Ok, so I was woefully behind on these, as in I hadn't seen a single one. So I just watched the entire duck head series thus far...
I totally get the idea of doing this in general. What I can't figure out is what kind of sick freaks would post this on an e-commerce site... but then again, that's probably why I love this place.
I ducking love this series!
OOOUUUHH, bet that bucket catches you a rat or a squirrel... uumm, yuuumyyy...
@SILINT Then we are guaranteed a Series 4!
Yay Progress!!!!
Ok, so I was woefully behind on these, as in I hadn't seen a single one. So I just watched the entire duck head series thus far...
I totally get the idea of doing this in general. What I can't figure out is what kind of sick freaks would post this on an e-commerce site... but then again, that's probably why I love this place.
Ooh, bleaching next time!
Are those black specs ants? And I must have missed how we got multiple pieces for each skull now.