Santa one was out there on the other side of town. These folks must have a forum where they dream this kind of stuff up and share it.
@Kidsandliz Or worse yet, it’s like morning radio and they pay for a subscription for the ideas.
@djslack How is babby formed?
@djslack Well if they do that we should figure out where they buy them from and then sell them ideas. Those of us who post here are just demented enough we could probably come up with some good ones (and with a little bit of effort even make them clean).
@djslack Well, we know they didn’t put baby in the corner. Nobody does that.
@djslack @therealjrn what’s a babby?
@djslack @moonhat babby is a dumb internet meme thing. I’ve never quite understood it.
@djslack @moonhat @therealjrn
How girl get pragnet?
Edit for clarity:
@djslack @Kidsandliz UDOT takes suggestions, so have at it.,V:2,72281
Three lines, seventeen characters per line.
This is happening.
Click it or
Be scraped off
The pavement
Seeing two signs?
Pull over
You’re drunk
Today’s hi speed
6.706e+8 mph
Don’t even try
@djslack Go get 'em everyone!
Along the lines of @AnnaB’s sign, there’s a “Do not pick up hitchhikers” sign in a nearby town that is posted just before a funeral home/mausoleum/cemetery. I giggle every time I see it.
@msklzannie Is there a detention facility nearby too?
@narfcake Good guess. I believe there’s a halfway house in the vicinity. It still amuses me though.
I saw this one a while back. It looks like it says something else.
@PooltoyWolf Finally. This guys has been trying to cross the road for the last 800 miles.

@cinoclav Hahaha oh no!
@ruouttaurmind Of course “hacking” means using the widely know default passwords that nobody bothers to change. If there’s even a password set.
That’s not hacking, it’s an open invitation.
The there was the time a TV station had an open, unmonitored, feed to its school and road closure scroll at the bottom of the screen. Hijinks ensued.
(I’ll leave it to @carl669 to post the town sign for Fucking, Austria.)
@narfcake dammit, i’ve become predictable.
@carl669 And yet, you haven’t posted the actual sign.
@narfcake Here’s your Fucking sign.

Pass this every summer for the last 10 years at least. Still funny.

@mike808 heh… there’s one in this area says… dry creek Marina. Then there’s Little Yellow Creek. Not driving out to get the pic tho… it’s about a hundred miles from here.
Sign on a cemetery on the east side of Cleveland, OH:
Drive carefully. We will save your space.
Sign in Colorado reads”Dam Road Closed”
Jalopnik has you covered. Including several galleries.
Don’t try this at home. Seriously, you don’t have a road sign at home, do you?
UDOT comes up with a lot of good ones, this is my favorite.
@blaineg Yeah that one is good.
A collection of UDOT messages.
@blaineg They say the UDOT never used the same message twice, but within 18 examples these pop-up Pulitzers manage to post a dupe.
/giphy facepalm

@blaineg those are good.
@djslack Even worse is that UDOT does reuse some messages. Though the more clever and topical ones tend to be single use.
@blaineg @djslack here is another one I have seen more than once
Drive Hammered, Get Nailed
God moves in a mysterious way. You don’t have to. Use your turn signals.
Not exactly on topic, but the only thing better than this Roadrunner tunnel, is that someone tried it. He’s standing right there!
@blaineg MEEP MEEP!
Not a highway sign, but still a favorite. Actual sign in Gunbarrel, CO.

Not everyone gets the humor…
@elliedan OMG. I’m glad to know it’s the town name, but…WTF?
@elliedan That’s how I deal with suffering animals
Yesterday we drove past someone changing their tire under a freeway sign that said “properly inflate your tires”. I always laugh when I see the AZ dust storm highway signs. There’s sort of a Schrodinger’s Cat quality to the phrasing that tickles my funny bone.

This is compounded by the paradoxical thought that if you can see the sign there is no dust storm and if there is a dust storm you cannot see the sign.
@moondrake I had a fun one years ago on the motorcycle. We were a group of six motorcycles traveling across southern Nevada, and I was towards the back of the group. Up ahead I thought I saw a pair of dust devils, one on each side of the road. “That’s unusual” I thought.
I was surprised to see each bike get tossed right, then left. The truth didn’t dawn until I hit it myself. It wasn’t a pair of small dust devils, it was single large one centered on the road, kicking up dust on both sides of the road.
That was exciting!
@moondrake If there is a dust storm, is there really a sign at all?
Town signs you will see in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania:

Today was “There is no reindeer named Speedy”
@djslack Somebody is good. Today I wasn’t on the highway to see if they have changed the two here.
@djslack But there is a Dasher and a Comet.
best i can come up with on short notice…
@earlyre I was just in (the) Bat Cave two months ago.

@earlyre Bat labels!
UDOT for the release of The Force Awakens.
More UDOT.
@blaineg And an Imgur dump.
They’ve done messages for several Marvel movies.
didn’t post there before, because they aren’t Highway signs, just(somewhat) humorous billboards/roadside signs/etc…

New today:
Buckle up Yule be happy you did.
Yesterday it was:
Christmas trees get lit not drivers. Drivers drive sober.
They are doing this in Ohio too, not just where I live
Saw this on I-90 this evening:
He sees you when you’re speeding.
Don’t drive if you’re Tipsy, Buzzed, or Blitzen.
Today it was:
If you drive while hammered
You’ll get nailed.