@Yoda_Daenerys Relief cuts are cuts you make in the waste section of the wood that allow the blade some relief when cutting in tight curves where blade might bind. They are commonly perpendicular to the intended final cut and done before the final cut. This is an example
Ooh, flames!
I’m glad I got to watch seasons 1 and 2 in the super cut.
This is torture watching these short episodes. I want to see those things mounted already.
@RiotDemon agreed, our family used to wait for 24 to come out on DVD and power watch it
This might have been the longest PHC episode yet? Could totally have been two episodes. YAY FIRE.
/giphy fire torch
Grreeeat tips, excellent episode, will extrapolate the dimensions for mounting the human heads in my freezer.
TIL telegenic is a word. Thanks @matthew!
/giphy burn it!
I think that “the slow process of meat decaying in water” is the pinnacle of video entertainment!
Thinner blade and relief cuts will help with the squareness of curved cuts with a jig saw
@pburkej please explain relief cuts
@Yoda_Daenerys Relief cuts are cuts you make in the waste section of the wood that allow the blade some relief when cutting in tight curves where blade might bind. They are commonly perpendicular to the intended final cut and done before the final cut. This is an example
@pburkej this one photo may have just changed my life
@willrobot Well that is a relief
This video burns me up …
Go Grayling Michigan Vikings!
I appreciate the extra steps in this series
Hardly any duck heads in this video.